Well, I have played 3-4 games against the easy AI, won handsomly and am absolutely loving the game! 
The problem is that I don't know how on earth am I winning and what am I supposed to do. The manual is woefully short of any sort of explanation, or maybe I read through it too quickly. I would be glad if anyone could answer some of these questions or point me to a link with information about basic game concepts.
1. When you press F4 in a game, you can select one ability which stay with you for that game. You need favour points. How do you get those darn favour points? The +15% movement is very handy for Regulus, but what if I want to have the better ones? I don't have enough favour. I am guessing that simply winning more games will give me more points, but will only Regulus games count for his facour points or will other Demigods do too?
2. Gold - how do you get that? Citadel upgrades? Items? Level up abilities? something else?
3. Same about Mana.
4. What is the difference between your levelling up and the war score of your team? What are the benefits of levelling up, apart from getting new skills? What good is the war score for? I didn't understand this by reading the manual.
5. Where do I get more gameplay concept help? I see lots of guides for specific Demigods, but to understand them I need to understand the basics first, don't I?
6. Why should I play this game in multiplayer mode? The single player is so much fun, even at low details. Can't wait for the new rig!
7. They said it needed SP3 and I almost didn't buy the game because of that. Luckily I did, and it works great for my XP SP2 
8. What are the two "Demigod - Demon Assassin" registrations with serial numbers in the My Account page? Is that a goody I need to downlad?