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The Poacher

Watch you back...

By on November 26, 2009 1:04:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My latest Demigod idea is The Poacher, a very deadly Demigod. We all know, and either love, or utterly hate Regulus. If you are indiffrent, then well... better leave then. Imagine a melee Regulus, and i know, D.A. is supposed to be Reg's melee image. But, Reg is slow, and very deadly, a burst damage guy, right? Well what about a very slow Demigod, that just rapes people? He used all sorts of debuffs, and has insane damage, but is very slow moving, and easily inturrepted.

Jaemon, The Poacher of Hell

1650 Health

1000 Mana

250 Armor

235-340 Damage

2.10 Attack Time

4.5 Move Speed

Story (to be posted)

Abilities (Activated)

Killing Blow: 250/500/750/900/1125 Mana, .1 Cast Time, 12 CD, Very Short range, The Poacher strikes a target enemy, dealing 300/650/900/1100 Damage, and reducing their move speed by 25/45/60/75% for 5 seconds. 

Predator Spear: 450/800/1200 Mana, .8 Cast Time, 18 Cd, Meduim range, The Poacher throws a deadly spear at target enemy, dealing 350/700/900 Damage. This ability has a 5/8/10% chance to deal 1.5 Damage. This ability is easily inturrupted.

The Silent: Mana 0, Instant CT, 23 Cd, The Poacher becomes invisible, making his evasion chances increase by 15/30/45%. His next attack will cost 250/350/600 Mana, and deal 250/350/450 Bonus damage, inturupting any abilties.

Shaman's Brew: 450/550 Mana, .2 CT, 15 CD, The Poacher temporarily is healed for 250/450 Health, gains + 25/45% MS/AS and will only take 60/45% damage from all attacks. After this duration, all damage taken by the Poacher is doubled.

+11 Karma | 2 Replies
November 26, 2009 4:16:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

well this doesn't look very well put! But it seems like a good beginning concept, build more on this characters game play, and try to get a story soon. I dont play regulus so I can't really help with abilities and corallation, sry.

November 26, 2009 4:21:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Is he supposed to look like Steve Irwin?


Too much interrupts in my mind, is stalling demigods the kind of playstyle you're trying to do? I thought poachers should be able to steal minions, even totems maybe... Or more gold bonuses.

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