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Convince me not to buy an Alienware Aurora

By on October 19, 2010 4:14:48 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums


Join Date 07/2010

I've wanted an Alienware for quite a while but I imagine there are probably better or more affordable custom options out there. What are the good sites for gaming rigs these days? Looking for something right around $1500.00 doesn't have to be TOP of the line obviously, but want dual video cards and liquid cooled. Advice?

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October 20, 2010 4:27:46 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Build it yourself!

Its a waste of money to buy from one of those vendors, and its fun and informative to build one yourself.  Plus you can get exactly what you want/need based on your lifestyle.

This system guide is a little bit out date but you can check newegg for newer deals. You can probably save $$ by not getting a blu-ray drive and re-using a dvd drive from an older computer. You can also buy an extra graphics card for SLI. If you don't want a sound card either, you are looking at ~1300 for a powerful system that has a very nice case.

(note that prices for some components has dropped, so the total price of the suggested system unmodified would be $1250, as of this post)

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October 20, 2010 5:07:27 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Put me solidly in the Build Your Own camp. is a great site for checking up on where the sweet spot is in the price/performance evaluations.

I've had numerous problems with Dell, but mostly on the tech-support side - hours on the phone trying to diagnose a problem, and when they said they couldn't fix it, they told us to return it and re-purchase it.  They would not honor their old sale price.  The computers themselves are as stable as you're going to get for the price.

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October 20, 2010 4:50:53 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Yeah, I should say, you're probably better off with a Dell (or maybe a Gateway? Do they still even make those?) than you are an HP or a Compaq. Still, as the rest of the choir has said, building your own is cheaper, and you learn VALUABLE skills in the process. Just helping some of my friends build their own PCs has taken them from tech illiterate to semi-functional.

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October 20, 2010 10:37:22 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I've done lots of Dells & Gateways and other brands at work and at home, but my current favorite for general-purpose computers is Systemax, especially the build-to-order options from TigerDirect.  Less bloatware than Dell Dimension or XPS; more expandable than Dell Optiplex or a Vostro with comparable case size.  Good support.  Their main weakness is lame diagnostic software compare to Dell.  Also they don't have so much is specialized gaming rigs, so probably not much help to the OP.

PS, Dell support can be a lot easier to deal with if you run their (excellent) hardware diagnostics in advance and can tell them in the original call that their own software says the memory controller (or whatever) is bad and you need a replacement motherboard.

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October 20, 2010 11:11:59 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

If you want an awesome gaming laptop.... alienware is probably your best bet.

As far as desktop, you can probably get better deals if you custom build it and find items on sale.  Though I don't know, because I've never had an alien ware desktop.

I am definatly satisfied with my M15x.... well worth the $1500 I spent on it. 

Quoting 4Nana,
Buy an Alienware.  You are clearly a person who cares about namebrand recognition.  Building your own pc can be satisfying and give you better goods at a cheaper price, but it just doesn't have that "LOOK @ ME I HAVE _____ SUPER AWESOME BRAND" written all over it.  

Your assuming that everyone buys Alienware computers because of the name. 

That is a not the case.  I bought mine because I could easily get a good customized gaming laptop without much hassel.  Since I was busy, and they had many customizable options for their laptops, plus good rated gaming laptos (see review above), I went with alienware.

Quoting Nenjin,
I just hate their business practices from top to bottom, and my experience with their hardware and devices is that they're cheap and have a very short lifespan, possibly intentionally. I like to believe that, in the free market system, if you run a business terribly and produce a crappy product, you fold. Dell constantly refutes that, and has survived some stuff that most companies would not have. So I kind of have to believe they have a pact with Satan. It's what helps me sleep at night.

I have not had any problems with thier business practices.  All business try to lower thier prices by using the cheapest parts they think are reasonable.  It has nothing to do with Satan, but more with business logic.

Quoting Nenjin,
People still actually buy Alienware? Hasn't it been pretty much proven that you pay extra for the logo and that's about it?

Actually the extra money is probably because of the "free" Alien Ware Software, and "free" customize options you get with the computer that you don't really need.  Not just the logo.

If you want a computer that JUST does its job, don't care about appearances, or you are trying to save money don't buy alienware.  You can probably custom build a product that performes just as well for cheaper. 

If you really want your name branded on the computer, and facial recognition software..... realize that you are infact paying for that stuff even though thier website says those options are free.


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October 20, 2010 11:21:32 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

meh ibuypower seems way better and heck you can get AMD with it.

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November 11, 2010 5:25:45 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Used to build my own PC's, but the investment in time to find the best components to go together as well as no warranty has put me off that idea - well, that, and custom PC's has come down in price a LOT.

Personally I buy my PC's from, but I'm guessing it's not available over there, wherever 'there' is. I can customize their base models a lot - in fact, everything from the chassis and in can be changed, and the component selection is top-brand stuff (as well as cheaper options).

(The same store also sells the components individually, at HIGHLY competitive prices, and there's no markup to buy them in an assembled PC. Caveat: Hasn't checked prices lately. Most stores known to be cheap tend to increase prices once they have a name for it.).

Last PC I bought - the one I write this on - I designed for the express purpose of being as quiet as possible. It remained that way until I changed a few components.

With that said, I've also had a Dell computer and I have no problem recommending that. However, Dell is also the owner of Alienware now, so my impression is Alienware is now 'Fancier Dell's with a more expensive logo'. And fancy does not equal good.

 Another detail is that for me my PC is a piece of furniture in my living room. I really do not want it to have all these lights and crap. I want a plain, black, quiet, case with high performance.

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November 12, 2010 3:50:53 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I take back my Dell statement. I found that ASUS had more bang for the buck: (its in norwegian - click on Utvidet Info to get the full spec). In USD its $2000.


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November 12, 2010 7:45:34 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I bought an Alienware Aurora about 3 Months ago, and wrestled with the same things people have stated here before doing it.


1 YR Financing, No Interest:  Seems lame, but for me, let me get more PC without the hassle.  Make SURE you pay it off before 1 YR though, or all the interest comes due from day 1.

Sales:  I was in no hurry when I bought my PC, and so I watched online by Googling "Dell Coupons" to make sure I got every last obscure coupon listed.  By doing that, and taking your time, you can get like 5% for using their financing option PLUS 20% off for a big sale (mine was back-to-school sale) PLUS free shipping.

Nice Gear:  You may poke fun at the idea of an Alienware, but, you can build some monsters on that site.

You are not building it yourself:  I remember breaking a MOBO way back in the 90s, and have been turned off to self-built PCs since.


It is Dell:  They hit a low point in the last decade, but I see them clawing their way back to respectable lately.

You are not building it yourself:  As I said above, I broke a MOBO way back, but this doesn't mean you suck as much as me, maybe you could put together a nice lasting PC with just parts!  Not for me though.


So in short, for me, it was the right choice.  My own budget and the financing option let me get a lot more PC for the buck, after getting some 25% off by watching for sales, then I could of at IBUYPOWER, or whatever.  YMMV bro.  But I love my Alienware Aurora

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November 25, 2010 9:49:55 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

ok built my own computer crosshair IV formula for a mobo, it was my first time too not hard if you just make sure everything is compatible.

got 8 gb of ram and two xfx hd 6870s in crossfire and amd phenom II 6x 1090t, far better to make your own and you get to pick the case! as well as the price tag.

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November 29, 2010 7:59:46 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Just make your own. You will get a much better machine than Alienware will sell you for a much better price.

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