I dont want to be a weenie, but Maccilia man, didn't you learn when we played together on Levi?
Levi is not a map for DA.
4vs4 is bad for DA (even numer of DGs, and 3+ focus fire can take DA out of the fight before he can do anything but spine attack unless you want to die)
Once the tower goes down the safe zone buffer is real far away. You aren't safe capping flags as DA, and there is no real place to swap them to danger unless they are standing right outside of your frontal towers.
Mana regen on levi is nice, but not quite right for DA. High enough to make EoM not a good choice compared to the health mana ratio of other DGs, but low enough to make sure using SoR will deplete your mana too quickly to be able to burst multiple times when you need it unless you've geared your life too low.
Anklet? Real bad if they can hit you from beyond melee in a 3+ DG focus fire. Spit/Pen/SwarmBite are all things that will get you killed when you have 3K life unless you are being overly cautious.
Watching the replay of that game
QoT and DA not a good combo, we held the flag and lane until level 7 (hell I didnt need to go to base until level 7), but as soon as that tower went down we were in huge trouble
(Although in our defense, the towers were set for n00b, so we couldn't quite take them down fast enough before TP inbound)
I would say it doesn't matter... pick what you are best at because your mana/life won't be quite right compared to the others, and once the tower goes down it is like sorta like playing DA on prison. Not safe and no danger zone to swap them into.