This is by far the best game I have played, though don't play now due to RL commitments. For those thinking about joining, here is a brief chronological list of what I did:
My first character:
Created as an Industrialist and Miner.
Joined a small corp ( 6 players) and mined and did low level missions.
This became boring so started trading and buying shares in other player controlled companies
Lost 300 million isk in an investment scam along with many others - thanks Riethe 
Became damned good in trading and soon made my first billion isk.
Second charachter created as a dedicated mission runner. Paid for by my trading genius 1st charachter.
Skilled to fly Gallente BSs - I do miss those drones at max skill 
3rd charachter created as a pirate and snook into Eve University as a newbie
He was on the dark side and stole/scammed other players.
The PvP in Eve is the best experience of any game.
Created a Company with my 1st two characters and built our own space station.
When I left/suspended my 3 characters after approx 15 months of play, I had a successful corp with approx 10 players and earning about 1 billion a week. Nothing compared to the big guys in the game but it wa fun.
Had to leave as it was taking over all my spare time.
I never touched:
Manufacturing - i had other players doing that
BPO research - again others did that
Invention - next on the list if stayed but others in the corp were doing this
Tons of other stuff which I have forgotten.
So you can see how diverse this game is and is open to all types of game players.
I do believe it is open to the more mature player as the learning curve is very steep. Keeps the low life away though 