Sedna has the lowest armor for melee characters and has the lowest hp out of most of the characters (which is really the only way to balance her, though I still think she should get a slight armor/level bonus to help her deal with end-game creeplanes better). Her regen isn't also that great compared to Narmoths ring on a UB. Then he is getting something like 70 hps between the ring, other items, and lifesteal. Because of the auto-attack debuff of Ooze (and it killing Sedna's creepwave), that negates a lot of UB's incoming damage. Really, Heal just allows UB to Ooze himself to death.
That said, having Counter Heal helps a ton, though that has its own issues, as we have previously discussed.
Bramble shield has always had a 7 second cooldown, I don't know what you mean.
I'm against Uproot copying Sniper Scope because it homogenizes. There should be a unique way to "fix" that skill without stealing good parts from other demigods, though concepts (like Strut Trans) can be modified.
Balance really needs to combined with various different things:
- Demigod skills, and knowing how the game proceeds as you level
- How much a demigod gains in their attributes on level up, and their initial level up
- General/Assassin
Favor Items:
- Most favor items are simply too situational or inferior to Blood in average cases. Blood's power comes as mostly a "sum" and less of it being crazy good.
A) 800 cannot be purchased at the shop with a single item slot until late-game (Unbrekables + Banded achieved 1000 but costs two slots and 2k)
Monks, HP flag, and Sigil spam all benefit from Blood more than other items
C) All generals must go Cloak, Ring of Divine Might, or Blood. Cloak provides an escape mechanism and mana for offensive skills to overcome the hp advantage someone else has. Ring encourages different builds. The most common case, Blood, occurs because
i) I am laned against an Assassin. This assassin will probably be supported by a monk
ii) Because he is monk supported and was able to purchase his first 1k on himself, he will have more mana and hp than me without even having to pick a favor item
iii) I must go Blood to be able to compete or else I will fall behind in WS because I will be unable to hold flags and we will lag getting currency
iv) He knows I will probably go Blood, so he has blood as well to counter because he doesn't want to item iii to occur to himself.
- Most items are either cost ineffective, or have useless benefits (Vinling helmet, Theugist cap). The cost of items also punishes the losing team because most of the 3k range items cost too much.
- Monks need to be reworked. I think that their natural damage needs to be reduced, or they should heal smaller amounts while "in combat" (taking damage from autoattack from minions, creeps or demigods adds an invisible debuff that expires in 2 seconds. If this debuff is active while you are healed, the amount you are healed is halved). This invites flavor and variety in the game, because a general who goes Banded + Scaled Helm might win a first engagement, but on second engagement, the person with the monk will be back at full hp and the other person won't be yet.
- Locks should have a counter to them, even if it isn't cost-effective (though in some ways it is... if someone locks and then walks away, if you break the lost with a 500 gold item, they are forced to spend 250 porting on you to keep it).
- Towers should scale slightly better (gain small hp and regen bonuses each war rank)
- The HP flag on Cataract needs to be replaced with a debilitating flag (which helps Regulus a ton, nerfs monks and sigils and blood)
- Mana flag needs to be replaced with a Mana-Per-Second flag because of how that flag is rotated
- Gold flags need to be on the same side of the map (behind hp).
- Crucible needs to be more protected from backdoors
- Gold flag shouldn't double your gps income
- Prison is hard to balance because of the nature of the map...
- There are so many terrible things about this map I have a hard time coming up with them all...
- One of the most balanced maps, in terms of relative demigod strength (Regulus is very useful, for example). It does have other issues, however.
- Also pretty balanced, though the front towers needs to be moved back slightly so that demolishers and Regulus can't shoot at them while protected by their own tower.
- However, the demigod disparity is pretty bad. Queen and Sedna are both extreme liabilities on this map because of the huge gold income which allows people to get very strong very fast and break through their supporting capabilities.
Citadel Upgrades:
- All of them provide diminishing returns at increased cost. Though it has to be balanced with alternate modes like High Towers or Fortress, a lot of the tower upgrades could be reworked. In general, I think that the cost should remain the same or only very slightly increase (or returns should diminish). Currency 3 is going to be less useful than 1 even if they provided the exact same benefits because the time spent after Cur 3 is much shorter than Cur 1.
- XP could be improved slightly (15-30-45). It's worth getting in 4v4s and 5v5s when you share lanes but 3v3 and 2v2 it is very much debatable.
- Catchup mechanisms could be built into the Citadel (eg, Death Penalty reduces the cost of ALL citadel upgrades by a small amount each time someone on your team dies).