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Reg build - just looking for advice, and ideas

By on December 5, 2009 11:57:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Fairly new player, only have about 110 games played.  I started off learning UB then Ereb and now Reg.  Heres my build I been working on and what has been working best in a Cata 3v3 games.

Fav Item : 15% anklet (I have ran with wrath, Ive tried blood, and a few other ones but I keep coming back to having the most success with this favor item)

Starting off I always grab a banded armor for the health, and a crown for the +4 mana regen and (I think) +575 mana, I wait the extra 5 seconds or so to be able to get both of these before moving out.  These two items Ive found allow me to stay in lane till I am about level 6 or 7 and about 3000-4000k in gold. 

Level 1: Snipe -

Level 2: Scope-

Level 3: Mine1(dont use mine one just get it so I can get mine3 as early as possible)

Level 4: Snipe 2

Level 5: Bug

Level 6: Mine2

Level 7: Mine3

Level 8: AF

Level 9: AF2

Level 10: Mine Max (slow mines)

Level 11: AF3

Level 12-14: Stats

Level 15: Max AF

Level 16-20: well depends, Maim, Mark, I think Ive had a 3v3 Cata go past level 16 twice ever so I never really pay attention this far on.

I play a reg (in early game)as a support to the tank classes in Lane, or a harrasse class if Im in a Lane solo.  I stay out of range and poke more powerful DGs while running back to towers if they close in.  I snipe NON STOP constantly.  I want my bugs on enemy DGs so I know how much health they have, where they are, and what they are doing at all times.  I snipe a DG as soon as a teammate engages them everytime.  This allows me to do multiple things, it gives my teammate an early advantage, it gives me an assist kill guarenteed if teammate manages to kill him, and it usually 9times outa 10 clears snipe up for a second shot if the enemy DG starts to run, or if he pursues my teammate into towers with low health (which will many times give me a kill or save my teammate).  I truly beleive that those early snipes more often then not will push enemy DGs out of lanes and back to crystals which is almost as good as killing them.  I see so many other Regs' who hold their snipe till they are looking at guarenteed kill shots, which I just dont agree with.  Especially with the early mask which means I rarely run out of mana by pushing snipes out.

I know some people think that anything past level 1 snipe is a waste, but I find that almost everyone I play seems to assume that I do too and starts to run at about 700-800hp, and the extra snipe at max range puts out 750damage which nets me more kills.  It also is enough damage to help teammates push enemy DGs outa lanes at level 5 while Hps are still relatively low.

Soon as I have Mine 3 I start pushing lanes solo to the back towers, and I dont fear engaging enemy DGs.  I still have the added 15% run speed so I can get out of areas quickly that I need to.  After Tower Regen 1 and Curr 1 is purchased at the citidel I go for:

Flemish Mask and Nimroth ring (the 750hp 20hp regen 9%HP drain) ring. 

Gives me a little more survivability given that everyone stacks HP now.  This puts my Reg at about 4100 HP which with my AF + Mines means most 1v1s I win against enemy DGs.

At Level 10 I set up traps wherever I go and I stop using snipe for the most part, unless I see a retreating DG with under 750 HP.  The slow mines are unreal in both damage and to set up amazign traps slowing DGs allowing for TP ganks from my own teammates. 

I normally (once I have money and we have currency 2 + priests by now):

Slayer gloves for the weapon damage and crit proc and sell the level 1 mask for the Planar crown.  The crown is relatively cheap and I find that it + the flemish is enough to keep me mostly maxed in mana while spamming AF + Mines.

Here Ill run with this gear till its late game and we have Cats at least, if not Giants before I upgrade the banded to the Journey boots for even more speed.  I usually am leading our team in assists, if not kills AND assists.  Then Im really just pushing down lanes laying mine traps and capping portals (if I can).  I can take out towers in seconds at level 13+.  With the AF levels + the stats increases post level 15 No other DG (except a HP stacked DA that gets the jump on me) stands up to a 1v1.  Especially since I can mine slow him walk outa range and start whacking him again for a couple shots safetly.  AA is hitting for about 350 against a similiar leveled DG and hitting for over 400 close to 500 if they are undergeared and a couple levels lower then me.

Of course its all a work in progress and Id love any CONSTRUCTIVE critisism on the build.  Ive played with a couple people that post here so some might be able to give more feedback on what I could do better, but otherwise just looking for general advice and opinions.  This is my first post here so please be gentle!

0 Karma | 14 Replies
December 5, 2009 12:27:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

A competent Reg picks two out of the three skills: Snipe, Mine, and Angelic Fury. You picked all three and essentially wasted your points. Wasting points in all three skills is going to leave you no skill points for the more essential passive skills. I also suggest getting Maim a lot earlier, and dropping points in +Attribute when you absolutely have nowhere else to put them.

I snipe NON STOP constantly.

This, in my opinion, is a very costly mistake. Sniping takes a very big toll on your mana. If you harass with Snipe too much, you won't have enough mana to use Snipe when you actually need it for a kill. You don't need bugs on enemy DGs all the time. You can easily predict where people are going when they leave clues on your map.
I snipe a DG as soon as a teammate engages them everytime.

Again, you shouldn't snipe EVERY time. For example, your teammate is against a General with monks. You snipe him and your ally doesn't kill him. The monks heal Erebus back to full health, and you just lost a chunk of mana for nothing. Sniping a demigod chasing your ally is a good instance where you should do it. However, most of the time if your target still has a good amount of health your action will be futile

Flemish Mask and Nimroth ring (the 750hp 20hp regen 9%HP drain) ring. 

Gives me a little more survivability given that everyone stacks HP now.  This puts my Reg at about 4100 HP which with my AF + Mines means most 1v1s I win against enemy DGs.

I like how you go for Citadel upgrades first. Definitely a good choice. Your item choice is, however, questionable. Just because everybody stacks health, does not make it right for Regulus to stack health especially since points were put in Scope. A good Regulus survives on his ability to kite, not on his health items. Any Regulus within the range of someone's melee is a dead Regulus no matter how much HP items he stacked. Don't make that you.

Slayer gloves for the weapon damage and crit proc and sell the level 1 mask for the Planar crown.  The crown is relatively cheap and I find that it + the flemish is enough to keep me mostly maxed in mana while spamming AF + Mines.

Again, if you were smarter on your usage of Snipe and Mines you probably would not need to sink so much into mana items. Slayer is a good choice, but I suggest getting that very early on.

AA is hitting for about 350 against a similiar leveled DG

That would be a mistake. Late game, if you aren't hitting more than 700 with max Angel and crits then something is wrong.

I upgrade the banded to the Journey boots for even more speed.

You don't need that much speed, especially since you have Swift Anklet. You already run faster than most of your enemies, why do you want to go even faster? I would suggest getting an Artifact. Late game, you have points in Curr, and if you are playing Regulus right you should have a couple of kills. Get an Artifact (Mage Slayer, or Ashkandors if you got money in the bank), and be blown away at how easy people are to kill now. A proper AA build can hit up to a little more than 1000 with the Mage Slayer at the right level. Don't miss out on that.

I personally prefer Blood of the Fallen. It still is overpowered, so next time you get enough favor you should try that out. I've also found Staff of the Warmage pretty useful. It adds damage and gives you a mana boost for the early game. Swift Anklet is not a bad choice though. When you play enough, you can get Assassin's Favor items that pretty much makes your enemies your sons.

December 5, 2009 12:40:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting vindKtiv,
A competent Reg picks two out of the three skills: Snipe, Mine, and Angelic Fury. You picked all three and essentially wasted your points. Wasting points in all three skills is going to leave you no skill points for the more essential passive skills. I also suggest getting Maim a lot earlier, and dropping points in +Attribute when you absolutely have nowhere else to put them.

I find that early game the first 2 levels of snipe get me a good amount of kills + assists, but after about level 7 or 8 its completely usless and scales like shit.  I also found that maim wasnt really needed with proper mine placements after level 10.  I learned through trial and error that AF scales awesomely and I can start picking it up in midgame and it becomes still incredibly awesome. From your suggestion I could forgo 3 points (snipe 1, snipe 2, and bug) and get Maim 1-3, does everyone consider the 10percent slow more effect throughtout the game then the 2 or 3 snipe kills + 4 or 5 assists you get from the early snipe?  (its hard to value the damage aspect of pushing enemy DGs out of lanes early on)

I snipe NON STOP constantly.
This, in my opinion, is a very costly mistake. Sniping takes a very big toll on your mana. If you harass with Snipe too much, you won't have enough mana to use Snipe when you actually need it for a kill. You don't need bugs on enemy DGs all the time. You can easily predict where people are going when they leave clues on your map.

Ive heard people say that, but I dont really experience it.  Snipes cooldown + the lil xtra mana from the mask, it takes a good 5-6 levels of constant sniping before I run out.  And if I am low I dont waste the shot Ill wait till its a kill, or needed.  I guess I might have misworded, when I say non stop, I really mean at the beginning of each engagement betwen our team and enemy DGs.  I dont snipe when no one but an enemy is at a flag at full health, but I do snipe as soon as a enemy DG starts moving towards a teammate to engage.  Does that make more sense?

I snipe a DG as soon as a teammate engages them everytime.
Again, you shouldn't snipe EVERY time. For example, your teammate is against a General with monks. You snipe him and your ally doesn't kill him. The monks heal Erebus back to full health, and you just lost a chunk of mana for nothing. Sniping a demigod chasing your ally is a good instance where you should do it. However, most of the time if your target still has a good amount of health your action will be futile

Flemish Mask and Nimroth ring (the 750hp 20hp regen 9%HP drain) ring. 

Gives me a little more survivability given that everyone stacks HP now.  This puts my Reg at about 4100 HP which with my AF + Mines means most 1v1s I win against enemy DGs.

I like how you go for Citadel upgrades first. Definitely a good choice. Your item choice is, however, questionable. Just because everybody stacks health, does not make it right for Regulus to stack health especially since points were put in Scope. A good Regulus survives on his ability to kite, not on his health items. Any Regulus within the range of someone's melee is a dead Regulus no matter how much HP items he stacked. Don't make that you.

Slayer gloves for the weapon damage and crit proc and sell the level 1 mask for the Planar crown.  The crown is relatively cheap and I find that it + the flemish is enough to keep me mostly maxed in mana while spamming AF + Mines.
Again, if you were smarter on your usage of Snipe and Mines you probably would not need to sink so much into mana items. Slayer is a good choice, but I suggest getting that very early on.

AA is hitting for about 350 against a similiar leveled DG
That would be a mistake. Late game, if you aren't hitting more than 700 with max Angel and crits then something is wrong.

This is at about level 10-13 I consider that "late game" prob because 90percent of the games I play are 3v3 Catas.  And those never go longer then level 15 and most cases are decided by level 10.  Am I wrong in saying 350-500 at level 10-13 is higher then average DGs?

I upgrade the banded to the Journey boots for even more speed.
You don't need that much speed, especially since you have Swift Anklet. You already run faster than most of your enemies, why do you want to go even faster? I would suggest getting an Artifact. Late game, you have points in Curr, and if you are playing Regulus right you should have a couple of kills. Get an Artifact (Mage Slayer, or Ashkandors if you got money in the bank), and be blown away at how easy people are to kill now. A proper AA build can hit up to a little more than 1000 with the Mage Slayer at the right level. Don't miss out on that.

Usually I only get to spend this kinda money on something when the game is pretty much over, but the opposing team isnt quitting till the citidel is down.  I cant remember ever having more then 10k gp in a cata game with there still a chance to either lose, or win, so I must admit I have no idea about the artifact items.  Mageslayer is the high weapon damage, high hp leach item right?

I personally prefer Blood of the Fallen. It still is overpowered, so next time you get enough favor you should try that out. I've also found Staff of the Warmage pretty useful. It adds damage and gives you a mana boost for the early game. Swift Anklet is not a bad choice though. When you play enough, you can get Assassin's Favor items that pretty much makes your enemies your sons.

December 5, 2009 6:26:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Attributes suck, you need helm first then health items, then get as fast as you can to treads which greatly increases your survivability.

December 6, 2009 10:41:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My personal opinion

1) Reg is the worst character when you face life stacks, playing him should be a personal commitment to knowing this.
2) More then 1 point in snipe is worthless. Use it to kill/assist fleeing DGs. Other than that, everyone will have too much life around level 7 for it to be even worth shooting it, even at full level. 1 point will fulfill this use through the entire game.
3) Track is not that good. Free info is not as good as pumping a skill point in something that will actually hurt a DG... take it at later levels when you have nothing better to buy.
4) So, always take MoTB at level 5. It's actually one of Reg's good skills.
5) Mine 1 is good and should be used, you use it to clear out creeps to turn your creeps against an enemy in the lane quickly to force a retreat while you pew pew pew them.
6) Speed is useless early. What saves you from getting kicked out of a lane by someone who has a ranged power is life. This is what I do against a speed Reg. He targets me, I click the mouse to walk away, and then quickly walk forward again. Reg will automatically move forward and put him in range of even something like spit when playing online because of latency. This is why life is better than speed.
7) Scope + Mines + Life = pain to other DGs when early lane farming. Don't over expose yourself, and be looking for the fleeing DGs to sink a snipe in.

December 6, 2009 11:47:25 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If i'm not mistaken snipe triggers maim so I'd put a point in it earlier so you can help allies catch up to faster enemies or slow them so aliies can get away (might wanna test it though im only 90% sure).

December 6, 2009 2:55:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Snipe will trigger maim.  100%

December 8, 2009 5:28:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Snipe triggers maim. The AoE from fury also maims all enemies damaged by it.

December 8, 2009 6:45:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

2) More then 1 point in snipe is worthless. Use it to kill/assist fleeing DGs. Other than that, everyone will have too much life around level 7 for it to be even worth shooting it, even at full level. 1 point will fulfill this use through the entire game.


I see this opinion frequently about snipe.


What part of 1000 damage every 10-15 seconds from nearly anywhere on the map (depending on SoR and celerity flags) is bad, exactly?  Hell, with just a staff of renewal, there's no reason you can't get at least two, and probably three snipes in before an opposing demigod makes it back to base.  You snipe right away so that you can snipe again before the fight is over, and the additional pressure most certainly isn't a waste.


On the other hand, if you're trying to say that 2000-3000 damage will not decide an otherwise 1v1 fight, then I don't know that there's really anything else to talk about.

December 8, 2009 8:14:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My personal opinion

1) Reg is the worst character when you face life stacks, playing him should be a personal commitment to knowing this.

DPS builds are pretty good vs life stacks. The lack of armor vs a 500+ damage per shot lvl 10 reg is very, very bad. I used dps reg to great effectiveness the last time everyone was health stacking.

2) More then 1 point in snipe is worthless. Use it to kill/assist fleeing DGs. Other than that, everyone will have too much life around level 7 for it to be even worth shooting it, even at full level. 1 point will fulfill this use through the entire game.

That really depends. I have a snipe/mines/mark build that is quite strong. It uses full snipe, and full snipe does very decent damage until late in the game. I've been finding it scales just fine until level 10 or 11, which is end-game time anyway.

3) Track is not that good. Free info is not as good as pumping a skill point in something that will actually hurt a DG... take it at later levels when you have nothing better to buy.

Track has granted me many kills, so it's hard to agree.

4) So, always take MoTB at level 5. It's actually one of Reg's good skills.

It is, but I prefer mines if I'm doing an aa build.

5) Mine 1 is good and should be used, you use it to clear out creeps to turn your creeps against an enemy in the lane quickly to force a retreat while you pew pew pew them.

Mines are a bad use of mana at level 1. AA builds will put out more damage using fury. Mine/snipe builds should try to get mines II at least before making regular use of mines.

6) Speed is useless early. What saves you from getting kicked out of a lane by someone who has a ranged power is life. This is what I do against a speed Reg. He targets me, I click the mouse to walk away, and then quickly walk forward again. Reg will automatically move forward and put him in range of even something like spit when playing online because of latency. This is why life is better than speed.

That depends. If you have someone to push with, you should be able to hold the lane. AA reg damage output at level 1 is very high. As the game progresses, 800 health is going to do less for you than +15% speed. It very much depends on the game you play and how your team is.

7) Scope + Mines + Life = pain to other DGs when early lane farming. Don't over expose yourself, and be looking for the fleeing DGs to sink a snipe in.

This does work, yes.

So do a few other tricks. Go life if you intend to be in the thick of it. Go SoR if you're a caster and need to spam mines and mark. Go mards to surprise people in the early-game and maybe push down a tower fast. Go speed for the best late game survival, because you absolutely, positively have to kite other players by then, whether or not you have +800 health.

December 8, 2009 9:40:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What part of 1000 damage every 10-15 seconds from nearly anywhere on the map (depending on SoR and celerity flags) is bad, exactly?

The problem is that Bishops can heal for 1000 damage every 5-10 seconds. This will work against an Assassin team, but few people do that.

December 9, 2009 2:11:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh Reg is like a horse fly on a hogs ass. Annoying but won't kill them most of the time. So I find support the only way to go with the possible carry if they get ahead in levels enough. So here is my strategy.


Start of game: Get snipe, Heavens wrath, Banded Armor and Scaled Helm. Wrath mana side portal Or right portal for other maps. Go to mana flag. Normally it is ungaurded. Cap it. Now your level 2(scope for tower) with no wave of creeps. I find that teams fight in the middle long enough for you to hit the tower on that side 3-6 times. *Important* Don't heavens wrath again till either a hero is in creep crowd or they are next to tower in mana lane. That extra 250 on DG or Tower is worth it. And keep using heavens wrath in the lane that your allies are not in. So you don't steal exp. To many people just spam Heavens wrath in middle and take out both creep lines. THis just hurts your teams leveling. If you have 2 dg's in mana lane remember to just hug tower and exp farm. Using heavens wrath sometimes gives you the advantage of the creeps hitting on them.I normally stay by tower between middle flag and mana flag that way I can assist snipe across map on hp side. You shouldn't have to go back to shop till level 4-6(your opponents most likey will be behind in levels). And when you do make sure to buy curr1 and Tower HP. I also have 1 kill and assists by this time if your team is in control of lane. If you can afford it get Vlemish facegaurd. O.K. for build now.

For 1 general or less opponent teams

Favor: Heavens Wrath

Level 1: Snipe I

Level 2: Scope I

Level 3: Maim I (Heavens Wrath applies this along with Snipe. SO good for support)

Level 4: Snipe II

Level 5: Bug

Level 6: Mine I

Level 7: Snipe III

Level 8: Mine II

Level 9: Mine III

Level 10: SnipeIIII

Level 11: Mine III

Level 12:MoTB I

Level 13-14: Stats

Level 15:Deadeye

Level 16:MoTB II

Level 17: Motb III

Level 18-20: Stats

Items List and order.

Banded Armor and Scaled helm (curr1 at rank 3 is top priority)

Vlemish Facegaurd (sets up spam snipe early, and spam mines late game) Trade for Hungerlings crown late game.

Boots of Speed

Unbreakable boots for 1 more snipe. And there good!

Trade Unbanded armor for Journeyman boots (maximize speed. Normally have them by level 8. Now your a flag capping beast and your allies can focus on holding lanes with your snipe support)

(Late game items normally 9+)

Veiled Storms

Mage killer replaces Scaled Helm

Askindor( only if it is supper late game)

*remember this build is support. You can solo the noobs with it for sure but if your on a team your setting primary targets, and sniping him all day while your allies beat on him. If your allies are trying to solo vs 3 then let him die don't waste the snipe.

December 9, 2009 7:17:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Epiphenomenon,

The problem is that Bishops can heal for 1000 damage every 5-10 seconds. This will work against an Assassin team, but few people do that.


This is true, and has been giving me a bit of a headache in terms of long range harassment. But I should point out that 1000 damage is still 1000 damage. If the bishops heal your snipe, then that's 1000 damage they that WON'T heal from another source.

In short, saying bishop healing simply counters snipe damage is a red herring argument: They heal all damage, as is their function, so regardless of how the damage is applied, you simply need to do more to take that DG down.

In all honesty, snipe serves me very well for the duration of the game, up until lvl 11-14 or so, since games rarely go past that on pretty much any map I've played (save mandala, but no one seems to play that one online anyway).

I would like to mention another thing about mines. Everyone is saying how mines only do so much DPS etc, but they often do much more than their rated amount. 1v1 is one thing, but group battles are entirely another. Mines have a big AoE, so even if you're being careful, chances are the mines you're stepping around will get set off by a minion or a creep. When they go off, you and any of your teammates in the radius are giong to get hurt a lot, and likely slowed. The result is that in group battles, reg can easily exceed his rated damage as well as clear creeps and minions at the same time. Bishops themselves don't usually last long, because they are often in the fray as well. Oak in particular is very, very good at keeping a reg alive a long enough time to keep the mines flowing.

December 10, 2009 6:27:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Here is a replay showing what I'm referring to: AoE and snipe can be used well into the game to help teammates win battles and get kills - lots of kills. I wasn't playing as well as I usually do, but it was still good enough to pull out a win.

The game is with teams of experienced players. They knew the game well.

Not any DG as the potential to drop an oak dead and remove 6k of 7k hp from a ub simultaneously. No matter what your build is, you have to plan while playing reg. Don't go toe to toe without a trick. Conversely, you're easiest time is going to be in a fray when you can control the enemy speed and throw mines at their feet.

December 10, 2009 8:24:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Epiphenomenon,

What part of 1000 damage every 10-15 seconds from nearly anywhere on the map (depending on SoR and celerity flags) is bad, exactly?

The problem is that Bishops can heal for 1000 damage every 5-10 seconds. This will work against an Assassin team, but few people do that.


Well, I guess I can't argue with that.


Pack it in folks, you might as well give up.  If a general ever has bishops, you might as well not ever cast any damaging abilities their way.  If it deals less than 9001 damage, the bishops will instantly heal everything on the map for all your base, then eye laser down your citadel in the next three games that you play.  You should never spit, penitence, fireball, rain of ice, pounce, bite, warp strike, or so much as look funny at a general, otherwise they'll sick their bishops on you.


You got me man, thread over.

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