Here's a list of the Demon Assassin's abilities. It took me some work to create this, so karma is appreciated if you enjoy it.
The bold numbers show the changes that occur when a skill is leveled.
Warp Strike I
500 mana, Instant cast, 7 second cooldown, and 15 yd range
Warps to a target and deals 250 damage.
Warp Strike II
650 mana, Instant cast, 7 second cooldown, and 20 yd range
Warps to a target and deals 400 damage.
Warp Strike III
800 mana, Instant cast, 7 second cooldown, and 20 yd range
Warps to a target and deals 550 damage.
Warp Strike IV
950 mana, Instant cast, 7 second cooldown, and 25 yd range.
Warps to a target and deals 700 damage
Deadly Warp (Level 15)
Warp strike has a 75% chance to deal 2x damage.
Warp Area I
700 mana, Instant cast, and 15 second cooldown
DA does a series of 4 warps for 250 damage each over 1.6 seconds. Demon Assassin is invincible for the duration of Warp Area I.
Warp Area II
1000 mana, Instant cast, and 15 second cooldown.
DA does a series of 8 warps for 500 damage each over 3.2 seconds. DA is invincible for the duration of Warp Area II.
Forceful Blows (Level 15)
Warp Area knocks smaller units into the air.
Spine Attack I
550 mana, 0.3 second cast, 15 second cooldown, and 20 yd range
Deals 400 damage.
Spine Attack II
700 mana, 0.3 second cast, 15 second cooldown, and 20 yd range.
Deals 650 damage.
Spine Attack III
850 mana, 0.3 second cast, 15 second cooldown, and 20 yd range.
Deals 900 damage.
Spine Attack IV
1000 mana, 0.3 second cast, 15 second cooldown, and 20 yd range.
Deals 1150 damage.
Shadow Swap I
400 mana, 1.0 second cast, 20 second cooldown, 15 yard range
Switches places with an enemy Demigod
Shadow Swap II
600 mana, 1.0 second cast, 20 second cooldwon, 20 yard range
Switches places with an enemy Demigod.
Shadow Swap III
700 mana, 1.0 second cast, 20 second cooldwon, 25 yard range
Switches places with an enemy Demigod.
Elusiveness I
Increases dodge by 5%.
Elusiveness II
Increases dodge by 10%.
Elusiveness III
Increases dodge by 15%.
Demon Speed I
Increases movement speed by 5%.
Demon Speed II
Increases movement speed by 10%.
Demon Speed III
Increases movement speed by 15%.
Assassin's Speed (Level 15)
15% on hit (being hit?) to increase attack and movement speed by 20%.
Precision I
10% chance for a 1.5x critical strike.
Precision II
20% chance for a 1.5x critical strike.
Precision III
30% chance for a 1.5x critical strike.
Precision IV
40% chance for a 1.5x critical strike.