This is going to sound crazy and im sure stardack has allready considdered this but, its a fact demigod is
dieing. I played a very simmilar game called leage of legends it was a (FREE) stratagy game. Very simmilar game play to
demigod but its game play was not neccesarilly worse but in my oppinion demigod was just plain better and when i played there
where alot more people playing it than people playing demigod and i think this is just couse its free now i know what your
thinking *how is stardock\gas powered games going to make money if the game is free?* your probubbly also thinking
*why should other peopole get it free when i had to pay?* My idea is if this game where free more people would play it.
This has a good chance of reviveing demigod. Now for the peopole who actully payed for this game those users could get future
new demigods for free. While users who get the game free have to pay for future new demigods im hopeing that this idea
answers both of the questions i have listed above. with more people playing not only will demigod be revived but stardock
instead of makeing money off of selling the game will make money off of selling useable demigods for the game. This might
sound like a last ressort for stardock but i beg the users and GMs/Game creators to just considder this idea. This game needs
more players!!! demigod is rideing on its last breath!