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Distant Worlds; 4Ex Space Strategy; What do you think?

By on February 28, 2010 5:35:34 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Distant Worlds; 4Ex Space Strategy; What do you think?

Official site:

Publisher site:

"Facts about Distant Worlds" forum thread:

Publisher forum:

0 Karma | 138 Replies
March 20, 2010 3:56:41 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I expect someone here to review the game when it is out (in addiditon to Adamsolo ofcourse)

March 22, 2010 2:30:21 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I'm definitely getting Distant Worlds, and will be posting my impressions once I've had a few days to play it.   



March 25, 2010 4:20:16 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Distant Worlds has been RELEASED!!!!!

March 26, 2010 2:21:19 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I'm not sure I know what's going on in this game yet, but I think I like it.

Also, it keeps crashing in weird ways. Hopefully that'll be fixed up soon.

March 26, 2010 11:40:45 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

I generally don't like RTS games.  Their website tends to downplay the RTS side of the game (pausable, etc.).

What's the take on the RTS side of the game?


March 26, 2010 12:57:52 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

It's a 4X game that happens in real time. It's more in the Grand Strategy genre than the RTS genre. You can pause at any point (mapped to spacebar) to issue orders or look at things, and slow things down or speed things up to your own pace.

March 26, 2010 1:52:51 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Personally, I've found the game a bit overwhelming so far.  Once I get more used to it, I'll probably be better off, but right now I need to leave a lot of the automation on just because I can't figure out what I'm doing! 

March 26, 2010 3:13:27 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I think Distant Worlds was a game that was designed to be mostly automated due to the sheer number of things that need doing.  Of course, if you are going to make things automated, you might as well abstract them from the game entirely.

March 26, 2010 3:50:18 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I've played it a bit more now, and think I have a good handle on how all the mechanics work. There's a lot happening in this game. Some quick early impressions for those still deciding:

Overall, I think it's a pretty good game, but I do have some complaints. The UI is alright but not great. There is a lot of information that would be really useful that stays hidden to the player, or is hard to get at.

It can also sometimes be hard to make things do what you want; stalled construction ships are a common problem, and it wasn't until my second game that I figured out that I needed to cancel their construction job and switch it to a repair job to get them going again if they didn't have all the resources they needed at the beginning. This may need to be repeated more than once if they still can't get all the resources they need. The things really shouldbe running off to find resources on their own.

The ship design follows a Space Empires-ish and seems like it might be a bit excessive, but automated design seems to work pretty well and has allowed me to avoid diving too deep into this.

I don't think I've played enough to really judge the AI accurately, but from what I have seen, it seems a bit insufficient. I think I have higher expectations for AIs than most people though, and there's still enough unseen that I may change my judgement. There are things that are definitely off, though - like an empire being forced back into a single system, his planets blockaded, his military non-existant, and still he won't agree to a white peace. Or the AI empire that kept declaring war on me and then immediately agreeing to a white peace and a free trade agreement.

The pacing of the game is great; it's definitely not a click-fest. It feels more like a Paradox Grand Strategy game than a Starcraft-type RTS. There seems to be enough depth here that I'll keep coming back for a while. I imagine there will be complaints about the learning curve, but it hasn't bothered me and I think their automation does a good job at keeping things manageable for newcomers.

In sum, I'm pretty happy with this purchase so far. I was disappointed by Armada 2526, but this game is just fine; worth the cost of entry.

March 27, 2010 7:01:46 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

I will report back soon. I have only played the game for an hour or so now.

March 27, 2010 11:04:54 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Check out the 'Distant Worlds' ship design, after action report with screen shots. ('Shp Design AAR')

March 30, 2010 3:29:32 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

the game is cool, but the lag is unbearable. it is only using 30% of cpu but its fairly choppy... as is expected with hundreds of colonizes planets and thousands of civilian ships per side flying about doing stuff.

they desperately need multi-threaded support

March 30, 2010 11:14:59 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

alright, i just "finished" with a sandbox game (no victory conditions)...

i did really well, making me rule 60% of the galaxy with a human monarchy... there are about a dozen single planet (or under 5) empires who sprung from independent colonies (I am definitely disabling the option for them to do that next game)... I have never started a war with anyone, I end wars quickly... later i started ending wars with the subjugate result because otherwise they keep on declaring war on me.

as it stands, everyone hates me because "we envy your colossal might and strength" and "we covet your colonies"... as a result pissant 1 colony "empires" keep on declaring war on me... not terrible, i just squash them... Nobody will make a trade agreement with me because they hate me (because they are jelous)... as such my relationship constantly deteriorate.

thing is, i got into a war with one of the two remaining big empires. (each is 1/5th my size and power). Well... they paid off the one empire that had a trade agreement with me to impose sanctions... then several of the empires with 1-5 planets only declared war on me in the space of just a few minutes due to the other big empire paying them, until that moment they kept on pestering me to impose sanctions or go to war with that empire, but now that i am they all side with it... then as a result of that my alignment got shot deep into evil (yes, your empire is judged as good or evil)... when I got judged as evil all the other pissant 1-5 colony empires declared war on me... then all my colonies started rebelling (i have members of every single race and then some special ones that jumped in from another galaxy, etc). So they are all upset i am at war with their race AND upset I am at war at all AND upset that I am "evil" (because other people keep declaring war on me, because they are jealous according to the game)

... no its not over yet... so my planets are rebelling and not paying taxes, i am attacked from every side... still not a big deal, I am still more then twice as big then everyone else in the galaxy combined and my tech is much more advanced... but then "disaster, civil war broke out"... 60 of my colonies break off to form a new empire and are at war with me!

Result? for the first time I am at war with humans so now EVERY planet I have has its morale drop into the crapper because I am not only evil, humans are all upset i am at war with other humans. So almost all my other planets are rebelling.

Yea... might want to fix that.

My solution is:

1. Slaughter small empires ASAP to avoid being labeled evil (your alignment is entirely determined by how many people you are at war with)

2. Form trade agreements EARLY before everyone hates you for being successful.

3. Disable the option in game creation that allows independent populations to ascend into being empires...


Other interesting issues:

1. taking apart captures ships for tech yields practically no tech at all... just a tiny boost to one research field chosen at random... oddly enough, even ships you find which are LOWER tech then your current level.

2. With the exception of the occasional offer to buy it for ~1.5-2.5 million (is it millions already? million x million) in cash (no financing allowed, you must have the cash on hand) races absolutely refuse to sell their starting tech.. no matter how much and what i offer them... even if i give them an awesome deal...

3. For some reason, an estranged splinter colony with no tech when it suddenly ascends to empire status will always have their racial tech... but if you colonize it and they join your empire, you don't, and it can NOT steal it with spies (it will not show up as a valid option of tech to steal).

4. laaaaaaag... god the game needs to be multithreaded.

5. RAM... i tried to reload the game, it said "error, not enough memory" and shut down.. I have 4GB of ram.

6. SLoooow... saving and loading takes minutes.

7. make sure you disable nubulae showing up in star systems in the advanced graphic options, it causes the game to stutter when zooming it (stutter is an understatement)

8. ship designs (when automated) are refreshed randomly, there is an "update" button, which requires you to click to select the ship, click it, then click "ok" in a popup box, then select the next ship... it is extremely clumsy...

a. it should automatically update all ships whenever a new tech is acquired in any way shape or form (planetary discovery, research breakthrough, trading tech, etc).

b. there should be an update all button.

c. the popup asking you to click ok is total BS.

9. The music is rather annoying, but i got used to it.

10. you cannot use the "advanced trade" menu to make trade agreements, as a result you cannot ever improve your relationship with other empires once you start dominating (because they are jealous).

11. if someone offers you a trade, you must accept immediately if you are interested, you cannot go into advanced trade and then accept (because they will suddenly not like it)

12. be careful not to accidently choose to leave ruins unexplored, they will be forever unexploreable.

13. it should really have a more serious notification when enemy spies manage to cause a revolution changing your system of government, I didn't even notice for a while that i was turned into fuedalism from way of ancients. (there was actually no harmful effects of switching back because way of ancients is so superior to feudalism).


All that being said, the game is pretty awesome. It definitely lacks polish, but it probably the best implementation of the 4x janre in space right now.


Just an FYI, my machine is an intel C2Q 9400 with 4GB of ram and an nvidia GTX260 in cast anyone wonders.


EDIT: I found a solution of sorts...

1. get lucky and find "way of the ancients"... it is really really good.

2. kill lots of pirates. Every pirate base you destroy gives you a good amount of positive reputation. Morale improves across the empire and other empires ask you for trade agreements etc.

March 30, 2010 11:47:39 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Taltamir, you might want to mention your experiance over on the main forums, which the devs follow pretty closely.  It sounds like something there isn't working as desired.

March 31, 2010 9:46:48 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

I agree, this is an AAR and suggestion post in one. I like the way your game went, but I can see it was frustrating. I have a similar problem now in which many races start to get jealous on me. However, my power difference is not as big as yours with the other empires. Indeed a good suggestion to improve relations early on in the game. I also have some performance issues. But playing on a "smaller" map (not 500 stars and 5000 planets/moons) helps . I've read somewhere that this game plays better on lower end pcs than on new pcs. But it is quite processor intensive. So make sure you have suffiencent mhz. 

March 31, 2010 11:28:23 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Check out the Distant Worlds alien races. ('Distant Worlds: Introduction of the alien races.')

March 31, 2010 4:34:33 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I downloaded this the day it came out but I haven't installed it yet. I made the mistake of re-starting Dragon Age a few days before the expansion came out and I had to catch back up on that which slowed me down on a couple new releases. The Good news though is that I slew the Arch Demon and I'm about 1/3 of the way through Awakenings. After that's done though I plan on giving this a run through. Sounds like it's a good thing I'm waiting while I finish Awakenings so they can put out a bug fix or two for Distant Worlds. It also sounds like Diplomacy in the mid to late game needs some tweaking.

March 31, 2010 6:01:10 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Here are responses to this thread and Taltamir's post that I quoted, on the Distant Worlds/Matrix Games forum.



ORIGINAL:  Erik Rutins

ORIGINAL:  Journier
Most especially Multithreading.
a game this large can only go so far without multithreading.

Sorry to contradict you, but Distant Worlds does multi-thread actually and is multi-core aware.  It does not use the other cores for everything though, so sometimes you will see just one core being actively used.

Based on what the poster there described, I think he may have some other performance issues going on as DW can run pretty smoothly on much less hardware than a modern system has.



ORIGINAL:  Erik Rutins

I should add that we read that original post as well and are taking his comments into account.

March 31, 2010 7:13:43 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Some accurate descriptions here.


I'm not sure where I will wind up standing on this game.  I tried Armada and really thought it was terrible once I got through the learning curve.


I'm not through the learning curve on DW yet, but don't imagine I will hate it, though I'm skeptical if I will love it either.  I apprecaite the automation, but the UI is really frustrating, and getting in to micro the area(s) you want to (especially ships and fleets) is so underdeveloped right now that it's almost not worth it.


The technology system is nice though, as is the exploration and colonization.  The economy is interesting, but it needs some balancing (first it was too easy to go into a debt death spiral, now money is too easy to come by...), I think they will get this sorted out, or at least provide the ability to mod it to where it suits each player.


I find the AI to be 'poor', not as bad as Armada, but not really very challenging either.  Alot of my opinion on the AI is based off of how the automation runs elements of my empire though, as I assume the AIs are running with the same kind of automation. 


However, I have enjoyed playing it so far, and can see how with some of the upcoming updates some of the frustration can be removed, then it will really be a question of how well the AI can provide a challenge.  Of course there are lots of different starting conditions you can chose to tailor a level of difficulty for yourself which I have not explored very deeply, so it may be able to stick around from that.

April 1, 2010 6:15:27 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

I agree with most of your points, although I still have challenges with the AI so far. I dont like the ship designing by the automation at the moment. But I also dont like to design them myself, so I guess I have to live with it, or the developers may improve it in a future patch. This weekend they will be releasing a new update. 


Despite some issues, I'm having epic games with many empires waging wars and betraying each other. Very fun to play. Steals a lot of my free time.

April 1, 2010 2:58:21 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

The technology system is nice though, as is the exploration and colonization. The economy is interesting, but it needs some balancing (first it was too easy to go into a debt death spiral, now money is too easy to come by...), I think they will get this sorted out, or at least provide the ability to mod it to where it suits each player.

The debt spiral was actually the result of a bug, where fully developed worlds wouldn't get 'first call' on luxury resources and would loose all their development as a result.

April 2, 2010 12:30:32 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

The technology system is nice though, as is the exploration and colonization.  The economy is interesting, but it needs some balancing (first it was too easy to go into a debt death spiral, now money is too easy to come by...), I think they will get this sorted out, or at least provide the ability to mod it to where it suits each player.

The economy death spiral was strickly a bug where the economical AI simply crapped out above a certain amount of planets and stopped working at all ... as of v1.02 it actually works so your economy continues to grow.

I did discover another issue... a large part of rebelling planets is taxation... they will have something like

"+1 something"

"+2 we have some development"

"-6 <race> are upset we are at war with their race"

"-18 to 60 due to taxes being too high" 

turns out the taxation AI will randomly set planets to max tax levels of 50% (or just below it at 48 or 49... although sometimes even 30 or 40 can be too high, especially on a planet with 0 development)... its not like those planets actually can make any money since they have no development, at all! Worse, it lets it go into the "rebellion" status where they pay 0 taxes

April 2, 2010 12:32:52 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

so... like... i made a post before reply #47 and the forum ATE it... its just gone and I have no idea why.

I don't remember what all i said there but i will try recreating it.

April 2, 2010 12:50:16 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Well, My last save was 10pm... the game crashed at 2:30am... so i lost 4.5 hours of play there... I will migrate the install from my 2 platter 640GB WD Caviar blue to my intel SSD G2 80GB with trim... hopefully that will improve load and save times.

i actually looked up the planet amounts of the other empires and my own...

mine was 208... went all the way up to 350 before game crashed.

AI was: ~60, ~30, 5, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. went down some before the game crashed... i destroyed a bunch of pirated but every time a new pirate faction spawned immediately...

I agree, this is an AAR and suggestion post in one. I like the way your game went, but I can see it was frustrating. I have a similar problem now in which many races start to get jealous on me. However, my power difference is not as big as yours with the other empires. Indeed a good suggestion to improve relations early on in the game. I also have some performance issues. But playing on a "smaller" map (not 500 stars and 5000 planets/moons) helps  . I've read somewhere that this game plays better on lower end pcs than on new pcs. But it is quite processor intensive. So make sure you have suffiencent mhz.

I am certain playing on a smaller map would help... but then the game wouldn't be as epic as i want it to be the reason I like this game over others is how epic i can make it.

As for how my game went, i found a solution:

1. get lucky and find way of ancients or path of darkness (helps a lot!)

2. kill a bunch of pirates (destroy their base, easy as pie later on) and you will go from evil to a saint... now your citizens are gaining moral instead of losing it, and the hate due to jelously is mitigated by you being good... so the other empires will form trade agreements with you.

It is rather ridiculous that 1 planet empires are declaring war on 200+ planet empires because they are jealous of their overwhelming power. they should be licking my boots and asking for hand outs and protection... I tried offering protectorates to a few of them who were at war with the other 2 big bads... and they refused because they hate me too much.

EDIT: I recalled the last bit of info from the "lost" post... it was that I noticed that if the game inches to the 3 to 3.5GB used (I only have 4GB remember), and then i load a game, it will crash with an out of memory error. I need to first exit to main menu then load the game... i assume that to save loading time it keeps assets that it already needs to load... but that could cause it to run out of memory, better do a purge and full reload OR check how much free ram there and then decide whether to do concurrent load or purge and load.

As for the claim by them that something is wrong with my machine... nope, everything is spiffy.. i am playing on max sized map but the game says the requirements for that are 2GB of ram, and 1GB for smaller...

Also, of course it has multithreading, the fact that i peg 30% on my quad core means it has to have it... what I meant is have BETTER multi threading... pegging one core at 100% (25% of my quad core) and then a tiny smidgen spread across the three remaining cores is very weak multi threading, especially for a super CPU intensive game such as this...

On a quad core it manages to get 120% the utilization of a single core... Full utilization is possible, but understandably difficult... but this game practically requires it for its higher end gameplay options.

April 2, 2010 12:00:08 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums



I believe that the rebellion issue you see due to taxes is actually enemy covert ops causing rebellion and not the taxAI randomly screwing with the rate, however, I am not 100% certain of this, it is something I have gleened from reading around about the issue.

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