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<b> Tag

By on February 26, 2010 10:19:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Code: html
  1. <b>Member No.</b>

This was deprecated in 1997 D:

This is a very big issue, you need to fire your code writing pigeons!    

+29 Karma | 26 Replies
February 27, 2010 12:21:02 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Where are you seeing B tags? The bolding option here uses STRONG.

February 27, 2010 12:26:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

February 27, 2010 3:58:00 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

What does it matter, as long as it still works? 

February 27, 2010 8:09:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What does it matter, as long as it still works?  

Heathen! I suppose we should still use the <font> tag, eh?  

February 27, 2010 9:06:51 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

<anal retentive> Some folks just want everything just so, ya know.<obsessive compulsive disorder>

February 27, 2010 9:28:01 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Heathen! I suppose we should still use the tag, eh?

I do sometimes!  Although I will say that a CSS style sheet is better in the long run.    

February 27, 2010 10:33:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

<anal retentive> Some folks just want everything just so, ya know.<obsessive compulsive disorder>

Those tags lack closing tags. If they're not meant to have closign tags, they should be self closing.

Also, who knows when Firefox, Chrome, or IE decide to just drop the <b> tag? God only knows what kind of weird crap will happen if <b> is still on the page. 99% of the time it just wouldn't show up, but sometimes bad browsers like IE will decide that you meant to put </div> instead of </b> or something retarded like that.

February 27, 2010 10:49:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting PoSmedley,
<anal retentive> Some folks just want everything just so, ya know.<obsessive compulsive disorder>

that's a horrible attempt at insulting someone.

February 28, 2010 12:48:40 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

that's a horrible attempt at insulting someone.

No. Apparently it's a horrible attempt at humor.

I save the insults until I get to know somebody.

February 28, 2010 5:06:42 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Those tags lack closing tags. If they're not meant to have closign tags, they should be self closing.

Anything anally related should be self closing...

March 1, 2010 5:24:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I am a bit anal. I get pissed if people do <br> instead of <br />

(It isn't 100% required to do <br />, but it followest strict XHTML standards)

March 1, 2010 6:15:12 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

No. Apparently it's a horrible attempt at humor.

I save the insults until I get to know somebody.

That he does...

BTW...your mother wears army boots and your father smells of elderberry....

March 1, 2010 9:14:39 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

BTW...your mother wears army boots and your father smells of elderberry...

That was very shonky, ya pommy dag!

March 2, 2010 5:03:59 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Bring back <blink> and <marquee>  They were ultra annoying !

March 2, 2010 5:33:39 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Ausvet,
Bring back <blink> and <marquee>

QFT! This.

March 2, 2010 6:51:17 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

That was very shonky, ya pommy dag!

Ya almost crossed the line there....but at least you didn't call me a Kiwi ....

March 2, 2010 8:07:00 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Ya almost crossed the line there

I thought I played it pretty safe. It's tricky when you dabble with another cultures slang.

March 3, 2010 5:04:11 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I agree. < b> tags are bad.  Very bad.  But unfortunately fixing it is a very low-priority task.  I'll see what I can do though.


March 4, 2010 6:01:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree. < b> tags are bad.  Very bad.  But unfortunately fixing it is a very low-priority task.  I'll see what I can do though.

Sweet, thanks for indulging me.

March 4, 2010 9:39:14 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

its just a tag jez why make web programing harder class is hard enuf

March 4, 2010 9:57:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Until PHP and Javascript, Web Design and Development is laughably easy.

You can learn all of HTML in three days. You can learn all of CSS in two days. 
For graphics, Photoshop/GIMP takes a year to fully learn the UI. 

PHP is really neat when you can make it do what you want, but as a first language, it's hard to learn

Javascript is bizzare gibberish

March 4, 2010 10:09:36 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Fuzzy Logic,

Those tags lack closing tags. If they're not meant to have closign tags, they should be self closing.

Anything anally related should be self closing...

That is funny right there, I don't care who you are!!!

March 11, 2010 2:47:28 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting skidiantasa,
its just a tag jez why make web programing harder class is hard enuf

Web standards are there for a reason

Quoting Splitshadow,
Until PHP and Javascript, Web Design and Development is laughably easy.

You can learn all of HTML in three days. You can learn all of CSS in two days. 
For graphics, Photoshop/GIMP takes a year to fully learn the UI. 

PHP is really neat when you can make it do what you want, but as a first language, it's hard to learn

Javascript is bizzare gibberish

Javascript isn't fun until you use a javascript library like jQuery.  Then it feels like you have the world open to you.


March 17, 2010 5:54:37 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Just joined to say that the "b" tag isn't actually deprecated. It can still be used and validates. Its use is "discouraged" and you should instead be using the "strong" tag or CSS... but yeah... not deprecated.

Link to W3C page with more info:

March 22, 2010 3:13:34 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting joshsalverda,
Just joined to say that the "b" tag isn't actually deprecated. It can still be used and validates. Its use is "discouraged" and you should instead be using the "strong" tag or CSS... but yeah... not deprecated.

Link to W3C page with more info:

It might not be deprecated, but its meaning will change come HTML5:


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