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Question about Cataract.

By on January 9, 2010 11:14:07 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok, I guess I just need help in understanding something.

On Cataract, my big problem with the map is that (other then the fact that it's the only map people wanna play) the mid/end game is just a portal grab. You may enjoy this, but it's my personal feeling that it's just irritating.

I just want to know why are the portals so poorly defended? No archer towers come up and, unlike every other map, theres no towers next to the portal itself. (I believe every other map, I'm at work so I can't check.)

So I guess my question is...why? Is there a reason behind it? Am I just dense?

+60 Karma | 11 Replies
January 9, 2010 2:03:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Truth be told lots of things about demigod are badly designed, this comes from releasing the game well before it was ready (proof: all the networking problems on release).

One of the reason's cataract is played so much is the length of the game's can become excrutiatingly long on bigger maps, and the fact that online play breaks down and starts to severely lag with more then 6 players.  The networking in demigod is atrocious so people tend to play cataract.  On larger maps lag can be a huge issue, Zikurat is one map where you can experience severe lag.

I personally blame the developers for having so few good maps and not play testing the game enough.  I agree there is nowhere near enough map variety in demigod.

January 9, 2010 2:43:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Needs moar 2v2 and 3v3 size maps.  I kind of like the Cataract tower setup. The flags give too much benefit though, the warscore benefit already justifies capturing them.  The HP flag is a terrible idea. The games become too predictable -> 2 strongest DGs go to hp flag, weakest caps xp, then brilliance.

January 10, 2010 12:31:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First of all I would like to say I have a bias opinion about Cataract because I love it.

The portal issue you speak of gives the map a character that the others do not have. The other maps do not focus on portal capture and cataract does, now to me that is diversity in map structure not limitiation. So my answer to your question is that the lack of archer towers was an intentional map design to provide variety in map structure, not a mistake.

I have also won many games by pushing the middle lane and perma locking the valor flag infront of the citadel on cataract. This allows you to go and heal, comeback with a freshload of giants, and do some more damage to that citadel. Winning this way almost always requires giants though.

January 10, 2010 12:39:04 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, I sort of think Leviathan is boring compared to Cataract because of the portal cap element.

January 10, 2010 1:52:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I never said it was a mistake, I just wanted to see if there was a good reason behind it.

If everyone thinks it was so the game devolves into a bunch of flag capping and locking, that's fine I spose.

I wouldnt even mind if it there was more then just two ToLs. They fall extreamly easy. I'm all for the side portal caps but its just easy mode right now. Once you lose those two towers, you get forced to port over and over.

Oh, on a side note. Why the HELL do people cap the flag when Priests arnt even out yet? That's just denying your team exp and gold for NO gain other then a little warscore. I've watch people suicide to do it. Teh fux?

January 10, 2010 2:38:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I believe you get a reward for every wave of allied creeps that spawns from your enemy's portal. Not sure, but it's DEFINITELY not worth dying for. (unless you have maxed out giants)

January 10, 2010 4:06:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Splitshadow,
I believe you get a reward for every wave of allied creeps that spawns from your enemy's portal. Not sure, but it's DEFINITELY not worth dying for. (unless you have maxed out giants)

You only get rewarded for the 2nd and successive waves. Typically you won't get two full waves without a lock unless you're playing with scrubs. Even then, waves spawn every 31 seconds. Locks only last 45.

You get roughly 60 gold from a creep wave @ WS2. Full waves with giants, etc, grant roughly 500 exp for everyone your team and roughly 250 gold.

However, remember that the portal flags on Cata do have a gold-mine attached to them which gives you 4 gps.

January 10, 2010 5:01:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good point, I would say it's best to capture portal flags whenever possible when the risk of dying is low. The badly defended portal flags make cataract much more fun.

January 10, 2010 5:30:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The badly defended portal flags make cataract much more fun.

Unless the other team has an oak that specced lvl 3 shield...

January 11, 2010 3:17:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I doubt it's intentional. I was played a game with frogboy and was trying to get him to help push a portal early, I think at war rank 4 or so, and told him that it was worth it because it would give the whole team gold and exp. His reply was that he knew how it worked because he designed the mechanic, and in spite of that he still didn't seem to value the portal all that much. So to me it seems unlikely that the intent was to make the whole game into a flag lock struggle before rank 10, but who knows?

Maybe Frogboy himself can shed some light on it. Basically right now capping that port shuts off creep waves and lets your creeps demolish the front of their base while they fight for the port, it gives you a gold mine, and it gives the whole team some gold and exp as the waves come out.

You can lock one and then port to help out ina 3v3 across the map and still get exp off that lane while you're away. Cow is right that it's specific to Cataract, but I would say it's a problem specific to cat rather than a feature. Regardless if people would just stop playing cat over and over again it wouldn't be such a problem.

January 24, 2010 4:48:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting HorseStrangler,
I doubt it's intentional. I was played a game with frogboy and was trying to get him to help push a portal early, I think at war rank 4 or so, and told him that it was worth it because it would give the whole team gold and exp. His reply was that he knew how it worked because he designed the mechanic, and in spite of that he still didn't seem to value the portal all that much. So to me it seems unlikely that the intent was to make the whole game into a flag lock struggle before rank 10, but who knows?

Maybe Frogboy himself can shed some light on it. Basically right now capping that port shuts off creep waves and lets your creeps demolish the front of their base while they fight for the port, it gives you a gold mine, and it gives the whole team some gold and exp as the waves come out.

You can lock one and then port to help out ina 3v3 across the map and still get exp off that lane while you're away. Cow is right that it's specific to Cataract, but I would say it's a problem specific to cat rather than a feature. Regardless if people would just stop playing cat over and over again it wouldn't be such a problem.


I would have MUCH less of a problem with Cat if archer towers spawned on the sides as well.

I'm not against the portal capping game (I don't like it, but I know people do and I don't think its stupid. Just annoying ), I just want some more defence on the two sides so its not as easy to turn the game into that.

Two towers of light? That's nothing after like lvl 10.

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