It works on Win 7 x64. You have to use compatibility mode though. If you don't the units will be invisible since the game uses a primitive DirectX or graphicsdriver or something like that.
I tried WBC II and it was fun in campaign mode for its time but with WarCraft III coming out 4 months later its fate was sealed.
It had a really deep hero skillchart (correct word?) where every race and class were unique.
Undead had a set of skills they could "buy" with lvlup points. Minotaur heroes had another one and Humans had yet another one.
Every herotype also had their own skillchart. Warriors had one, Priests had another one and Necromancers yet another one.
But with such a great amount of races and heroes there are bound to be overpowered combinations. F.i, a Minotaur Pyromancer is said to be the best hero in the game. I believe Wood Elf Merchants are also quite powerful.
The really bad things with the game though are:
There's a sweet spot of lvl 15 or so where you can have a fun multiplayer game but if heroes are more powerful then that then it becomes too herocentric like WarCraft III (though the heroes are more in line there.)
I would recommend playing without heroes and instead using a general (it is in WBC III) so it's faction vs faction instead of hero vs hero.
This is a horrible design decision. You know the immortality potion from Heroes IV? It was a desperate solution they made in the last second and this is on par with that.
You start with four towers around your starting area. All races have kinda unique towers (different dmgtype, hp and cost) but they still got around 250hp and 10dps. It makes rushing impossible in balanced games.
- Outdated, ugly graphics and especially ugly UI
I played it like a year ago and the graphics are just too bad. The UI looks crappy as well.

- The high amount of possible race and hero combinations opens the door for broken matchups
This one is confirmed. Minotaur Pyromancer is the best though highlvl hero games is something I consider lame.
Good things about the game:
The first time I started the game, the mainmenu theme blowed me away! It is so POWERFUL and good!
The unitsounds are also cool. The Barbarians sound like a tribe of Vikings or Barbarians going to war. The Undead have varied quotes that range from "There's no peace, for us" by the Skeletonrider to "SO, MUCH, DEATH! by the Liche. Gotta mention the Slayer Knight which sounds quite normal (by aggressive standards) with his: "I'm the slayer!".
Then we go to a WHOLE new lvl with the Doomknight: "MUUURRDEEERRR", "SLAAAYYY!" and "KIIIILL"
The WoodElves sound like wussies & wimps though. Wood Elf Druid: "Is there danger..? <--- OMG....! Their hero sounds good though. Their Titan as well.
Playing through it with a lvl 10 hero can be quite fun but the imbalanced heroes makes an appearence about halfway in. I faced a Human Warrior which I couldn't defeat (and I also had a Human Warrior