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Demigod Refer-a-Friend Contest Winners!

By on April 21, 2010 12:07:55 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Island Dog

Join Date 06/2003

A few weeks ago we sent out a mailer to Demigod customers with a code in which you could refer a friend to purchase Demigod for an astounding 75% off.  We also said we would award some prizes to the customers who referred the most friends, and I???m happy to announce we have a few winners!

  1. For the overall most referrals, OrzBlueFog wins a $100 gift certificate to the Impulse Store.
  2. Second place, the winner of a $75 gift certificate to the Impulse Store was umilmi81.
  3. In third place we have Kurg, which receives a $50 gift certificate.

Congrats to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated.  Keep an eye out in your inbox for more upcoming news.

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April 21, 2010 12:29:43 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Congrats guys!


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April 21, 2010 9:55:04 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Nice work. Would be intresting if you had posted how many recruts they each got.

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April 21, 2010 10:19:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You appear to have spelt my name wrong ?

Congrats guys!

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April 22, 2010 6:43:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting thebest300,
Nice work. Would be intresting if you had posted how many recruts they each got.




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April 22, 2010 6:44:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

double post

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April 23, 2010 10:39:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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April 28, 2010 2:50:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Don´t they like their friends?

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