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new demigod idea: Novus, the Watcher

By on February 28, 2010 7:00:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just an idea off the top of my head; forgive me if he's over/under-powered

Well, Novus is a light assassin based around high extended range damage, but at the same time he has low, very low health...

Appearance: sort of a hybrid between thin- Regulus size armor, but Oak style with Erebus shoulder "pads" and Oak shoulder spikes... (sry if confusing) he hold a sceptre that looks like Erebus' but is slightly thicker and bigger... with a full sphere at the end instead of a sort of cup thing.

Strengths: high damage, extended close range combat (explained later), can escape and rejoin battles quickly

Weaknesses: LOW hp, weak long range, (gets owned by snipe)

Playing style: Novus is an offensive defensive demigod... sneaking in and out of battle with Phasewalk, when his foes run he can drag them back into the heart of battle with Vortex and smash them to peices with his nightmare club (sceptre thingy mentioned earlier)

Stats: (I'd highly value input here...)

Starting HP: 1000-1200 (less than TB or Reg)

Range: 8 (extended close range combat)

Damage: 175

RoF: .5

Armor: 100

Energy/mana: 1000

Skills: (if you think any of the numbers should be changed feel free to say so) cast and cooldown times not listed, would like input... what do you think would work?

Phasewalk: Novus becomes invisble, he cannot attack, cap flags, or cast while cloaked. This breaks the effect.

     I (lvl 1): cost of 100 Mana per second, receives +50 damage boost for 5 seconds upon losing the cloak

     II (lvl 4): cost of 100 Mps, receives +75 dmg for 5 seconds

     III (lvl 7): cost of 100 mps, receives +100 dmg for 5 seconds

     IV (lvl 10): cost of 100 mps, receives +250 dmg for 5 seconds

     V (lvl 15): cost reduced to 75 Mps, damage boost now lasts 10 seconds

Orion's blast: Novus calls lightnings down from the sky in an area for massive damage. (like rain of ice)

     I (lvl 1): 200 damage in an radius of 5

     II (lvl 4): 400 dmg, radius of 6

     III (lvl 6): 600 dmg, radius of 7

     IV (lvl 8): 800 dmg, radius of 8

     V (lvl 10): 1000 dmg, radius of 10

     VI (lvl 15): Now stuns minions for ten seconds, demigods for 3 (feels like to much)

Vortex: Novus distorts space, pulling all enemies to him while dealing damage, (0.1 second cast? what levels? 1, 5, 10, 15?)

     I (lvl _): pulls all enemies in a range of 15, deals 100 damage to them

     II (lvl _): range of 20, deals 250 damage

     III (lvl _): range of 25, deals 400 damage

     IV (lvl _): range of 30, deals 650

Energy Transfer: Novus steals the power of an enemy, draining hp and mana. (yes i liked bite, any ideas for the levels? Should I add in the bracketed buffs?)

     I (lvl 8): steals 500 hp and mana

     II (lvl 10): steals 750 hp and mana

     III (lvl 15): steals 1000 hp and mana [Novus becoems far stronger, increases his hp by 1000 and adds 8% lifesteal]

Vengence: When Novus respawns after being killed he deals massive damage to his killer. (for games when you're dying a lot damage is at the instant he respawns... PS: eat this hp stackers)

     I (lvl 6?): 10% max hp of killer destroyed

     II (lvl 8?): 15% max hp of killer destroyed

     III (lvl 10?): 20% max hp of killer destroyed

And then the generic assassin buffs...

Once again I'd highly value input (positive/negative), i might have more ideas as time goes on and put them up but for now this is what i have... any ideas?

Also to anyone who went through that wall of text, TY.

0 Karma | 3 Replies
February 28, 2010 11:45:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

nice work there, but his skills look pretty op

March 1, 2010 8:51:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yeah, i figured, anything specifically that you think should be weakened.

(Also remember that he only has 1000 hp at the start, Regulus and TB have 1420 and 1410 respectively)

March 3, 2010 1:36:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well i guess if that's the way he's played, but still orion's blast should do less damage, and more like a 1-2 second stun at level 15, phasewalk minus damage for extended time, (250 a bit too much, 150-200 i think would be better) also more mps as phasewalk levels, vortex is insanely op i think, max range should be 20 or 25, and damage should do no more than 300, and energy transfer is good, but im not sure if that's instant or overtime, but it needs to be over like a 10 second period (like rook's structural transfer), and if they get out of range or something it wears off, and vengence is pretty cool i think that's good but maybe make lvl 10 be 25-30% instead

of course my suggestions aren't perfect either

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