Erm ok.....
We were up against a good player and a noob. So I took random. Not because I have mastered the game inside out, far from it. But because looking at the stats it would have been a stomp if we both went with tier 1’s. The guy had about 70 games and 35%. Although I admit the other guy had great stats But then so do you, so I tried to balance out against the noob.
I got DA, which was good. Not a character I play a lot, but I wanted a challenge so ideal. It helped balance the game. It seemed however, you don’t really like a challenging game. You want a stomp as you mention above. Fine, its that’s your thing and you just care about stats, I don’t, I’m more interested in having a tough game that makes you feel you have achieved something.
And yes, it’s perfectly true erb got me by chasing me down back past my towers a couple of time. However, in all fairness if the game was quiet so laggy I definitely would have got my pot away in time. But fair play, yes I did die a couple of times early on while I was getting use to DA, not great but not a disaster, and in fairness DA get stronger later.
The third death was a real eye opener though. You came over with your sed and with full health and mana. Your just by behind the tower. So as you come I tail erb and pull him back to the tower. You are within healing range, and you did, nothing. No heal, no monks, not even auto attack. The guy killed me as I ran past you and you did nothing, not even touch him. I thought maybe your phone had just rung or something, and it’s not in my nature to stress at people, so I let me go and didn’t say anything.
You also died fight 1v2 I might add. After I said ‘OOM’ and ‘b’ follow by ‘back’ I had to withdraw or be killed, yet you stayed sat in the middle. I tried to encourage you to withdraw, you didn’t move. I assumed you were still on the phone or something and still distracted.
So after that I avoid any fighting, and just look to hold flags (cat 2v2) and level up. Now lets look at the good side. We were both higher level than them. We were warscore 3 going on 4, while they had just got 2. All we needed to do was pace ourselves, level up and maintain warscore. Its easy to turn around a game if you try.
However, with the game not even 5/6 minutes in you announce on ALL that your quitting. And you sit by the regen crystal.
True we were behind on a couple of early kills, but we were ahead on level and warscore. We could have won despite having worse demis then them.
But I can guarantee if you just sit by the regen crystal without even trying to play than we are going to loose. I tried very nicely to encourage you that we could win, and I most defiantly believe we would have done. I have come back from far worse many times by sticking it out.
Maybe you have never won a game that did not start well. Maybe you have no interest in playing games that might actually be challenging as opposed to stomping unbalance teams. Personally when i see unbalanced teams I pick a lower tier demi or go random, to make it interesting. I see that to do so with you was a mistake because you give up trying if things don’t start great. You have no interest in anything that is not a stomp fest.
Maybe you should stop worrying about your stats so much. Stop trying to play against teams were from the stats and the demi selection the game was over before it started.
The games that make you a better player are not the ones where you had the advantage all along. They are the ones were you have the disadvantage. Where things are tough.
If you think I’m a bad player, fine, think whatever you like mate. But how about you play me 1v1 and see what happens.
(By the way I’m far worse with Occ than I am DA, but I would have stuck with it anyway)