Yeah, the one time I tried to play online, I joined a noob server. After waiting 15 minutes I got kicked right before the game started.
Getting kicked from noob games is pretty lame for new players... meh. It sadly happens sometimes though... I strongly suggest you host your own noob or new player games to avoid that mess.
With regards to people stat whoring though, I'm sure some people still do that, but its a bit of an over generalization and perhaps missing the point.
Let's say I'm in a game called 3v3. I join and see people with >300 games on all sides and win % rates around 40-60%. The game has one open slot and a new player joins with a total of 10 games played and a 20% win rate. I know, without a doubt, that the team the new player is on will lose. And so do most seasoned players. This will result in a kick request to the host or the host kicking on his own. Its not because all players want to pad their stats (some do, to be sure), but because its not all that fun to get into a game that is a guaranteed win or loss - and I'd wager most seasoned players would agree with this. Demigod is a game where one weak or inexperienced player can and will very likely lose the game for a team. In addition, if the host is unwilling to kick, then whoever is on the team with the inexperienced player will likely leave and host their own game... and so on. Anyway, in the scenario I described, one of the bigger problems was the lousy game title (3v3). It should have been more descriptive - 3v3 >200 games or 3v3 Mid+ (mid being mid level players (40-50% range typically)). That way, if a new player joins, you just let them know that he needs more experience for this lobby - please read the game titles before joining.
There are still people around that host new player training games and so on. Some people enjoy helping folks learn - I've done that from time to time, but haven't in awhile. Anyway, I know people can be quite rude. Whenever I host, I choose specific game titles - XvX Random Assassin Mid + (XvX Rand Ass Mid+). If a new player joins that game, selects unclean beast and readies up, I explain to them why they won't be playing in this game. Then I give them a chance to leave and then kick if they will not. I'm not doing it to be mean to the new players and I'm certainly not cussing them out, but they don't belong in a Mid + level game anymore than I belong in a new player game.
Darkliath - If you fellas are interested in using voice chat, there's some information over here about a public ventrilo server a bunch of us still use (