Quoting RAWRRRR,
reply 54
Great, let's create a small, elitist, closed circle of players inside the already small and low populated community of people that play Demigod online.
Yep, it sounds like a great idea for the game's community health. Let's scare away unexperienced players a lil bit more.
"Give me a sec, you're not in the list of top players. Sorry, you can't play in this game."
because premade teams and groups haven't been shunned from the world of demigod for the entirety of the game, right?
now instead of "LOL premade.. quit 'pugstomping' and only play other premades" you're saying you WANT us to face pugs and noobs? I suppose that's a step in the right direction.. although it would be best if the pugs / noobs grouped up to make their own premades.?[/
Certainly not by me, nor by many other players who gladly play against premade teams as long as teams are reasonably balanced.
The point of this thread and some comments in it stink of elitism, the same kind of close-minded, elitist attitude that's droven some "my-lil-premade-only" players to "non-playing heaven" . Ideas like organizing closed tournaments in a community as Demigod's one make me eyes roll .
But i'll leave the train in this station, i don't wanna help in keeping this thread at the top of the forum. Hey, maybe i'm just flaming away cos i'm in not the list .
The idea of a closed tournament is not to reinforce elitism. It is to ensure the integrity of a competitive and fair tournament. Find out where certain players place amongst themselves, in good fun. Plus, if the replays are publicized, everyone can learn from the incidents as well. The good players will improve amongst themselves, and we all learn from their performance as well. It's a huge win/win.
If it ends up being successful, we can have other tournaments too which can invite a larger range of players. In the end, the key difference is to help control the number of players and number of games played, so statistics FINALLY mean SOMETHING. I would guess coordinating something like this would not be very easy, so the less players the easier to get it rolling.
When I say closed, I mean people register and cannot join half-way in. I also mean they play a fixed set of games against each other, just like a sports league. No more "hey you were noob stomping" or "hey you fixed those matches" kind of crap. An undefeated team in the tournament filled to the brim with other highly regarded players finally MEANS SOMETHING.
And, if a team gets totally defeated with a non-winning record, you can check their replays to see how close it was. I wouldn't necessarily expect an easy win against such a team if we can really get some high quality players together.
Then later on, we can have a larger tournament where a lot of registrants join in (anyone can join), they play off in some sort of swiss tournament and the people with the highest records there play in the final brackets. Again, we need a lot of players willing to play and able to have a 3rd party coordinator to ensure some level of fairness if we want the "anyone can join" tournament. But again, it would have to be closed in the sense of fixed number of games against a fixed number of opponents. Imagine how hard that would be to setup especially for a first run?
The biggest problem with tournaments is coordinating with a large number of players and in a fixed time frame. I would propose a slower time-frame since convincing everyone to play at the same time would be near impossible. Basically people would play against each other in a fixed list and can play them over the span of a few weeks? Again, it is far easier to demonstrate a proof of concept with LESS players than it is for more players. If most of these players have retired already, then our current list might not even be big enough. 
Again, do any of the guys on this list sound remotely interested in this idea?