the world needs more sim city games. A true sim city 5 is just so needed. (socities doesnt count)... and sim city 4 was touched by EA games. (I mean, come on! math people! the entire region is about a 10 mile square! IT SHOULDNT TAKE FOREVER FOR MY SIMS TO COMMUT.... never mind.)
It was already mentioned, but Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan masters.... amazing. Definatly needs a (true) sequal. I have this installed on my flash drive... heh. Man, Its so dated (no mouse!), but the story makes it so worth while. I like good stories in my video games.
Outpost 2. The game play was meh, and slow.... but, man... Talk about a story. No game has given me such horrible nightmares and wonderfull dreams. The campain is mostly worth playing so that one can read the unfolding chapters in the 2 books that are unlocked after every mission one finishes. I have yet to beat either campain on hard. i should do that...
allegiance. ( wow. it burns me that such an amazing concept has completely died... its like a cross between a RTS and a space fighter sim... amazing. Heh, and people complain about learning curves... I havent desided if its true or not, but the community that runs what is left of this thing says it rivals Dwarf Fortress.
Dwarf fortress. I dont understand how... sure, its not really an old game, but its work mentioning... considering it plays like an old game (very limited mouse control)... but the complexity! What has happend to games complexity! I mean... I have,... THe manuel for CiV3... vanilla. and... here is the manuel for Age of Empires 2... and countless other ENORMOUS manuels... and then compare that to the manuel size of thier sequels. the BOX that CIV4 complete editon came in is dwarfed by civ3's manuel. /sigh.
Red Storm Rising. heh... one of the time periods you get to play in this game.... 1993... woops, ussr doesnt exist anymore... hahaha... oh man, what an amazing submarine warfare sim...
sim games... i guess I already mentioned sim city... but what about Sim farm, sim ant, sim... everything.... Sim copter... simcopter.... wow... hehe... my first cheatcode... superpowermultiply.....
I could go on, and on... all these amazing games... and the obvious ones you all mentioned... oh, what ever happend to games...