It's been a very long while since I returned the game shortly after open beta, simply because the netcode flaws made it impossible for me to connect to anyone.
Then I saw the $10 for DG dealy on Impulse, and I had to pounce on the deal, seeing that the netcode has almost certainly been fixed by now.
I installed the game from my pre-order limited edition, got patched up, and was good to go. It was late at night, so there were no games to connect to (well, I briefly connected to one game's lobby that didn't have enough players, and hurray, the connection seemed stable!).
So, I just loaded up a single player game with some AIs.
Wait... did the Rook just tell me, "My scepter still burns!"?
Eh, oh well... I'll try Demon Hunter!
So anyway, my light team captures a flag, and of course the voice-over exclaims "Dark team is dominating!"
And then when order Demon Hunter to walk over to another flag, I hear poor Sedna exclaiming, "I don't have enough mana!"
And later on, I was told that, "Light needs only 2 more kills to win!" even though it was a standard game, and in the middle of the game the narrator kept exclaiming "Fight!" I'm guessing he was just so into it that he couldn't help himself 
So the point is that my DG's voice-overs have become scrambled, and even though the results are often amusing, it would still be neat if the right voice-overs corresponded to the right situation.
The "ding," "dong" sounds in the main menu are still correct.
Any ideas?