since we are talking DA, even if in jest, I thought I'd comment here rather than make a new post
1. You need an allied Oak, Sedna, or QoT to back you up because you will be primary target and even popping sigils like candy (which you should) you will go down fast
1a. If you don't have an Oak, Sedna, or QoT and you don't know your team well then you shouldn't be playing DA any more than you would TB, Reg, or QoT, just because unless perfectly supported DA sorta sucks
1b. If you have an Oak or Sedna, you don't know your team, and no one wants to build as a tank then you shouldn't play DA, because you can't tank
1c. The exceptions to above are things like a TB/UB/DA team, where the DPS is so extreme that you don't have to worry about survivability, or unbalanced PUGs, where you don't have to worry about anything
3. When supported a good DA counters all Tier 1 DGs with the possible exceptions of minion Oak and LE.
4. A point in speed early goes a long way toward increasing your effectiveness.
5. You can make a case for EOM or Renewal, but BOTF remains the item of choice for this DG
6. That said, until level 10+: unless ganking you should play him for his Spike and his Swaps - getting within melee of enemy DGs is usually a bad thing. You can build and use him just like a Snipe Reg in terms of Mana items until you are ready to beef up and brawl
8. You have one thing you can do well - kill DGs. With a point or more in speed you are decent with flag and map control. Warp Area is supposed to help you with grunts and minions, but it doesn't work well enough to be worth investing in. Stick to what you are good at. For DA more than any other DG - If you are trying to kill Giants rather than cap the portals they are coming out of or kill the DGs who are trying to cap your portals then you are doing it wrong