Anyway, in the past, people have simply opened threads indicating players to avoid.
I've decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and spoken to him in Impulse chat. He claims: (a) that his computer just disconnected all of a sudden; (
that he was winning anyway, and since my tone was so aggressive (it wasn't) he isn't going to collaborate. FYI, the situation at the moment when his computer so conveniently disconnected was as follows: 6 out of 9 flags mine, gold permanently locked, warscore 11000:6000, my giants have taken half of his towers down, while all of mine were intact... You get my drift, and if you don't - well, I have the replay then. Look, I don't care much about stats: I host 1v1 (see below) games just to experiment with new setups, knowing I'll probably be forced to concede. Hell, I even concede when I'm in a winning position, but have absolutely no interest in the current match going on for another 10 minutes! What bugs me here is this approach: talking noobs into playing with him (he was well-spoken and cultured), then quitting when they suddenly begin to bash him.
Well, that and I don't enjoy 1v1 all that much
Neither do I. It's a team game, goddamit!
But the difference between us is I have a lot to learn about this game yet. Now, experimenting mid-game in 2v2 or 3v3 would be unfair as far as my teammates are concerned. In 1v1, on the other hand, only my own stats suffer from being defeated.