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Internet Connection gets unstable when I play this game.

By on November 17, 2009 2:21:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 06/2009

For months I've played this game just fine, but after the last update my game has been super unstable. My ping goes all over the place and I even drop out of games. My ping might be like 150 and it will go up to 2000. Sometimes its so bad that I lose internet for the entire house for a few seconds.

It only happens on this game. I've tried port forwarding and i've tried not opening any ports. Nothing seems to help. i havea dir-655 router.

If i cant fix this then I'm just going to uninstall.

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November 17, 2009 6:40:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well wait for the 1.2 patch before writing this thread. You are blaming the latest version of demigod right before the next version comes out, come on tomorrow (hopefully) your problems could be fixed.

I think ryanheart had the same problems before he left, wait for the changelog to see if your problem has been fixed.

You sure nothing else changed? Would not like to see you leave, we need all the players we can to join AUS games.

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November 17, 2009 6:55:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If the whole internet connection collapses, then your router might be at fault here. D-Link router do not have a reputation for being stable anyway . But it's odd that this happened only recently to you.

The new patch includes some connection/bandwidth improvements, maybe this will fix the problem for you again.

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November 22, 2009 1:42:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I had the same issues 3 month ago with my D-Link 635. only with this issues with any other games or programms.

I played demigod with this router since beta 1 a without problems

Tried the router of my neighbour -> no issues

Solution: I sold the D-Link at ebay and bought a new one, not a D-Link ^^


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December 1, 2009 1:14:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Same problem here.  In the game lobby I have under 50 ms ping to everyone.  Once the game starts up it jumps to 250-300 and it chokes the rest of my internet.  I have a linksys WRT54GSWR.  I didn't have this problem till the most recent patch.

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