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Quoting heavenlysynn, reply 33Quoting ChromeWeasel, reply 32
Quoting Teseer, reply 31I think the point he was making is that even if it SHOULDN'T happen, it does. Plenty. (well...did, dunno about anymore. Been a while since my last game)
Are you saying there was a bug where you'd get forces mixed up in Pantheon? I haven't seen it but it's possible. It wouldn't change the fact that heavenlysynn was embarassingly and demonstrably wrong in saying "Light and Dark doesnt even matter in this game."
I wasn't embarrasing nothing because you still haven't proved anything. Why because theirs nothing to prove; light and dark literally hold no purpose in game.
except in pantheon...
Even in patheon light and darkness effects nothing but who you are allowed to select. It does nothing for game play, but I guess if you wish to try and do somekind of role play with a character than it may have some little effect to your playing style.
Light and darkness are literally only titles, they don't affect the outcome of a a game, it doesn't affect the character you are using, it doesn't affect the skills you are using, nor does it affect your build. Unless it has had a major overhaul light and darkness are simply useless titles. You two are trying to give something mor use than it actually has. Do not try to take a demigod's skill and side the ability with light or darkness because their is no light or dark ability. Their is simply the title of light and dark demigods.