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Mods and GameRanger

By on February 15, 2010 4:35:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 06/2009

Hi guys!

Recently I started using mods, specially Big Balance Mod and I love it! But here's a problem. I can't play with my friends via GameRanger. Everything works fine until game starts and I need to join a host - I can't see host's game. I really don't know what to do. I searched web for an answer, but I failed.


I know I can use impulse to play with mods, using /allowmismatch. With game ranger is a problem, because it launches game via .exe file not a shortcut I tryed to change, but couldn't.


The question is: is there any way to play via Game Ranger and use mods, like Big Balance mod ?

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February 15, 2010 5:22:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

buy the game for $7.50 with a coupon

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February 16, 2010 4:58:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

meh buying game.....

Try to point the shortcut for gameranger to run in options. I know its detectsthe games by itself but you can also point them out for gameranger in the option.

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February 16, 2010 7:22:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well, I've tryed to point a shortcut, but I can't because program allows only to point .exe files.


Maybe I'll take awufffblabla's advice and install impulse  

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