as i read in some posts the chainlocking is something that everyone does but most dont like too much.
it seems as if most people are annoyed because lategame it makes the game more about flagruns than about fighting demigods. well i think that generally the locking mechanism as it is now is ok but what sucks about the whole thing is that in many cases you cant prevent a flag from being locked over and over again. the enemy doesnt fight at all, they just go into your base, relock and go out. in my opinion this is not a problem with the locking mechanism or the different characters. really, oaks shield, erebus stun, sednas silence etc. are good abilities that are not the cause of the problem. thats why i thought about the following. why not adding items to make chainlocking harder. so here are my ideas:
1. fake lock. it fakes a lock. its possible to apply it to any not neutral flag. if its locked and the lock goes off it still looks locked but aint so you can cap it. i think this would already be a cool item because the enemy cant exactly say anymore when to apply a lock and perhaps double locks a flag (which does not increase the lock duration so they practically waste a lock).
2. lock preventer. it makes flags unlockable for everybody for a certain amount of time. the flag can still be captured. locks can be applied but are being ignored (so this item really needs to be more expensive than a usual flag lock)
3. unlocker. does what it says. unlocks a flag. im not shure about this at all but it should definitely be expensive (1000 or something like that) and have a long casting time (5 seconds or longer). must be the last choice.
its pretty easy to create these items. i have done that though i havent tested yet what happens if the state changes (like ally to neutral. i think the effects wear off but i guess this is ok) but what do you think about it. would you use them? what should be the cost, casting time, cooldown and duration etc. ?