If you want an awesome gaming laptop.... alienware is probably your best bet.
As far as desktop, you can probably get better deals if you custom build it and find items on sale. Though I don't know, because I've never had an alien ware desktop.
I am definatly satisfied with my M15x.... well worth the $1500 I spent on it.
Buy an Alienware. You are clearly a person who cares about namebrand recognition. Building your own pc can be satisfying and give you better goods at a cheaper price, but it just doesn't have that "LOOK @ ME I HAVE _____ SUPER AWESOME BRAND" written all over it.
Your assuming that everyone buys Alienware computers because of the name.
That is a not the case. I bought mine because I could easily get a good customized gaming laptop without much hassel. Since I was busy, and they had many customizable options for their laptops, plus good rated gaming laptos (see review above), I went with alienware.
I just hate their business practices from top to bottom, and my experience with their hardware and devices is that they're cheap and have a very short lifespan, possibly intentionally. I like to believe that, in the free market system, if you run a business terribly and produce a crappy product, you fold. Dell constantly refutes that, and has survived some stuff that most companies would not have. So I kind of have to believe they have a pact with Satan. It's what helps me sleep at night.
I have not had any problems with thier business practices. All business try to lower thier prices by using the cheapest parts they think are reasonable. It has nothing to do with Satan, but more with business logic.
People still actually buy Alienware? Hasn't it been pretty much proven that you pay extra for the logo and that's about it?
Actually the extra money is probably because of the "free" Alien Ware Software, and "free" customize options you get with the computer that you don't really need. Not just the logo.
If you want a computer that JUST does its job, don't care about appearances, or you are trying to save money don't buy alienware. You can probably custom build a product that performes just as well for cheaper.
If you really want your name branded on the computer, and facial recognition software..... realize that you are infact paying for that stuff even though thier website says those options are free.