Here's a new demigod that I came up with...
Name: Pandora
Type: General, Forces of Light
Appearance:<<<picture her walking around with a black jar, she has white eyes
1. "I bring you a gift."
2. "I am the giver of all."
3. "You are a sinner!”
4. "There is only hope for you."
5. “If only the gods had blessed you, as they have blessed me.”
6. “For now, I will do as I am commanded.”
7. “My greatest gift is a holy space, which only the gods know.”
Pros: High Attack, High Armor,
Cons: Limited Recovery abilties, Cannot be healed by spells
Average: Health, Mana
Game Play: An interesting character, uses dark abilities for the sake of good. Pandora is good at decreasing enemie’s strength and providing good counter strikes. Becareful with getting one too many hits, although pandora has recovery abilties (abilties that help her flee or abilties that help her take less damage) she canot be healed by spells (allied or enemy) and by potions (can be healed by health crystals.) You can also use her abilities to save your allies from death or to give the opportunity for a death blow to fleeing enemies; however, she doesn’t have any “death blows” unless the enemy is weak enough that just her attack itself can kill it. She has an exponential growth in power, very fragile at the beginning, an if you can survive for long enough, a dangerous force to be reckoned with at her higher levels.
Once Upon a time, one of The Ancients shared with humanity Ancient Secret. The banished him and casted him to earth. To add insult to the injury, they planned on taking revenge on him and the the people of earth who accepted the secrets.
The Ancients crafted a gorgeous woman from the bowels of the earth. They each gave the woman a gift that made her irrisistable to all her bestowed their eyes, ears, and mind upon her. At the end, she received precious jar of black stained glass. She was told to hand it to her first husband as a wedding gift, and to let him open never her. They said that if everything was done correctly, she would have a place amongst them.
She was sent to earth to look for a man that lived in the happiest kingdom of all. The ancients told her that he would have no name. She found the kingdom and she found the man. She did nothing but make herself known to the man. He asked for her hand in marrige and soon they were maried. She hasitated for many years on giving him the jar, for if she opened it she knew that she would never have a chance to see what is in it. So 30 years went by, her and her husband hadn't aged a bit. From this fact and the fact that he had no name, she knew he was the one that the ancients were talking about. They had many children, all given away for he despised every single one. She became tired of her life her and longed for her eternal glory amongst the ancients. Before all, she called him;
"Dear progenitor of my children, I have a gift for you, as you have given me many offsprings."
So she finally gave him the jar, but lied to him, saying that she was the only one who could open it for it was protected by an ancient spell. He told her to open it then to show him. She turned around, opened the jar, and an explosion of black smoke filled the room and a pure white, shining, jar hit the floor, it did not smash. She fainted as a tremendous feeling rushed through her body. The man picked up the vase and put some of the remaning smoke in it, as most of it had dissipated into the kingdom. The maiden woke up before the Tribunal of Ancients and they told her that by opening the vase she became unpure. It was for the man to become unpure. They told her to cleanse herself with the blood of her wicked children. Then she would join them. She carried with her her vase, and used it to trap the souls of those who were born corrupt from her womb. She when ever she would peek inside, she would see her own soul in it, a white shimmering light. She came to a point where she could no longer find any of her remaning offspring. So she began to weep and her black, acidic tears fell within the jar until it was full. The ancients saw how she was doomed, and devised ways to bring back this majestic being to be with them. They planned out how they wanted her back, how they needed all the children gone, and how they needed a new ancient. So they decided to bring the children to a speacial are in The Deep. There they held batttle, and Pandora was told to slay her children and all wickeness if she was to join The Ancients. This time, she planned on doing as she was told.
Abilities – Active:
**Obsedian Lachrymas – 5 Lvls. – 500/500/500/750/1000 mana - 2/2/2/3/5 CT - 20/25/33/35/38 CD – Pandora opens her jars and spills her tears on the floor, the tears cause all things stepping on it to loose 0%/1%/2%/5%/10% their base health each second, this lasts for 0/50/25/10/5 secs after ability is casted. Prevents health and mana, of every unit over the black pool, from being regenerated over time no matter what, lasts for as long as the liquid lasts. Slows movement speed and attack speed of everything by 1%/2%/5%/7%/10%, also adds +3 casting time to all abilities, lasts for as long as the liquid lasts. The pool of black water has a radius of 30/25/20/15/15 yards. lasts for 50/50/25/15 secs before evaporating. At level five, the black smoke that comes from the evaporated water blocks everything in the radius from view. Its just like fog of war, but pitch black. This lasts 5 seconds, and visibility gradually increases within these five seconds. All of the affects given in this ability effect everyone, excluding Pandora, does not affect structures. Structures and spawned creeps still automatically attack things within the black fog. Pandora is able to move and attack only within the pool of water while ability is in effect. May cast spells freely, spells that require her leave the pool of water will be aborted.
**Fear – 3 Lvls. – 600/800/1500 mana - 1/1/2 CT - 33/34/35 CD – Pandora releases fear upon the world. Stuns all demigods on the playing field, both allied and enemy, not herself, for 3/5/10 seconds.
**Hope (Requires Fear lvl 2)– 3 Lvls. – 500/1000/1500 mana - 1/2/3 CT - 20/20/20 CD – Pandora releases hope upon the world. Increases movement speed of all demigods on the playing field, both allied and enemy, not herself, by 5%/6%/7% and increases health regeneration by 5%/10%/15% base health. Unstuns any demigod that is stunned, and removes debuffs. Can only be used while Fear is in countdown. (only used after Fear, I suggest wainting on the ten secs then using it, good for helping fleeing allies).
**Pandorum (Requires Fear lvl 3)- 2000 mana - 2 CT – Summon 9 spawns from Tartarus. Tartarians are vicious hounds that attack all, excluding Pandora, who are near. They rise up from the black liquid caused by Obsedian Lachrymas. Tartarians cannot be targeted, but can still be effected by abilities and splash damage, and can only move within the black water, they have 100 hp. They also cannot be controlled, attack both allied and enemy units/structures. Tend to attack the closest thing to their spawning area. Deals a fixed (meaning: ignoring armor and w/e, you lose this exact amount) 20 damage per second. Movement speed is not impeded by O.L.’s effects, movement speed is 6.2, attack speed of .9, Tartarians last for the remaining time of the black liquid.
**Anesidora (requires level 20, and All Giving) – 5 Lvls. – drains all mana - 3/2.5/2/2/1 CT - 50/50/50/50/50 CD – Pandora recives another gift from the ancients, to assure her success. She gains part of her true power, and all of her stats are doubled, the mana cost of abilities are cut in half, but cool downs get extra 10 secs added to their lenght, movement speed and attack speed remain the same. She becomes immune to debuffs. Lasts 10 seconds.
**All Giving – 5 Lvls. – 700 mana – 2.5/2.5/2/2/2 CT - 30/30/30/30/30 CD – All demigods in her line of sight take 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% her base health as damage. She loses 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% current health in the process.
Abilities – Passive:
***Genesis (Requires Mother of Troubles) - 1 Lvl: The maternal bond between her and her children gives her +15 attack for every demigod in Pandora's line of sight.
***Decit – 1 Lvl (requires O.L. at level 5): The pool of water caused by Obsedian Lachrymas to be unseen by enemy players until they are on it within 50% or more of the radius
***Golden Pithos – 1 Lvl (requires Fear lvl 3 and Hope lvl 3): Improving the quality of the jar, Pandora’s Fear and Hope abilities have their cool down time cut in half.
***Mother of Troubles – 1 Lvl (Requires Pandorum) – The Initial attack of Tartarians causes that target to be stunned for 2 seconds. Ability is stackable with the hit of other spawns. Only occurs once per spawn, at the first strike hit.
STATS: Beginning level, Last level
HP: 2500//3500 (Divide {last level hp minus beginning level hp} by 20, and you would get how much hp she gets per lvl up)
MP: 3000//4500 (divide by 20)
Armor: 150//200 (divide by 20)
Damage: 100-300//200-350 (divide by 20)(I picture her attacking by casting some range-type spell or something like QoTs)
Attack Speed: 1.1
Range: 9 yards
Movement Speed: 6
So, what do you guys think of her being in the game?
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