So I was thinking Why not have a demigod that can control the forces of time? I call this Demigod Aeon. He is a General type Demigod.
Ever since Aeon was born, the world of Terrala was never the same. As a yong boy, he quickly Learned how to Control things like the density of Gravity Around him and soon enough, He began to discover his true power. If he was excited, Time would Fly. If he was bored, it would slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww down. Soon an organisation of Mages known as the Seekers Discovered Aeon in his home at Alystaim manor. They Kindnaped him and tried to control his powers in order to Make war on the gods and rule in their place. They experimented and Tortured him till He could bear it no longer. In a Sweep of Fury, Aeon roared in pain and suddenly, Time stopped...Literally. He quickly freed himself and walked among his frozen world, alone and the only not trapped by his own Time Rift. He looked at the frozen bodies of his family and said "Ill save you...Ill fix this...Someday..."
Aeon has a rather quiet and philisophical mind set. he is usualy sad and thoughtful, but there can be times when he acts like he just drank 2 liters of cofffee. He has a cross between a British and a Romanian acent.
Aeon's weapon is a gigantic stopwatch on a chain. He uses this like a mace, and some times like a sword ( big sword pops out of the bottom).
#1- Soul Key (Unlocked at LVL 1): passive skill. Whenever Aeon defeats a demigod, he gains a soul key. When he has 13 Soul keys, a self-buff is activated tripiling his stats. this buff lasts for 1 min
#2-Summon Past Selves (Unlocked at LVL 1): Active summoning skill. Aeon summons past versions of himself as his minions. THe more this skill is upgraded, the more of his past selves he can summon
#3- Energy Burst (Unlocked at LVL 1): Active spiker-style attack skill. Attacks a single opponet with a small burst of damage. simmilar to Oak's Surge of Faith
#4- Excite (Unlocked at LVL 3): Active buff skill. Aeon chooses a single target (which can be him). That target gains X2 the Movement speed and attack speed.
#5- Gravity Circle (Unlocked at LVL 8): Active AOE attack skill. Deals some damage and slows down atk speed and movement speed of all enemy minions and demigods in the AOE.
#6- In the Nick of time (Unlocked at LVL 10): passive skill. when Aeon is defeated, he explodes. Dealing tons of damage to the Killer of Aeon.
#7- Time Rift (Unlocked at LVL 15): Active AOE skill. Aeon chooses the AOE and all Units (And I do mean all) in the AOE are frozen in time and cannot do ANYTHING till the skill wears off.
Life and Armour:
Health: 1200 Regen: 10 Armour: 140
Energy: 1000 Regen: 10
Damage: 120 Rate: 0.75 Range: Melee
Movement: 6.3
Strengths: can slow down the advances of opponets and can mass-produce a ton of minions with his Summon past selves skill. His soul key ability is also good for farming demigods.
Weaknesses: Is easily vulnerable to tower and fortress attacks. Aeon's skills also have a major drain on his Mana pool.
"I cannot allow that which would disrupt the flow of Time!"(serious)
"And Time goes on" (Bored)
"And then..." (casual)
While walking:
"I have all the time in the world" (Casual)
"I will mend the wrongs of my world" (serious)
"My life seems an endless road..." (Thoughtfull)
I don't really know how to upload my sketches into my PC, so I found a few screens and Concept artwork on the 'net that may look a bit like Aeon.

Aeon slowly fades to dust as his clock-weapon's hands start pinning excessivley fast. Just before he completley fades, he says "A time to win, and a time to lose,"
aeon slowly appears and says "well that was interesting..."
So whadya think? Post here!