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Erebus Mist Build

By on December 11, 2009 6:35:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Erebus Mist Build + Explanation


Skills :

Level 1: Bite
Level 2: Mist
Level 3: Save
Level 4: Bite + Mist
Level 5: Swarm
Level 6: Save
Level 7: Bite + Mist
Level 8: Save
Level 9: Save
Level 10: Bite + Mist +Swarm
Level 11: Coven
Level 12: Improved Converstion
Level 13: Coven
Level 14: Save (Or Coven)
Level 15: Bloody Haze + Bat Swarm (Or just Bloody Haze if you got Level 14 Coven)

After this point you can continue building up coven and your minions.

Item List :

Favor Item : Cloak Of The Night

Starting items : (if you have another general who gets monks)
Scaled Helm
Mana Pot

(Without another general)
Scaled Helm

Items to purchase in order of importance :
Having atleast 2 portal scrolls
Hungarling's (If you can afford it when you go back after you purchase Plaenor)
Citadel Upgrades

(Side note with the items) You can purchase the Visor any time after Plaenor if you need more regen but cannot afford the Vinling or Hung.

What to do at points in the game :

Beginning :
It is very beneficial to get a side to yourself, but not absolutely needed. It is reccomended to quickly rush center, get EXP from center flag and go straight for the mana flag on Cat. Keep using bite and your melee swings to keep your health up and keep pressure on people on your flag. If you get low, use that cloak, if you see a kill opportunity on a non-general demigod (IE a warp and a bite will kill) take the kill. Against generals it is too risky as they might get a monk heal which will in turn cause your death.

At level 5: You get bat swarm and will most likely have atleast vlemish.
Ok, so now you are getting some fair amount of regen going and you can warp. You can be much more aggressive. LE has a huge burst available now so use it. The burst is as follow :

Swarm + Bite + Melee if they are low/Mist if they are high health and not running. This is a fair amount of damage, you have taken none and you still have a cloak if things get nasty. A warning though is to never run past an enemy flag or pursue too far until later levels. Keep in mind you are still squishy beyond belief.

Mid Game :
You are now rocking a nice Plaenor and possibly higher, your mana is approaching 5-6K and you can bite and swarm spam while staying at full. Your goal here is to assist in downing towers and assisting teammates in kills. You are not the portal holding flag beast yet, you are more of a huge annoyance to the team. You can burst them but they cannot burst you. You are fast and can cover a lot of the map quickly, and your bites and swarms will assist in kills. Keep this up until level 10-12.

Late game :
If you got a few kills, congratulations at 10, you can now hold a portal flag. If you are not getting many kills, you might have to wait. You can see your mana regen compared you your mist mana usage by going mist and watching it for a little. Once you are losing only 30 mana per tick (IE you are regenning about 80-100 MPS) you are ready. Go to a portal flag and warp onto it. You will either cap it and then can lock it or stay, or try to down towers and push. If they defend it, here comes the fun. They warp onto you, let them damage you a bit, about 800 under your max health, bite, and then mist. You will damagae them for about 200 more damage from mist and you will be happily chilling while killing their creep wave, leveling, getting nightwalkers, and pushing with them. They will be unhappy waiting and watching, not getting creep XP, not helping their team hold flags, and will be forced to lock the flag to go do anything. If they lock it, no big deal, scroll to the other side, warp onto that portal, and repeat. They will be forced to spend money locking constantly or lose a portal. Keep this up till you push to their cit. Mist on their citadel to give your creeps some Regen and win.


Further Elaborations :

I would like to explain a bit about this build. It is nothing new and has been done before in the past. The goal is to get enough mana per 5 to stay in mist indefinatly. Now, to get this you will need 5 mana helmets (4 for the alternate gameplay style, but I will get to that later). With this you will be possibly the squishiest thing alive which might deter people, but I feel I should counter this point and other concerns many might have with this build (To see a quick answer to obvious questions, go to the bottom.).

"How are you planning on staying alive without stacking health?"

Simple you don't need health. Erebus's bite is an amazing tool that will keep you topped off. Keep in mind with the insane mana regen you have, biting will be able to be done every time it is up. In the beginning of the game you will be able to bite, in a row, atleast 5 times. This excludes any regen you get during those 5 times. A normal erebus can do 2 before being oom. You healing from this alone is very powerful. Now, it does have a cooldown so you do have to do something to survive inbetween bites. This is where bat swarm and mist come into play. If you are getting in a bad position, Bite ---> Mist --(Wait till bite is up)-> Bite ---> Swarm away or pursue. You stay alive by misting to avoid any damage, biting to keep yourself topped off constantly, and swarming as your get away.

"How can you hold a lane early game?"

Simply. Go in, melee, bite when you have taken about 300 damage, continue meleeing, bite again. You will either be in a bad spot or he will be at this point. If you are in a bad spot, cloak out, if he is, you have a flag. This is not different than most other Teir 1 demigods. The only demigod that can push you from a flag is rook in which you will need to have your team assist you if you want the flag. The other viable option is to level by your tower and keep pestering with bites until they must leave.

"How can he hold up in the end game?"

End game is where he shines. You will be unkillable (assuming you can use keybindings) and will be able to stay in mist indefinatly (Or for a long, long time for the 4 helm build) and can put out 1.5K-2K burst damage whenever you desire. The true power in this build is your ability to hold onto a portal flag. Warping in and stealing it is normally what erebus does, but you have an added bonus, if they warp to stop you, they just wasted a warp and their time. With bite and indefinate mist, just chill there as they lose EXP, flags, while they wait for you to come out. Their only choice will be to leave to not lose everything and then you will start to recap it. And while your misted, you will have a constant stream of minions to push down their towers with.

4 Mana Helms :

And as mentioned there is a 4 mana helm build. This requires a more attentful eye on your mana bar as you can go oom, but played well you won't need to ever use enough to go that low.

The mana helms will be:

Vlemish/Plaenor/Hung/Vinlin. You can replace the Scaled with a few items

Unbreakable Boots : You become a little less squishy and will have a higher mana cap.

Boots Of Speed : Make erebus a little faster for cheap

Journymen : Some health, high movement increase, and a chance to go very fast. This can be useful for getting away on some tight 1 on 1's when you are low on mana, but don't rely on the chance proc.

All Father's Ring : Hey, if you can afford it, why the hell not take it?


+2 Karma | 31 Replies
December 15, 2009 1:23:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

That's a good point.  At first I was thinking that this was a cool idea, but if word gets out about erebus not coming off the flag, I suppose I would go for a 3 way push on the enemy and take their gates.


But it could go both ways, ere could port to the fight, too.  He just would not be as useful, but unlimited mist would keep him fairly safe.


I'd have to see this in action, sounds good on paper, but like a lot of ideas, it dies out in game dynamics

December 15, 2009 1:25:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Also might want to include Magnus Rod its Mana regen 50% and cost of abilities reduced for 5 seconds is key

December 15, 2009 10:33:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting grimunk,

Quoting HorseStrangler,
reply 20
Whenever you lose a flag it starts porducing hostile reinforcements, which you turn into nightwalkers and from which you gain exp, while your opponent gains zero exp.

Fair enough. So I guess just letting erebus hold that portal flag is what you'd have to do, and take advantage that he's too busy to help his teammates control the rest of the map.

He is being a team player, holding the enemy controlled portal gives the entire team XP every wave.

December 17, 2009 9:51:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Cind3rs,
That's a good point.  At first I was thinking that this was a cool idea, but if word gets out about erebus not coming off the flag, I suppose I would go for a 3 way push on the enemy and take their gates.


But it could go both ways, ere could port to the fight, too.  He just would not be as useful, but unlimited mist would keep him fairly safe.


I'd have to see this in action, sounds good on paper, but like a lot of ideas, it dies out in game dynamics


I am in the works of getting a replay against skilled opponents. If you push for our gate, I lock the one you let me cap and warp in to assist. I don't stay there forever, just until you get annoyed and give it to me, or I effectively take one player away from their team while killing a spawn wave.

December 17, 2009 11:27:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

That's a good point. At first I was thinking that this was a cool idea, but if word gets out about erebus not coming off the flag, I suppose I would go for a 3 way push on the enemy and take their gates.
If you did that I'd think he would just lock one and then cross to your other portal.

December 18, 2009 6:27:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

He is being a team player, holding the enemy controlled portal gives the entire team XP every wave.

I know, but what I'm saying is that if he's holding onto a portal by himself, you'll have a map control advantage over the rest of his team you could (theoretically) exploit. Do a 3v2 push on enemy DGs for ganks or portals. I think it would force Ere to leave his portal. I think it would still be a skill/team cohesion play because by misting up erebus is not really a combat ready DG.


Quoting HorseStrangler,

That's a good point. At first I was thinking that this was a cool idea, but if word gets out about erebus not coming off the flag, I suppose I would go for a 3 way push on the enemy and take their gates.If you did that I'd think he would just lock one and then cross to your other portal.

You would possibly pre-emptively lock that portal. On a team of 3, it is possible to lock 3 of 4 portals (cataract).

Theoretically, it should still be skill and team cohesion depedent. You're trading one advantage for another: Extra-unkillable erebus (who already is the hardest DG to actually squish thanks to batswarm) for an erebus who won't be in direct combat, and is squishier.

Hard to saw until I encounter it. It will likely be annoying as everyone will be playing by habitual strategies instead of reactive ones, which will make it seem OP at first, kinda like DA swaps.

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