DISCLAIMER: Feel free to play any style [demis, builds, maps, gametype] that you have fun with-- that IS the point of playing a game.
That being said, I know this is not a new concept, but in the spirit of variety and avoiding boredom after playing alot of games-- IMPRESS ME PLEASE by destroying me and/or anyone in my game with reg/tb/qot or even da!! I'm not saying that I've never been donkey-punched by these characters, because I have-- or that they are universally wekaer-- what I'm saying is that I wish that more mid-high level players would challenge themselves by competing against skilled competitors with someone other than ub/oak/ere (and maybe occ soon).
THIS IS NOT A COURTROOM TO PROVE YOUR POINT ABOUT TIERS/STRENGTHS-WEAKNESSES OF DEMIS!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooo tired of threads turning into that. And I know in some high level games if you are against A+B+C the you have to pick blah blah blah to have a chance....whatever. Challenge yourself.
Basically, "oooooooh you killed me ub/oak/ere!!!! I'm soooooo impressed...." Not. Almost anyone decent in this game can compete with those characters-- some with rook or sedna too-- but until you can master (or at least be VERY GOOD with) those demis that take the most skill to kill others or not die with, I remain unimpressed.
Finally: for those of you who have mastered all demis, congratulations, this thread is not for you; and for those of you who could care less about impressing me [hopefully everyone reading this] then do it to challenge yourself/test your skills. Happy gaming!