No, there's a major difference between beginners getting stomped by 'pros.' There a very large swath of players who have no idea what builds are good, how to itemize, when to use consumables, or that mid and early game portal caps are devestating. Players with over a 1000 games simply have no idea how to play this game because they dont' fight harder opponents. There's no excuse.
Some players are middle of the road average and haven't learned the game yet, some players mentioned in this thread are bordering on excellent players (i.e. they have growth potential if they would just take the time to analyze their errors), I learned quickly after people criticized my playstyle and asked me why I wasn't HP stacking... I was like "WTF hp stacking, you serious?" and they were like "lol u newb". The best thing you could do is tell them to record replays and observe player behaviour or tell them what kind of builds to do outright - i.e. if you see people not HP stacking, tell them to stack and WHAT to stack in WHAT order tell them not to go crazy on citadel upgrades (i.e. spend all their money) if they got no + hp items for themselves. Citadel upgrades should be spread among the team so people can upgrade their equip so no one is left at HP disadvantage.
I've seen UB's never get sigil! Sigil is like a fucking requirement if you are going to play UB ffs. There are lots of average players who think they are good, these are the kinds that chastize good players.
It's funny when I get people insulting me on my own team who don't realize they are newbs, next game I will play with some good players with no qualms whatsoever. Part of my horrible % comes from pantheon and from the time when I was new and chose TB for most of my pantheon games not realizing the horrible unbalanced nature of Ereb and Oak minions on fortress and whatnot in generals vs assasins. In team games I didn't realize how much the game centered around HP stacking and sigils, which caused frustration for my team mates because I would always run from fights not realizing I was the douchebag that hadn't HP stacked (laughs), I didn't realize it until someone pointed it out. Most of my crappyness came from not having +HP items like Blood of the fallen + armor when being oak, people would get horribly frustrated and say "oak you suck!" and they were right but they were not helping the other person better themselves by pointing out their flaws, if you want to be serious point out WHAT the did wrong.
When I first started playing I had no idea Hp stacking was so powerful, and would run around under HP'd and run from fights because I would constantly get smoked (see my life just go way down) and didn't realize it was because of my lack of HP.
The game center's too much around items in general (specifically sigil + HP items) and if the player doesn't know about this he will wonder why he is getitng creamed. Many players really don't understand the power of +hp and sigil, in fact often times no players on my team will ever get sigil not realizing stacked hp + sigil = lifesaver.
I have a recorded game where I made my escape of death twice with sigil+hp stack that I couldn't have done otherwise. Don't whine about these players - teach them - criticize their playstyles tell them what they are doing wrong, they need to KNOW. Some players think they are hot shit but aren't, others get called newbs but are not newbs. Personally players have to find heroes the are good with, you also have to teach them the items to get and builds for each.
Sometimes it's about teamwork, othertimes it's about not knowing the power of items like sigils, locks, teleports... and other times it's some team members on your team are just CHICKEN SHIT to go run in and cap gold flags (like sedna for instance). I had a sedna's on my team that would just sit there and not go harass towers or cap flags. You have to get a feel for what you should be doing at any given moment depending on where the enemies demigods are positioned and you should not waste time squanderingin your lane if they all occupied elsewhere and you can squeeze in some tower harassment or flag cap and lock.