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Torrets Guy!

By on November 20, 2009 12:14:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lol i prly spelt it wrong, but i dont care! Lol ahead will be ton of profanity ahead, as that is the nature of turrets guy!

Health: 1000



AS: .96 seconds




"Ah Shit!"

"Fuckin Tits!"

"Cocky fuck!"


"Dick whore!"

"Fuck you asshole!"


Outburst of Anger: 150 Mana, instant CT, 5 CD, Effects: turrets guy bursts into an outrage of intense anger, giving him double damage and attack speed, but causing all attacks to deal 50% more damage to him.

Asshole Stomp: 250 Mana, .3 CT, 5 CD, Effects: Turrets guy yells ASSHOLE! into the air, slowing all enemies MS by 30% and reducing armor by 75%, and Turrets Guy stomps the ground dealing 450 Damage in massive Aoe.

I have Problems, Bitch: Passive, Gives Turrets guy +35% mana and Damage, and a 5% chance to go insane, and deal 2x damage and attack 350% faster, but be out of control for 15 seconds.

Ah, Tits!: Passive, Turrets guy has a 35% whenever he is fighting female DG's to grab their tits, dealing 1500 damage, and stunning them for .8 seconds. Whenever he is fighiting Male Demigods, he has a chance to kick them in the testicles, dealing 10000 damage, and forcing them to lose reporductive capabiities.

Heal me Bitch!:  150 mana, instant CT, 30 sec CD, Effects: turrets guy forces a nearby ally demigod to heal him by any means neccessary. If ally demigod has a potion, sigil, Universal Gadget, or she is a sedna and has Heal, he forces his ally to heal him with any of these ways. If nothing of the above exists, then turrets guy steals 50% of Health of his ally, as a healing way, and for punishment for not healing him. Bitch!

+11 Karma | 4 Replies
November 20, 2009 1:58:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ROFLMAO! This post topped even the GOD post of yours uncleanbeast.

You can also add:

Heal me Bitch!:  150 mana, instant CT, 30 sec CD, Effects: turrets guy forces a nearby ally demigod to heal him by any means neccessary. If ally demigod has a potion, sigil, Universal Gadget, or she is a sedna and has Heal, he forces his ally to heal him with any of these ways. If nothing of the above exists, then turrets guy steals 50% of Health of his ally, as a healing way, and for punishment for not healing him. Bitch!

November 20, 2009 2:33:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey weren't you teamed with turrets guy the other night?

November 20, 2009 6:50:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol yeah i was mies!

November 20, 2009 7:04:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nice! i see my ability was added

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