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General Strategies.

Something ALL the demi gods should do

By on December 6, 2009 10:39:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have alot of games so I dont play demi god way to much but im starting to get into it a little bit more now and i use to only play against AI since it was fast and fun at the same time. Well now I am starting out playing online and was just wondering what are some tactics that I should be using. All I got so far was that if an enemy demi god starts running away then you pretty much won and dont chase them cause whenever I do that i end up dying. That is a huge change for me from starting out since I always chased down AI. So I just need some help on getting the basics down for playing online.


What are some good stats to stack? I know health and armour is really important but when do I know when I have enough of them so I can start getting + weapon attack and attack speed? or mana

0 Karma | 10 Replies
December 7, 2009 12:38:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Learning not to chase players into their towers is a great first lesson. I think the biggest lesson to learn is lane control. Own your lane and stay in it. Kill creeps and cap flags until you've got a level advantage then still only press your luck when you have the numbers advantage. Stay aware of what your teammates are doing, if they're running and you're nearby you may be able to peel off their pursuer and save your team a death.

One of the hardest lessons to learn is how to not take damage in the early game. If you're repeatedly running back to the crystal you're not xping or making money and your teammates are fighting shorthanded. You're better off sitting next to your tower and killing the creeps as they come up than charging out to the flag to fight a 50/50 battle that you may have to run from and leave the tower open.

Capitalizing on the money you make is pretty key too... you're going to need how to learn how to use TP scrolls, cap locks, and sigils so I generally don't buy any items past the 2nd level... unbreakable boots, plenor, vlemish, hauberk of life, nimoth. Sometimes a narmoth's ring or mageslayer depending on the circumstances of the game. I don't ever specifically look to upgrade my weapon dmg or attack speed, I'd rather have maxed out cats and giants doing the dirty work at that point. Mana is highly DG dependent... I play UB and Oak. With UB I'll grab a vlemish and be fine, with Oak usually I'll get both a vlemish and plenor if the game lasts long enough. Some other DGs you might need a 3rd mana item depending on your build. But if you're not sure, it's hard to go wrong by stacking HP.

December 7, 2009 12:45:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

#1 rule for being new: Avoid Demigod Lust.

December 7, 2009 12:47:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Double post FTW!

Oh and I guess another rule would be hp items are sadly the best.

December 7, 2009 12:50:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Try and figure out who is going to get currency at WR3 and get it as soon as possible.  its advantage is best felt over time so the earlier you get it the better it is for your whole team.

Early game Cataract (the map that I htink 80% of games are played on) make sure you focus on getting the tower on their mine side down and also make sure you don't lose the tower protecting your mine.  Don't do this at the expense of you dying, but this is very important.  Try and get their goldmine flag when you can (it gives you gold AND takes it away from them). 

Learn when to run to safety (its probably a lot earlier than you think).  Things can turn quickly and running is almost always preferrable to dying (in fact I can't really think of a time that dying is better).  I'm still personally learning this one.  I still get tunnel vision and try to get that last hit on the tower instead of running when I see 2 DGs coming...

the general rule I try to follow (to varying degrees of success) is Don't Die... no matter what!


December 7, 2009 2:13:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have alot of games so I dont play demi god way to much but im starting to get into it a little bit more now and i use to only play against AI since it was fast and fun at the same time. Well now I am starting out playing online and was just wondering what are some tactics that I should be using. All I got so far was that if an enemy demi god starts running away then you pretty much won and dont chase them cause whenever I do that i end up dying. That is a huge change for me from starting out since I always chased down AI. So I just need some help on getting the basics down for playing online.


What are some good stats to stack? I know health and armour is really important but when do I know when I have enough of them so I can start getting + weapon attack and attack speed? or mana

You played pretty good last night. But BotF is not the best favor item for TB. You were low on Mana often probably would have went BoTS and then stacked armour.

Remember the game type too. Our game was domination which means control the flags.  You also commented you like to get kills but you don't have to kill to win the game.

December 7, 2009 7:08:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I found this extremely useful. Everything you need to know, plus things that you didn't know existed. Things you never wanted to know also exist as a bonus.

December 7, 2009 10:11:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Know your character!! When I see an erebus who let his minions attack w/o him i want to cry . There are rules like this for all characters, learn them know them! Also know what abilities your enemy has and try to figure out when and why they use them so that you know when Oak uses his penitence its time to gtfo cause ub is a comin ect.

My 2 cents


December 8, 2009 1:04:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BotF is good on everyone. Yes even TB.

I play all chars and sadly the more I play the more BotF seems to be the best.

December 8, 2009 1:07:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Its fine as erebus to send his minions fighting alone.

December 10, 2009 10:41:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BotF is good on everyone. Yes even TB.

I play all chars and sadly the more I play the more BotF seems to be the best.

BotS is far superior, it will make you weak early game in a trade off, but early game is about leveling and flag control, in fact all game is about leveling and flag control, kills only happen when mistakes are made and that is what determines good teamowrk and skill.

BotS allows you to have nearly infinate mana = no need to buy mana items = more slots for hp = stronger demigod

You also commented you like to get kills but you don't have to kill to win the game.

If only more people knew this =]


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