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WARNING: Patch 1.19 Replays Cycling Out

By on November 18, 2009 9:46:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm glad has provided a place for organized Demigod replays. And there's a ton of great ones. This has really worked community.

However, since 1.2 is probably coming out this week this will invalidate all replays on the site and make them unviewable. Unless Demigod has the magical ability to view old replays nearly every RTS does not.

So if there are any replays you've wanted to see, better get to it!

+37 Karma | 8 Replies
November 18, 2009 9:57:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

oO I really have not thought about it

So all my replays will not work with patch 1.2 ??

November 18, 2009 10:13:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Boo some of my best games are replays now I will not allow it

*walks around in circles carrying a burning torch*

November 18, 2009 10:21:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Polynomial is right, the older replays won't work with the new version. A replay is basically a list of commands players gave to their demigods and the game engine recreates the game state as the game plays out. Get a new version and things are different: items costs have changed, QoT has been rebalanced... Now the result of carrying out the saved commands is no longer the same and the replay would not work anymore. So the game engine checks the version of the replay and refuses to play out of date replays.

However, if you are a replay junkie and you have a large HDD you might be able to copy your demigod installation to a new folder before updating and launch replays with the old version of the game. It will take some convincing to point the old replays to the correct exe but it should be possible via Windows 'Open With...' settings.

November 18, 2009 12:16:00 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Sounds like an opportunity for a modder to create a "Demigod Replay Manager" like they have for Supreme Commander.

The only issue would be getting some data about the format of the Demigod replay files, so the manager could at least tell what version of Demigod created the file.  Being able to extract information about players, teams, demigod choice, map, game length, etc would be helpful too.

November 18, 2009 1:42:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think it should be possible to copy the game folder and make so a backup of the game with the 1.19 version. If you want to watch a replay after you patched to 1.2 rename the 1.2 demigod folder to an other name and rename the backup folder to the name of the Demigod folder. Then watch the replay. After that you can rename the folders back. With some batch or vb script this could be made quite convinient i think. ... if the replays are really that important this would be a solution.

November 18, 2009 5:20:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lawsuit FTW

November 18, 2009 5:57:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting heavenlysynn,
Lawsuit FTW

ROFLMAO   heavenlysynn

November 18, 2009 10:21:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good looking out, Poly!  +1

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