Few things I want to point out. You haven't played it much (you just bought), so you don't know community. It is friendly if you know with who to play with, but you ragequitted, so gave a "nice" impression. Also, in LoL, WC3 it's no better. There are ragequitters, spammers, rages, etc. everywhere.
Moreover, it's not as rip off, as LoL, HoN. It's most different from original DoTA (i hope yu played enough to see the difference?).
As for money issues, I think it is possible to get them back...
Lags? People understand lags differently. There are absolutely flawless games, however if game is not good enough, even flawless lags, won't help it to get some people attention. There are great games with slight to big lag (you can manage it to get slight by arranging players, etc), which are amazing. And yeah Demigod is a great game, this you cannot deny. Lag issues, etc, are a problem though.
Overall impression. You bought the game, tried few matches, got laggy games (well... you can call it a "luck"), and started saying how this game is bad. You think 99% games are laggy? have you played 100 or more games to be that accurate? I guess no. Have you played all matches possible - 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, to know how people, connections affect lag? - No.
So, thank you, for effort to "play" this game and wish you best luck in some other one 
P. S. Be careful in judging games in future. First impression may not always be right (from my experience) and before buying, better know that the game is worth your money.