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What happened?

By on July 29, 2010 8:33:24 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Such a beautiful, kickass game... Deserves a better fate.

0 Karma | 22 Replies
July 29, 2010 8:51:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod is a beautiful, beautiful game. It was even made off of the foolproof blueprint of DotA.

The problem is, under the hood Demigod is made of duck tape, paper clips, and used chewing gum.

Nothing works as intended in the Demigod source code.

The game crashes consistently. 

P2P connections are mysteriously flawed, and in-game lobbies crash every other time someone joins.

There is a lack of characters to choose from, and the current ones are not even close to balanced.

There are only three maps that seem to be made by rational human beings, the rest have extremely obvious flaws that make them hard to play on.

July 29, 2010 9:52:04 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Demigod is what happens when your publisher has more passion about the game you're making than you do.

July 29, 2010 10:25:23 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Ultimately two things really conspired against Demigod.

1. The launch was brutal. It's been covered in a few places just what went wrong here, but the short version is that connectivity was a mess. For a predominatly single player game (like say Civ) that's annoying but not the end of the world, but Demigod is a multplayer focused game.

First of all Gamestop broke the street date, so a pirate version was out even faster then usual. That pirate version was connecting to the servers (in numbers far higher then paid for versions) looking for updates, which brought down some servers. They got that fixed, but then the real ugliness reared its head: player connectivity also didn't work very well. I for example couldn't play at all the first week it was out, and could only play on Hamachi (emulating LAN) for another week after that.

Technical details are also elsewhere, but the peer to peer code along with the NAT traversal stuff didn't really work right at launch. Getting into a game where everybody could talk to everybody was all but impossible for large games, and not easy for small games. Many people just couldn't play at all (like me). Those who could wound up using things like Hamachi and Gameranger (recommended by Stardock at one point) to get around the problems.

This was eventually cleaned up due to a herculean effort on Stardock's part, but by then the damage was done. The community was split into several smaller communities, and many people were just fed up.


2. The game was too pretty. That might sound strange, but it's true. It was a ton of work to add content to the game. The levels in particular didn't use a conventional map editor, they used some crazy 3d software that nobody has. So, user created maps were non-existant. GPG isn't exactly known for awesome post-release support, and they didn't put out much new content. I'm not sure if any new maps came out. They did put out a couple new Demigods eventually, but it took forever.

DotA itself was reincarnated on at least one occasion, and got updates and things changed. Demigod was really static.

IMO a game without the super pretty 3d maps that allowed people to actually create custom maps would have done better. Ditto with GPG adding new Demigods faster.


At the end of the day, the game was pretty fun... but the beta test and internal QA somehow missed MASSIVE connectivity problems (to be fair, it's pretty hard for internal QA to duplicate exactly what happened in a test lab). After that GPG's support was lacking. On the whole, I've got a very negative opinion of GPG and pretty much won't buy anything they put out until its on the discount rack and been patched to the point of working.

July 29, 2010 10:38:28 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I couldn't agree more Tridus.

July 29, 2010 10:43:03 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

DG had potential:

-but it's AI was an absolute joke. Yeah, I get it's about MP, but  it didn't even play a basic game of DG well. It bought the wrong citadel upgrades, bought bad items, fought badly, had weak concept of map/flag control - even on Nightmare

-I agree, there's only like 3 decent maps: Cataract, Prison, and one of the 5v5 ones (I think it was either Brothers or that round one with the heal crystal in the middle

-Half the abilities didn't even work/work right. I mean, when people have to make mods...TO KILL BUGS...that's a problem.

-And I agree, the DGs just don't stay balanced. QoT needed something (and why didn't her Open Mode grant anything?), TBs fireball had range..only on targeting, otherwise it could smack you even after you teleported back or ran away. Erebus was insane. The idols make things favor the generals (as assassins had to fight alone while Generals got backup that was re-summon-able at will)

-Many of the items were like "why would I buy that ever?" Many of the best favor items required the fewest points.

-A lot of the achievements seem totally impossible. Doing millions of damage just to pass it? Really?


There were some interesting unique things about the game. The portals and reinforcements, the citadel, some of the game modes other than Conquer were interesting. Tournament was interesting...until the AI players just flat out cheat so bad its insane. But the bugs, the lag, the drops, the crashes, it's just felt like a Beta game that didn't go through the process right or something.

July 29, 2010 10:55:38 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

This thread is Unadulterated Truth.

July 29, 2010 11:09:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod is balanced :/ 

The ONLY character who is underwhelming on all maps, matchups, and game modes is Demon Assassin (and even then, if you can survive until level 15 he is pretty kickass). Yes, Regulus isn't too great in a 2v2. But, guess what, he's a sniper. Snipers are better when there's LOTS of people. More bad guys to shoot. Reg is very useful on Levi in particular. 

Yes, some of the items are useless. Hell, a LOT of the items are useless. But once you understand the 10 or so that are good, you realize they are quite balanced, just pretend the rest don't exist. 

July 29, 2010 11:59:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

While what most of what has been posted here is true...

I don't see alot of the people here who are commenting on balance and map viability actually playing Demigod consistently.

And as Hedgie is saying, DG is balanced.

My 2 cents



July 29, 2010 11:59:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

QoT needed something
someone who knew how to play her.  Don't worry she's fine.  Partially because people underestimate her, but many people have seen my qot now and she's still pretty rape even if they don't underestimate her.

July 30, 2010 12:07:40 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I recall a few months back some post on GPG forums, iirc, about SD approving another patch to the game. Looking forward to it.  Unless it was just rumours and lies.

I liked the single player game quite a bit and still periodically fire it up, so if there is going to be another update to the game, I'm all for it.  As for MP, I think my fellow players think the greatest enjoyment from the game is when you get to call the other players "idiot" or "fucking n00b".  At least that was my experience when I gave it a go a few times during the first season after launch.

July 30, 2010 6:44:19 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Maccilia,
While what most of what has been posted here is true...

I don't see alot of the people here who are commenting on balance and map viability actually playing Demigod consistently.

And as Hedgie is saying, DG is balanced.

My 2 cents

TBH, if it's balanced now doesn't really matter. It wasn't well balanced when it came out and people were actually playing it. At this point there's too few people left for it to matter anymore.

I mean, connectivity usually works now too. Had it worked then, things would have gone differently.

July 30, 2010 2:42:23 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Above is all true. Sadly. My experience with the game:

Shortly after I bought it I loved it. Played a few single-player games and was enthralled with it. Playing single-player was a real joy. But I knew that online was where the real fun would be. And it was for a brief period of time. Never really had any bad experiences. Hooked up with a couple of guys who were good at the game and learned a lot. Had the most fun in games where there was real competition between the teams, with no name calling or taunts. Just 6 to 8 folks having fun creaming each other in a sportsmanlike manner. Went through quite a few attempts at getting into games because of connection issues, but I had patience with it (in the custom games anyways).

However, I found frustration in waiting 30 minutes to get into a Pantheon game and so after a couple of attempts never tried it again. Then there were endless patching woes and complaints about those patches. Then I got into some games where the hoster just wanted to up his precious 'stats' so he would exploit the disconnect bug thingy which gave him a win and everyone else a loss; even though the game was up for only 5 minutes. It seemed like the multi-player community was just going to pot (with the exception of some good (patient/kind/helpful) individuals).

I think what really broke my back over the game was the patch that tried to introduce the Demon Assassin and Occulus into the game. If I remember right there were a lot of hoops you had to jump through in order for them to even show up in your game and play them. Something about logging into multiplayer, creating a game, then restarting your client, and then you could play them. There were a few different suggestions to get them to work and none of them worked for me. Later, much later, I went back to play a single-player game and (after a patch) saw that they were now working. I didn't quit the game ONLY because of that issue but that's what finally did me in. I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to play something in a patch. Especially, when after jumping through those hoops, it still wouldn't work.

There is still merit in the game. It is a quality game taken by itself. The absolute BEST experience with it is playing it with friends. Meaning, playing at a LAN party or online where you know everybody . No AI involved.

Next best, IMO is single-player. Crank the AI difficulty up and you will have a hard time of it, especially since you have AI teammates and they make some dumb decisions (although they have gotten better with patching). It's possible that if a person only ever plays single-player and never gets into a multi-player game (where they see how the game SHOULD be played) then they would have IMMENSE enjoyment out of it (I envy those people). That's one of the problems: MULTIPLAYER REVEALS HOW DUMB THE AI IS. If you never play multi-player you're blissfully ignorant at how dumb the AI is.

Next best would be to find a patient/helpful player online that you can buddy up with from time to time, learn the game, and play it multi-player custom games. Just watch out for stat-whores, foul-mouthed oppenents that like to berate you, and those who try to exploit bugs. Sadly, from what I can tell (and I haven't been on in quite a while to even check), the multi-player community is shrinking to near nothing.

July 30, 2010 2:54:25 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I lost hope in the game when it became obvious GPG wasn't dedicated to it, and only used it as an engine design stepping stone to SupCom 2. A lot of the team got transferred to SupCom 2 half way through the Demigod beta, and that's pretty much when I knew it wouldn't come out all that well. I believe in the first 2 months of SupCom2 GPG put out more patches than in Demigod's lifetime.

I'm actually happy that Obsidian is developing Dungeon Siege 3, even after their only "decent" Alpha Protocol - I still trust them more than I do GPG, now.

July 30, 2010 2:58:13 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting OMG_BlackHatHedgehog,

Yes, some of the items are useless. Hell, a LOT of the items are useless. But once you understand the 10 or so that are good, you realize they are quite balanced, just pretend the rest don't exist. 

Which means that the item balance needs help.

In a game with so many items - if only 10-15 are good, that's a problem.

The fact 10 or 15 are so much better than the rest seems to say the others are too week (so not balanced).

Imagine if Elemental has only 5 techs that are worth something - or like people are/were saying archers are overpowered.

Should we pretend the rest doesn't exist?

If I have to pretend things don't exist in order to achieve balance, imo, that means the balance is off.

July 30, 2010 2:59:23 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Annatar11,
I lost hope in the game when it became obvious GPG wasn't dedicated to it, and only used it as an engine design stepping stone to SupCom 2. A lot of the team got transferred to SupCom 2 half way through the Demigod beta, and that's pretty much when I knew it wouldn't come out all that well. I believe in the first 2 months of SupCom2 GPG put out more patches than in Demigod's lifetime.

I'm actually happy that Obsidian is developing Dungeon Siege 3, even after their only "decent" Alpha Protocol - I still trust them more than I do GPG, now.


This is exactly how I feel about it. Demigod was used as a stepping stone for SupCom2. That's why I said it's what happens when your publisher has more passion about the game than the devs. Half-way through beta it was apparent that Stardock wanted it to succeed more than GPG did.

July 30, 2010 3:00:39 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Charvel1,

Next best, IMO is single-player. Crank the AI difficulty up and you will have a hard time of it, especially since you have AI teammates and they make some dumb decisions (although they have gotten better with patching). It's possible that if a person only ever plays single-player and never gets into a multi-player game (where they see how the game SHOULD be played) then they would have IMMENSE enjoyment out of it (I envy those people). That's one of the problems: MULTIPLAYER REVEALS HOW DUMB THE AI IS. If you never play multi-player you're blissfully ignorant at how dumb the AI is.


No kidding. Once my friends and I figured out the game, I was like "geez, the AI is awful" and set about to try to make it better through modding.

It's better - but it still makes silly mistakes and has weak recognition of threat/DG health, etc

July 30, 2010 3:00:45 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I'm actually happy that Obsidian is developing Dungeon Siege 3, even after their only "decent" Alpha Protocol - I still trust them more than I do GPG, now.


More truth.

July 30, 2010 5:02:55 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Charvel1,
I think what really broke my back over the game was the patch that tried to introduce the Demon Assassin and Occulus into the game. If I remember right there were a lot of hoops you had to jump through in order for them to even show up in your game and play them. Something about logging into multiplayer, creating a game, then restarting your client, and then you could play them. There were a few different suggestions to get them to work and none of them worked for me. Later, much later, I went back to play a single-player game and (after a patch) saw that they were now working. I didn't quit the game ONLY because of that issue but that's what finally did me in. I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to play something in a patch. Especially, when after jumping through those hoops, it still wouldn't work.

I'd already stopped playing by then, but I read about that. A friend of mine patched to try and play as the new people, found they weren't included in the patch, and got really confused.

I don't understand what they were thinking with that process.


July 30, 2010 5:10:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

DG is not balanced.

TEAM A: Reg/Qot/DA vs. TEAM B: UB/Rook/Oak

Team A will lose 9 times out of 10 against Team B unless Team B is full of morons.

There are only really 7 playable characters, and 4 of them are much better than the other 3.


July 30, 2010 5:57:14 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting VR_IronMana,

Quoting OMG_BlackHatHedgehog, reply 7
Yes, some of the items are useless. Hell, a LOT of the items are useless. But once you understand the 10 or so that are good, you realize they are quite balanced, just pretend the rest don't exist. 
Which means that the item balance needs help.

In a game with so many items - if only 10-15 are good, that's a problem.

The fact 10 or 15 are so much better than the rest seems to say the others are too week (so not balanced).

Imagine if Elemental has only 5 techs that are worth something - or like people are/were saying archers are overpowered.

Should we pretend the rest doesn't exist?

If I have to pretend things don't exist in order to achieve balance, imo, that means the balance is off.

The items in the "good" subset are balanced. Because you can only have a very limited amount of items, it doesn't matter that much since you cannot simply equip every item you want (like in Elemental). There is poor item _variety_ in Demigod. There is excellent balance.

The ONLY underwhelming character is DA. Reg may struggle in 2v2 or 1v1 or 3v3 but he's fine for 4v4. Queen is the opposite, doing better in 2v2s than larger game modes. Queen is T1 on Prison, just like Sedna is lolirific on Levi. This game is fantastically balanced, and the only real flaws are metagaming flaws.

July 30, 2010 6:19:56 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

i hope a Demigod 2 is in the works. these sorta things can be knocked outta the park with the second iteration

July 30, 2010 7:12:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well, if one of your biggest issues was the idiots on mp, you should get on vent (that is if you still want to play) as of now we have nightly games of DG and people are actually, dare I say it, polite?


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