It's funny how much people care about win or lose in this game. I've never played an RTS before where people get so intensely RAGEY when the tide of the game goes against them.... I win about half of the games I've played and just as happy to lose. I cannot believe the filth that comes out of people's mouths when they are not winning.
Also the few games that get hosted there's a majority of people saying no noobs - how you ever gonna encourage new players heh? It's gonna be real fun when everyone gets sick of the abuse and the few people that care about their stats like it's life or death have no one to play with. - Oh wait that's already happened.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RELEASE A VERSION of demigod that has NO visible stats, game history, win% familiarity BS and the like. That is one of the biggest killers when people don't care about PLAYING, they only care about WINNING. Make it a cheap version like $10 and if people really want to parade their stats, well then they can buy the full version for full price.
One last rant: If you think stats matter, what's your stats gonna matter to you or anyone as time goes by. You gonaa tell your grandkids, "Hey, back in my day I had a 75% win ratio of 2000 games of demigod" - but really that is the situation now. Your stats mean nothing in the real world. I love this game, but now it's kinda working there's too much abuse for such a small community I find myself enjoying it less and less every day.
If the game was released for $10 I'd probably buy 10-20 copies and gift them to my mates, then we'd play password games amongst ourselves.