I did manage to get it to work, see the ending. I leave the remainder here in case someone may find it helpful later.
Actually, I tried a couple of different things, but the DrawScales tag didn't seem to do anything when I changed it. I might doing it wrong, but I don't think so
I tried:
Code: c++
- UnitBlueprint {
- Merge = true,
- BlueprintId="hqueen",
- DrawScales = .7,
- }
as well as:
CharacterBlueprint {
Merge = true,
DrawScales = .7,
My last idea is that the blueprint isn't hqueen but something that includes open or closed. I'm looking into that now, but if anyone has a better idea I'd love to hear it.
The mod_units.bp form that Sorian used didn't work, regardless of the different BlueprintID's I tried.
The method that did end up working was placing /mods/Queen/hook/characters/queen/queen_character.lua and /mods/Queen/hook/characters/queen/queen_open_character.lua. I took the entire file and made the DrawScales adjustment, everything worked after that. Curiously if queen_open_character is not modified and queen_character is modified, the Drawscales adjustment, somewhat works. The mesh is larger, but the mesh is very distorted, joints are not where they are supposed to be.