I have started making new favor items to be used in conjunction with mrappard's new favor tab mod. I have three items complete and am working on more, plus looking to convert Morpheas768's Cloak of Invisability MOD to a favor item instead of a artifact.
Here are the three completed items.
Theleran Armor
- 750 Armor
- +5 hp per second
- +5% life Steal
- 5000 Favor points
Sacred Chalice (thanks to mrappard for the img!)
- 375 Health
- +5 hp per second
- 450 Mana
- +5 mana per second
- 6500
Sword of Rectitude
Use: +75 weapon Damage for 6 seconds. 45 sec cooldown
+25 Weapon Damage
8000 Favor Points
Favor price at this point is just a figure, since the abundance of favor points most of us have, any price would be near mute. It is hard to balance by point price as compared to gold in game, but unless we have a favor reset we will just have to deal with it.
The mod adds a new Favor Tab with these mods within it, much like the assassin/generals tab. More items are too come.
Full credit to the new Favor Tab goes to mrappard.
Any suggestions for new favor items would be appreciated as well.
Please Comment, feedback appreciated!!
Thanks guys!
