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The things ppl do to get good stats :))))

By on September 7, 2010 10:46:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hi all,


Was just looking who the worst player was and it turns out to be FeedmeSeymor :  Upon looking at his stats he seems to play BeastMode613 : and by looking at his games there all about 5-7mins long. LOL

Jesus Beast the things you do to get a good percentage. I know people like good stats but to play yourself is going too far IMO.


Hope you all find it as funny as I did


Regards BananaMan1

+4 Karma | 19 Replies
September 7, 2010 11:03:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

what's most depressing about this is he did it starting in June of this year.. absolutely nobody plays.. I don't see the point of buffing your stats lol.

September 7, 2010 2:44:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

omg!! LOL!

September 7, 2010 5:06:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

glad you liked it Iz_


I cant wait to see him in the lobby

September 7, 2010 5:46:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

heh - oh boy...

Prussian_havok could teach him a thing or 2. 

And agreed - great stats don't matter all that much - as long as you've got some wins under your belt and a halfway decent win %, you can get into most games without an issue.  Of the millions of games that are currently hosted, i mean...

September 7, 2010 9:04:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

beast is my cousin and the teams and games he usually play with won't let me sit in, nor can i find pick up groups because of my stats. the majority of games are short because I like to start with lots of cash. He usually will buy giants and then lock a portal and laugh at me while i scramble to get it back just for him to go lock other one. i would think if anyone here has played with him they would know him enough to know better and those that i have been in game with, with him hopefully would speak up if anyone even comes to the forums. Besides i am sure looking at his own games list would show the games he plays. i don't like it that he calls me to play ONLY when there isn't many people online or cant find a game but it is what it is. Now that that is explained, People have suggested changing my name to reset statistics but that doesn't work so far, if i have to choose between skirmish single player or tournament and playing him, it's playing with him. Beast coaches me alot and i don't understand what the problem is, although he is rough on me  he swears it will make me better lol ? Anyway , I would think if anyone here plays with him they would know how he is but i'm gonna use the spotlight to ask people to play with me and stop bashing noobs ! getting kicked before being able to explain or given a chance is just rude IMO and the community is to small from what i have seen to be THAT picky. Catch me in game and lets play.

September 7, 2010 10:13:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I sent via in game message and am doing here also. I understand why you posted what you did man, it looks odd for people that do not know him or I. But fact is I play him alot and hopefully he will continue to play with me because now he feels he did something wrong. Posting this without knowing the facts and circumstances was immature and irresponsible . He is young and has a hard enough time with online games, his circumstances are his own buisness , but know that both playing them and grouping in them for him is difficult and he plays when he can with me. He followed me here and will follow me to next game after this one dies . He is young and this wasn't fair to him , I started playing this since release , took a break then returned. I am established and play alot with teams and friends. he isn't and I don't know if anyone here has noob friends or family playing but they get bashed hard and not given a chance to prove themselves. In his case I am to blame alot for that because i didn't think about the long term , I frankly didn't think he would stick with the game since he jumps around so much between stuff but he is trying. As a favor , to anyone here that has played with or against me, leave him out of it and keep the spotlight on me . He may get flamed for it but he is young and sometimes sensitive even though it is just a game. I'm not mad at you bananaman although I question why you would post without talking to either me or him first but it's cool. Enjoy your 15 minutes but leave my cousin out of it please. See all in game.

September 7, 2010 10:15:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

heh.  Classic.  Maybe you should find a different teacher than your "cousin."  You are a rare sort that loses a game 132 times with 1 win and still likes playing it.  I don't really enjoy getting my ass kicked repeatedly, but kuddos for your perseverance.  Anyway, worst case you got caught doing some silliness.  Best case, you are training your cousin by repeatedly kicking his ass nonstop.  At any rate, stats schmats. 

edit - anyway, nuff said about your cousin and your teaching him.  No offense and I really wouldn't sweat it.  I honestly don't think anyone around here would care if you were padding your stats - and certainly no one would have a problem with you playing a game with your cousin. 

September 7, 2010 10:18:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Also would like to add that if anyone else would be willing to play / work with him in game by all means add him and give him a shot, he is young but will listen to advice and has a great attitude. He also plays starcraft 2 with me and anyone is welcome to play with us. Hit me up in game.

September 8, 2010 12:21:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmm not trying to sound arrogant, but maybe a litte bit *troll*,

The things ppl do to get good stats, avoiding to play against me

September 8, 2010 5:19:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well no offense meant to either of you.

How old are you Seymor?

So let me get this straight you play each other and every time you start with lots of cash and he buys giants and locks a portal, and you do this every game?!?!?!?!?! Just a thought but didnt you think after the first few times those settings might be a bad idea. That just seems to be the way to get a quick win so the other person doesnt have to concede. But hell what do i know i've only played 630 games.

My advice might be to reset your stats. You said it doesnt work, but it does!!!! Then dont play against your cousin. He isnt teaching you a thing. If he really was a friend why would he constantly hammer you and win every game in under 10mins. Seymor, it is what it is.........

Beast, You say noone will play with him. Well heres an idea why dont you play with him 2v2. Im sure me and another will play against you. Hell i dont even know you and i would play with you if your struggling that much. How about a 2v1 me and you against beast Looking at your games it looks like your cousin has asked you to unplug the mouse at the start of every game.

You wanna play better? Then save a replay and let us see where its going wrong.





September 8, 2010 7:04:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol classic answer...He's my cousin, he's my bro and i teach him how to play and blah blah blah. If u wanna teach it in the same team vs AI

September 8, 2010 8:01:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting GM-Zen_God,
Hmm not trying to sound arrogant, but maybe a litte bit *troll*,
The things ppl do to get good stats, avoiding to play against me

that is not true on lol

September 27, 2010 1:47:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting GM-Zen_God,
Hmm not trying to sound arrogant, but maybe a litte bit *troll*,
The things ppl do to get good stats, avoiding to play against me

Zen you suck. why would anyone be scared of you?

October 3, 2010 5:29:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It's funny how much people care about win or lose in this game. I've never played an RTS before where people get so intensely RAGEY when the tide of the game goes against them.... I win about half of the games I've played and just as happy to lose. I cannot believe the filth that comes out of people's mouths when they are not winning.


Also the few games that get hosted there's a majority of people saying no noobs - how you ever gonna encourage new players heh? It's gonna be real fun when everyone gets sick of the abuse and the few people that care about their stats like it's life or death have no one to play with. - Oh wait that's already happened.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RELEASE A VERSION of demigod that has NO visible stats, game history, win% familiarity BS and the like. That is one of the biggest killers when people don't care about PLAYING, they only care about WINNING. Make it a cheap version like $10 and if people really want to parade their stats, well then they can buy the full version for full price.


One last rant: If you think stats matter, what's your stats gonna matter to you or anyone as time goes by. You gonaa tell your grandkids, "Hey, back in my day I had a 75% win ratio of 2000 games of demigod" - but really that is the situation now. Your stats mean nothing in the real world. I love this game, but now it's kinda working there's too much abuse for such a small community I find myself enjoying it less and less every day.


If the game was released for $10 I'd probably buy 10-20 copies and gift them to my mates, then we'd play password games amongst ourselves.

October 3, 2010 7:30:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

that has been discussed over and over.  Most ppl who experienced DG prior to the overlay agree that the overlay was nice.  Otherwise it was constantly alt-tabbing to look ppl up on pantheon, and it would achieve the same result but it took a lot longer and ppl often crashed while looking up stats.


Releasing a competitive game w/out stats is pointless imo.  Although the current ladder system is pointless so.. I suppose it's similar.

October 3, 2010 9:55:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes I agree the alt-tabbing was a pain - I'm suggesting a Stat-less version for those who want it. So there is NO game info/history/ladder online either. In time you would find the stat mongers coming to join stat-free games just so they can play... And for those same stat minded people, if they are worried about losing a game and don't want the loss stats to count - they could add a game option "skirmish - no stats" mode.

Imagine people not raging because their win streak is at stake, or disconnects no longer a problem because there will be no win or lose that matters - you just PLAY.

Sometimes I play chess with friends. yeah, OLD school chess board. We don't keep a record of our wins/losses. Is it a waste of time to play chess just for the enjoyment? Of course not.

I play Demigod LAN more than I play online, there's no stats for that....

October 4, 2010 1:42:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm suggesting a Stat-less version for those who want it

isn't that on game ranger?

October 5, 2010 2:10:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What is game ranger?

October 5, 2010 1:57:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

A paradise of demigod where people play for fun as there are no stats

Ok, now seriously. Gameranger is a hamachi like program which makes people to play via LAN together. However as it's a LAN game, your matches are not ranked, scored, etc. That means that you only play for fun (usually people even don't concede and play till the end, unless very very bad situation). However sad news. It's nearly dead (if it wasn't so empty I wouldn't have left it and went to... official...). Community doesn't care much about people skills (not many people to choose from, but there are some exceptions who also kick, but where isn't). Long ago I'd have recommended it for new players, but now actually don't know... The ones who still left are quite good, so wouldn't be so equal, but you'd still could get at least one game to see your skills and if you're not bad, you'd be able to always play with them.

Some more points. Connection is more difficult to establish between players, but not so many crashes (and such players like game crashers don't even exist. I am not even sure if it's possible to crash it on purpose  as I've never seen this done, even though I played a lot of games there). Another thing - mods don't work Guess that's all.

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