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Odd Game and Question

By on January 7, 2010 11:06:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Odd game last night. I was on a team with Deliverer33 and a Jmichael something-or-other against Exotigo, AzrailX, and I can't remember the third (nor can I look it up as the game never recorded correctly, but thats another story). Anyway, Exotigo and Jmichael both seemed to be griefers, but they were on opposite teams. They would walk out to the center of cat, or one of the side lanes where no one else was at the moment (it was a rather heated battle between what ended up being mostly a 2v2) and just AA each other until one died from either one of the real ppl jumping in to keep flag or tower damage from them fighting near a tower. Then, once both exotigo and jmichael had 13 deaths, they both DCed. I believe exotigo was hosting, so the game ended up not being recorded, as well as numerous games that I didn't play in showed up on my record. Me, deliverer33, and AzrailX were all utterly confused by what was happening during the game. Anyone else run into these two? Are they known griefers? Wish I would have saved the replay... maybe one of the others will notice the post and upload a replay if they saved it.

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