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Morality & hedgehogs

By on November 3, 2010 9:56:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums





Fable of the porcupine

It was the coldest winter ever. -  Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together.  This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions even though they gave off heat to each other. After awhile, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. This way they learned to live with the little wounds that were caused by the close relationship with their companion, but the most important part of it, was the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.
The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but the best is when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities

The Moral of the story..........LEARN TO LOVE THE PRICKS IN YOUR LIFEJ

+16 Karma | 16 Replies
November 3, 2010 10:23:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This made me sad. I miss Linux

November 3, 2010 1:02:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums




also this is where my old username came from. Only the bar song version of it

Also, hedgie's don't have quills, they have spines. Quills have poison in them, and the tips of quills are removeable. Spines aren't. 

November 3, 2010 2:58:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Haha thanks Hedgie for the info !

I received the above email today and thought it was funny that it included Hedgie pictures for a story describing porcupines.

Of course the pictures made me think of you (not the story though) and the story made me laugh, so i posted it



also, after my wife saw the pictures she said she wanted us to have a hedgehog

do you want a free place to live?  lol


November 3, 2010 3:11:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


November 3, 2010 5:06:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

when queen of thorns becomes the goddess, nature with your little hedgehogs will all suffer!

November 3, 2010 7:50:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_ZEX,
you're right on the big part

November 5, 2010 11:53:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you do get a hedgie, I pray to the gods I don't believe in that you don't have to go through him/her getting WHS

November 5, 2010 12:14:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yea i read about WHS - very sad

December 13, 2010 9:37:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I didn't initially notice this but ... the images in the OP are actually baby echidnas. (echidnae?)

December 13, 2010 9:58:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

nope, them are hedgies although i had to google it to make sure lol

December 13, 2010 11:08:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Google baby echidna. It's the first image  

Google wouldn't lie to you, would it?

December 13, 2010 11:12:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_Splitshadow,
Google baby echidna. It's the first image  

Google wouldn't lie to you, would it?

google hedgehog you can find the same image.....

Don't rely on a search engine to make you seem smart.

December 13, 2010 11:44:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
December 14, 2010 12:14:12 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

why do i want to ban you after that post... heh

December 14, 2010 1:26:35 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting GM-McShane87,
Echidna's are disgusting

I couldn't stop watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG

December 14, 2010 11:15:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_ZEX,

Quoting OMG_Splitshadow, reply 11Google baby echidna. It's the first image  

Google wouldn't lie to you, would it?

google hedgehog you can find the same image.....

Don't rely on a search engine to make you seem smart.

than what do we have google for?

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