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By on November 15, 2009 10:36:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 07/2009

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x00963e84
    attempted to read memory at 0x00000008

Program : C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :

    Unknown symbol (address 0x00963e84)

Reactor version: 1.00.59
Demigod version MAIN.1.19.0186
Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info: 00:00:39:       InGameName="Tseb",
info: 00:00:39:       OwnerID="0",
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerColor=1,
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerName="Tseb",
info: 00:00:39:       Ready=true
info: 00:00:39:     },
info: 00:00:39:     {
info: 00:00:39:       ArmyColor=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Civilian=false,
info: 00:00:39:       Difficulty=2,
info: 00:00:39:       Faction=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Hero="hqueen",
info: 00:00:39:       Human=false,
info: 00:00:39:       InGameName="<LOC ainame_0012>Rothwar",
info: 00:00:39:       OwnerID="0",
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerColor=2,
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerName="<LOC ainame_0012>Rothwar",
info: 00:00:39:       Ready=false
info: 00:00:39:     },
info: 00:00:39:     {
info: 00:00:39:       ArmyColor=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Civilian=false,
info: 00:00:39:       Difficulty=2,
info: 00:00:39:       Faction=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Hero="hgsa01",
info: 00:00:39:       Human=false,
info: 00:00:39:       InGameName="<LOC ainame_0006>Luath",
info: 00:00:39:       OwnerID="0",
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerColor=3,
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerName="<LOC ainame_0006>Luath",
info: 00:00:39:       Ready=false
info: 00:00:39:     },
info: 00:00:39:     [6]={
info: 00:00:39:       ArmyColor=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Civilian=false,
info: 00:00:39:       Difficulty=2,
info: 00:00:39:       Faction=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Hero="hgsa01",
info: 00:00:39:       Human=false,
info: 00:00:39:       InGameName="<LOC ainame_0022>Luragis",
info: 00:00:39:       OwnerID="0",
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerColor=6,
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerName="<LOC ainame_0022>Luragis",
info: 00:00:39:       Ready=false
info: 00:00:39:     },
info: 00:00:39:     [7]={
info: 00:00:39:       ArmyColor=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Civilian=false,
info: 00:00:39:       Difficulty=2,
info: 00:00:39:       Faction=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Hero="hema01",
info: 00:00:39:       Human=false,
info: 00:00:39:       InGameName="<LOC ainame_0030>Aryd",
info: 00:00:39:       OwnerID="0",
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerColor=7,
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerName="<LOC ainame_0030>Aryd",
info: 00:00:39:       Ready=false
info: 00:00:39:     },
info: 00:00:39:     [8]={
info: 00:00:39:       ArmyColor=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Civilian=false,
info: 00:00:39:       Difficulty=2,
info: 00:00:39:       Faction=1,
info: 00:00:39:       Hero="hrook",
info: 00:00:39:       Human=false,
info: 00:00:39:       InGameName="<LOC ainame_0019>Torald",
info: 00:00:39:       OwnerID="0",
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerColor=8,
info: 00:00:39:       PlayerName="<LOC ainame_0019>Torald",
info: 00:00:39:       Ready=false
info: 00:00:39:     }
info: 00:00:39:   }
info: 00:00:39: }
info: 00:00:39: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_open_idle_anim.gr2: 46194b8249e891e70b7e613b3c8120ef.gr2
warning: 00:00:39: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
debug: 00:00:39: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/help/gametips.lua\000'
debug: 00:00:39: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/loading.lua\000'
info: 00:00:39: Sounds process locked
info: 00:00:39: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_attack02_anim.gr2: 9ca5a9511674d622f130aff128f1a71a.gr2
warning: 00:00:39: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
info: 00:00:39: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_open_walk_anim.gr2: d97c974ff137bf802f14d45e00da2cb7.gr2
warning: 00:00:39: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
info: 00:00:40: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_summon_anim.gr2: 38a619b81a76613f3f7983bfaeadc1c0.gr2
warning: 00:00:40: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
info: 00:00:40: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_castitemopenend_anim.gr2: 9e133eb59e01d792fc94ee04a057a133.gr2
warning: 00:00:40: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
info: 00:00:40: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_shield_anim.gr2: 39bb97897254ccadd4c4aa12a3a6ecf3.gr2
warning: 00:00:40: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
info: 00:00:40: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\queen\animations\queen_open_anim.gr2: 15d534ce3fa4129bf6b7f42e03ee27f5.gr2
warning: 00:00:40: GrannyAnimationImport: File does not contain AssetInfo section.
info: 00:00:40: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\projectiles\spike02\spike02_mesh.gr2: 8edec731652a4b67fa0e0907d661a000.gr2
info: 00:00:40: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\projectiles\hqueenspike01\hqueenspike01_mesh.gr2: dfcecf2966fc43aed0bf2a93c48038a9.gr2
info: 00:00:41: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\ent\ent_mesh.gr2: 2702438017d22be52c04afee595b8faa.gr2
info: 00:00:41: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\ent\ent_lod1_mesh.gr2: b073453acf9f1825a56f4ab30d4d9e37.gr2
info: 00:00:41: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\ent\ent_lod2_mesh.gr2: a8b577074a97d7b99b84700799eeb3e9.gr2
info: 00:00:41: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\ent\ent_lod3_mesh.gr2: c8ce9b5379e4d82050e6afa0bfb6cd74.gr2
info: 00:00:41: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\ent\animations\ent_idle_anim.gr2: b2cf109f59a1406310cc70aefc10a57f.gr2
info: 00:00:42: Caching asset c:\program files\stardock games\demigod\bindata\characters\ent\animations\ent_runstop01_anim.gr2: 885ee01bee6d4e61abd17ffc113986f7.gr2
warning: 00:00:42: Granny: Win32Subsystem (c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\granny\win32_granny_windows.cpp(64): CreateFile failed with error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
         " at c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\granny\win32_granny_file_writer.cpp(195))
warning: 00:00:42: Granny: Win32Subsystem (c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\granny\win32_granny_windows.cpp(64): CreateFile failed with error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
         " at c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\granny\win32_granny_file_writer.cpp(195))


I'm getting this error anyone have any idea how to fix it?


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November 15, 2009 10:43:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you are experiencing crashes, please download this zip file and run the .cmd inside. It will gather a variety of debugging info and generate another zip file in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\reports which you can email to [email protected]. They will then pass the info on to the developers if they cannot help solve the issue.

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February 12, 2012 2:56:24 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Same here - tried the .cmd, but here's what happened... (sorry, german)

hmmm... no pic. here's the link to the picture:


thereafter, the folder C\report is created - which is empty.

Same is true for the My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\ folder, where the report-subfolder is not created


What is going wrong, I did install the game from the very same CD 3 times before, ever when reinstalling my win7!

Nothing has changed, so is there a problem with a new patch?!

Help very much appreciated since my companions are waiting for me to get this fixed...

Thanks for your help...



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