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By on September 17, 2010 8:30:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



8 games every 10 are ruined by "no noob". "balance". "need bal". and shit like that.



0 Karma | 33 Replies
October 5, 2010 2:09:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 4Nana,
no, I'm making 2 different points.  The "ITS JUST A GAME" argument is also shot down in general by people who play games for a living.  Also, just on that point, there is money to be made playing demigod (albeit not very much), so saying there isn't any at all is also wrong.


Both sides don't have their points, and your definition for wasting time doesn't really fit.



How many people play Demigod for a living. And for all gaming worldwide; what percentage of the people playing video games make a living off it. THE MAJORITY play for fun, because video games are made for COMSUMERS... That's me. That's everyone else playing games for recreational reasons, not vocational endeavors.

There are people playing the game for fun (not for income), yet as you have expressed If you don't win the game has been a waste of their time....


Being angry because one has lost a match of any game is not only bad sportsmanship it is childish and contrary to the intentions of competition.

In every game someone loses and someone wins. I think the biggest problem with this game is once the game balance tips to one side is a landslide win for that team, the win is apparent after about 15 minutes but takes a further 1/2 hour to finish. But if you concede you're team will rage you for recognizing a lost game. In chess you can concede victory any time - no one will blast you for it, it's the equivalent of a checkmate after 2 hours of play.

It would be too hard to change the nature of the game to allow epic comebacks.... Take Company of Heroes for example. Mid game you start getting slaughtered. At this point if you are good enough at the game you can change strategy and tactics to counter the opposite team's play. If they can't adapt different play style throughout a match they will lose.

In demigod it's Kill - buy better gear, kill easier - buy more gear, Kill more - more ups, Then kill effortlessly for 1/2 hour until it is finally over. I've only played a couple of games where we made a comeback due to opponent's error, but once you're losing the match it's all over.



October 5, 2010 3:21:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No.. I have not expressed that not winning is a waste of time.  A game where one person ruins it is a waste.  I don't care whether I win or lose as long as it was a good game.  If I don't kick the noob on the opposite team and it's clear my team is just going to dominate.. that just won't be fun.  I would much rather kick that person and wait for a good person on the other team so that we can have a close game, even if it's a loss for me.  Having the stat overlay has allowed for much more balanced games to happen, and you don't have to worry about a completely one-sided game nearly as much.

Actually.. there are a LOT of epic comebacks that occur in well balanced games.  Because of the overlay, and adequate balancing, I've played a LOT of excellent games.  Yes.. I kick people, but not just from my team.. from the other team as well.  I'm also willing to play an underpowered setup if stats favor my team more.

The "biggest problem" that you see is because people don't utilize stats and balance out a game.  Removing the overlay would only make this more of an issue.

October 5, 2010 7:27:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 4Nana,
K cya.

Also, winning isn't everything.  In fact, I'm arguing AGAINST that.  I would rather play decent opponents than blast through a bunch of noobs.  I would rather lose to good opponents and have a good game.  You would apparently rather slaughter your opposition or be slaughtered.  But hey, w/e.


Changing something about the game doesn't mean you have to change something to make it worse than it already is.  Changes that would IMPROVE then game include, but aren't limited to:  Reworking the multiplayer aspect so it utilizes less system resources (reducing lobby crashes which happen so often), reworking the ladder system so it is something meaningful rather than complete nonsense (hooray pantheon-only players topping the ladders lol), create a matchmaking system that works well (could only happen after a revamped ladder system).

P.S. I'm repeating the same thing over and over because you simply don't understand it.  I suppose I should have realized earlier that you will never grasp it and move on.. but I had so much hope that you might figure out something so simple.  

Are you really arguing against it? Not really....You are simply arguing against playing with new(and I use that word loosely here) players. You can claim you are trying to protect them all you want, but truth be told you are simply being an elitist. You are creating that hostile enviroment that makes new players want to leave. You claim they just need to do this or that to get games....BS. Theres not much of a community left and by isolating the new players you are only hurting things.

Your way the new player has to hope theres enough other new players to get a game going....If theres not he may just sit there for hours twiddling his thumbs while several elitists have game after game. Or better yet since theres not many other new players he will probably get folks just out for the win at the expense of a new player....

And by the way new player doesn't necessarily mean they are horrible at the game or that they are out to lose. Playing for fun doesn't mean playing to lose either. I play all the games I play casually....does that make me a horrible player? Thats just your elitist attitude showing there bud....Might want to cover that up.

The best solution would to actually be supporting the new players. Heck throw one on each team in a 3 on 3. It would still be fair by your own terms and would allow the new player to get some action and maybe learn a trick or two. Though you wouldn't do that would you? Those dirty noobs might make your game less enjoyable....Demigod is serious business....

And no I've understood your arguements and till this post they were idiotic at best. Even after a point was countered you would keep repeating yourself. As I said you even countered your own point and failed to see/acknowledge it.....Thats just plain stupid. Though hey on the good side of things this post has brought you up from pointless idiotic posts to flawed logic of an elitist asshole. You still fail to make any REAL point though....

I'm not saying stats need to be I said theres arguements for both sides of that and both have their points. What I'm pointing out is that there needs to be a change to promote growth. That is the real topic here...Just the orginal poster felt removing stats was the way to do this. Who knows it might be, but personally I think it would send the elitist community further into its shell....

October 6, 2010 3:05:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It Think the NOOB = cakewalk win and boring statement is true. If you're playing someone who cannot play any better than AI...well you may as well play single player and that's for learners.... SO I have a easy and simple solution for NOOBS to play PRO's. The developers seem to have given up completely on this game anyway so this is prolly a pointless idea:


Firstly, allow a game option "practice skirmish" you can tick this option and the game counts nothing on your stats.

Secondly, HANDICAP options!!!!!!!       The team that seems stacked can have a handicap applied by making all game options in duplicate. One page of options (exactly as they are now) is for Darkness, the other page for Darkness. This way you can give the noobs high experience, high income, high towers... and the Pro team Low towers,normal gold, low experience.....or any combination that will change the dynamics of the game. Your elite-ness will be further worshiped if you can beat the other team whith all low options on your side, and all high options on their side....


My last idea for balancing unbalanced games: Make game options individual to the players... Player 1 is a total noob so give them filthy rich starting gold, and a start level of 4. Player 2 is a mid player so give them high start health (new option idea), Player 3 is a super pro elite #1 ranked OMG_Player, so give them low everything, only 2 item slots, 1 consumable slot, max level 10, and a new demigod that's a fat ugly toad that moves slow.....

Seems the frustration we are experiencing on both sides of this STATS argument are actually the SAME argument. If you can't balance a game, you get frustrated, if you can't get a game you get frustrated. IF a game is, for want of a better description; a waste of time we really don't want it recorded on our stats. So give the host the OPTION to tip the balance of the game for a more level playing field, then NOOBS and PROS can play together in harmony.

So let's agree - not to remove stats but be able to have a no count game.

October 6, 2010 6:52:17 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thank you running man that was a constructive post if ever I've seen one.

October 6, 2010 2:35:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Wildcard,

Changing something about the game doesn't mean you have to change something to make it worse than it already is.  Changes that would IMPROVE then game include, but aren't limited to:  Reworking the multiplayer aspect so it utilizes less system resources (reducing lobby crashes which happen so often), reworking the ladder system so it is something meaningful rather than complete nonsense (hooray pantheon-only players topping the ladders lol), create a matchmaking system that works well (could only happen after a revamped ladder system).

P.S. I'm repeating the same thing over and over because you simply don't understand it.  I suppose I should have realized earlier that you will never grasp it and move on.. but I had so much hope that you might figure out something so simple.  

Are you really arguing against it? Not really....You are simply arguing against playing with new(and I use that word loosely here) players. You can claim you are trying to protect them all you want, but truth be told you are simply being an elitist. You are creating that hostile enviroment that makes new players want to leave. You claim they just need to do this or that to get games....BS. Theres not much of a community left and by isolating the new players you are only hurting things.

Your way the new player has to hope theres enough other new players to get a game going....If theres not he may just sit there for hours twiddling his thumbs while several elitists have game after game. Or better yet since theres not many other new players he will probably get folks just out for the win at the expense of a new player....

And by the way new player doesn't necessarily mean they are horrible at the game or that they are out to lose. Playing for fun doesn't mean playing to lose either. I play all the games I play casually....does that make me a horrible player? Thats just your elitist attitude showing there bud....Might want to cover that up.

The best solution would to actually be supporting the new players. Heck throw one on each team in a 3 on 3. It would still be fair by your own terms and would allow the new player to get some action and maybe learn a trick or two. Though you wouldn't do that would you? Those dirty noobs might make your game less enjoyable....Demigod is serious business....

And no I've understood your arguements and till this post they were idiotic at best. Even after a point was countered you would keep repeating yourself. As I said you even countered your own point and failed to see/acknowledge it.....Thats just plain stupid. Though hey on the good side of things this post has brought you up from pointless idiotic posts to flawed logic of an elitist asshole. You still fail to make any REAL point though....

I'm not saying stats need to be I said theres arguements for both sides of that and both have their points. What I'm pointing out is that there needs to be a change to promote growth. That is the real topic here...Just the orginal poster felt removing stats was the way to do this. Who knows it might be, but personally I think it would send the elitist community further into its shell....

Bah.. forums went down and it ate my earlier post.

Srsly?  I'm elitist because I'm good at the game?  Ok.  I was a noob at one time too.. and I never jumped into high level games off the bat.  I had to gain experience, and if I would have gone into those games, it would be just like I said.. no fun for anyone.  Of course, this was back before the overlay, so occasionally some teams would let me stay and just stomp the crap out of us.  Man I wish I had overlay back then.

Your argument that there are more high level games going on than noob games is ridiculous.. every time I look at the lobby it's full of noob lobbies.

You've already said you're out to win by a huge margin or lose by a huge margin and that that is fun.  You're calling me elitist for saying what you already said?  Ok.

Actually... we do include "dirty noobs" in our games.  WTF is your problem?  Everyone who is good at this game is just a complete douche, you're God Almighty, and you just assume we think low level players are "dirty noobs"?  You've understood nothing.. just taken an argument against a stereotype and ignored everything I've written.  Also, ADDING the overlay was what caused some people to leave, because they couldn't stomp noobs as easily.  Taking it out would just bring those same people back.

People like you are the reason the community is shit.  At least I'm attempting to do something productive towards increasing the community like putting out strategies, encouraging random people I meet to join on vent and play with other people at their skill level, creating shoutcasts, helping out new people with their questions, etc etc.  Wtf have you done again?  Oh ya.. just been a complete dick.

October 6, 2010 6:52:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Way to try and put words in my mouth I've never once said or implied I was out to win or lose by a huge margin. That was some asinine point you came up with to defend a failing position....

And no I called you an elitist because of your attitude....Your skill level in this game has no bearing at all on that. Go reread some of your posts....You might see what I'm talking about. Then again you have shown a knack for missing the obvious.

My arguement about there being more "high level" games? Thats not an arguement thats an observation...Perhaps you notice more "noob" games when you sit down to play, but every single time I've even attempted its either been completely dead or a kickfest.

And you are my problem. Look at the thread again...You've been a complete and utter douche throughout. I even tried to get the thread back on track and everytime I do you try to drag it down to meaningless debates about stupid crap. Then when I finally get fed up and lose my civility you try and backstep your position. Sorry bud your douchebaggery can't be undone...Its out there. Man up and accept you let your ego/anger get the better of you and join the conversation or move the fuck on.


October 6, 2010 7:14:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Your observation is completely faulty.  I've played ~55000 minutes, and I've constantly checked opengames.asp for which games are up / in lobby at all times of day (my playing schedule changes often enough that sometimes I play in the middle of the night, early morning, afternoon, evening, late evening, w/e) and your observation just doesn't fit.  There are always more noob games going on than high level games.  Currently 2/8 games going on are no noobs, 4/8 are noobs, and 2 are unmarked.  As for it being dead.. that doesn't really fit in anywhere.  


No, you called me and several others elitist because we prefer to play with people in my own skill range and we don't want to noob stomp.

If you think calling someone a douche is keeping the conversation on track, I would hate to think what you consider derailing a thread is.

I have yet to put words in your mouth while you've stereotyped me this whole thread.  Please read what you write.. you imply without a doubt more than once that you would rather have games be huge wins or losses, nothing competitive.

Anyway.. going to report the thread to hopefully get it locked.  Once it comes down to calling names any potential discussion has been ruined.

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