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Can't select Rook or Erebus in Pantheon single-player

By on May 24, 2010 2:56:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Came back to this game after having not played it in a good many months. Wanted to play a Pantheon game in single-player (I know it's called Pantheon in multi-player but can't remember at the moment if that is what it's called in single-player), and I only saw 4 Generals and 4 Assassins. Rook and Erebus were not on the list. There was no scroll bar or buttons to page down with at all.

Back when I played this game regularly (which was pre-Demon Assassin and Oculus) I was able to play Rook in Pantheon no problem. I even played all the way through to the final Victory screen. Now (post-Demon Assassin and Oculus) I cannot play him or Erebus.

I know I have the latest build (or at least I'm pretty sure; haven't heard anything from Stardock regarding game updates in quite some time, including Sins of a Solar Empire).

What's going on here?

+26 Karma | 2 Replies
May 24, 2010 3:41:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

 The lack of scrollbar is a known issue and is going to be fixed in patch 1.3

Temporary solution: Use the mouse wheel to scroll down while hovering over the demigods. 

May 24, 2010 3:41:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting RAWRRRR,
 The lack of scrollbar is a known issue and is going to be fixed in patch 1.3

Temporary solution: Use the mouse wheel to scroll down while hovering over the demigods. 

Thanks a bunch! I'll give it a try.

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