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Killzone 2 versus Red Faction: Guerilla

By on August 5, 2010 10:30:57 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I'm wondering if anyone has noticed that there's at least some degree of similarity between these two games. I sort of perceive that the terrorist cell in Red Faction is similar to the Hellghast in Killzone while the ISA are similar to the EDF in Red Faction. The difference being is that in each of these games you play from the other faction's point of view. Such that in Killzone you play from the perspective of the EDF (or would that rather be the IDF?) and in Red Faction you play from the perspective of the Hellghast. In the original Killzone, General Adam's speech at the final battle of the game tends to lend more credence to this comparison, since the Hellghast propaganda is such that the ISA are the ones being accused of "imperialism" as part of the rallying effort on the planet Hellghan to actually be the thing of which they are accusing the ISA. In Red Faction, you basically are Hamas or the PLA or one of the other terrorist groups going about seeking freedom for you planet by blugeoning and bashing your enemies, the EDF/IDF as well as generally destroying property and other things which are considered necessary for "liberation". Anyhow, has anyone noticed this other than me?

Also, which game do you like better?

+15 Karma | 1 Reply
August 6, 2010 12:11:59 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I've only played the first Killzone game, but I've seen the walkthroughs of both Red Faction: Guerilla and Killzone 2. I prefer Killzone as a series.

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