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UncleanBeast's Ultra Book of Awsome


By on November 12, 2009 11:18:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod ForumsExternal Link

                                      Hello My fellow Demigod Players! This epic post was desinged to do several things. Think of it as an ultamate expansion or update for Demigod! It is totally awsome, packed with several brand new Demigods, Items, Units, Flags, Game modes, ect. Enjoy, and don't be afraid to contribute!


 This part acts as the intro to all of my insanely original Demigod ideas. There are going to be plenty of them, and be warned, there is a fair amount of text here, so this may be a long ass read. You've been warned, and trust me, you may not be ready for what your going to do, and if you need to, skip boring crap and get to the good stuff. Remember, leave comments plz.

1. Nimbus, the Air Master


3. The Unholy

4. Titan King

5. Tesla, the Architect.

Air Master

Description: Tired of always dieing? Tired of Mobility issues? This dude is your answer. Using the vast powers of the Ariel Elements, this Demigod presents a force to be reckoned with. He is highly mobile, and a super Oak, with insane protection abilities. While lacking defenses himself, and damage, don't set him aside as just a weakling. He could easily spell your doom. But if you don't use this figure correctly, you could spell your own doom too.




AS:.56 seconds

Damage:70-100 Melee


Play Style: Using his amazing mobilities and protection powers, you can have possibly the most effective advantage in any game: Control. You can keep your allies sheiled and knock enemies back all the while, or even ninja flags. You may not be a direct threat, but you are still very deadly on the battlefeild. He does, however, lack in many areas, and that is not damage. Although on the outside, his damage numbers are small, he dishes them out very fast and in large qauntities. No, he can be very offensive, his weakness is the fact that he is so easily killed. He is even a tick compared to Reg, and he drains mana fast, meaning, he can't stay long.

Strenghts: Highly Mobile, Many Defensive abilities

Weaknesses: Fragile, Mana Dependant

Abilities (Active)

Cumulus Formation: 350/550/750 mana, .3 sec CT, 6 sec CD, The Air master Manipulates the forces of air around himself, creating a sheild of air and applying to target ally (can even be buildings). This sheild can absorb up to 100/350/580 damage, and lasts 5/10/15 seconds. Once it is destroyed or runs out, all nearby eneimies in a 360 degree arc will be stunned for .3/.5/.8 seconds. The radius of effect grows with each level.

Whirlwind: 250/550/880 mana, .6/.4/.2 CT, 8/7/6 CD, Short range, Deals 150/350/550 damage to target enemy, knocking them back 1/3/5 feet. Smaller units will take half damage and be thrown back farther.

Airborne: 450/600/900 mana, instant CT, 8 sec CD, The Air Master teleports to a nearby area, knocking all enemies back by 3/4/5 feet.

Cyclone: 100/350/650 mana, .5/.3/.1 CT, 5 sec CD, The Air Master invokes the wrath of the air spirits on target enemy, causing 350/450/550 damage over 15/10/5 seconds, and slowing their move speed by 5/10/25% for 5 seconds.


Cumulus Foundation: Now C.F's sheild will increase allies' MS by 15/30%.

Shattering Impact: Whirlwind will now deal a small/meduim/large aoe and will knock smaller units back 5/10/15 feet.

Airiel Strength: Increases the range of Airborne by a tiny/small amount and increases nearby allies' MS by 12/15/18% for 3/5/8 seconds.

Monsoon: Cyclone slow enemies near the initial target by 5/10/25%

There the master is! So tell me what you think, and I'll have Kajiin tomorow! Thanks for reading and remeber, all feedback is welcome.

Now, i happily present to you, Kajiin! A super unique Demigod with an interesting concept behind his tactics and gameplay, so enjoy!

Name: Kajiin, Creature of Elements

Description: One thing demigod needs is a super unique character, with a very diffrent playstlye. Im not talking about diffrent skills or stats that would be "difficult" or any conventional idea, im serioius, this dude is awsome. With no activated abilities but changing modes and an abundance of passive, how could be useful? Well his diffrent modes give him diffrent effects, and effect the envirment around him! He is highly adaptable, and is ready for any situation. But be warned, don't be a noob, because hes not easily played correctly!

600 Health (Base)

0 Mana (Base)

5.8 MS

1.31 AS

20-60 Damage (Base)

50 Armor (Base)

Strenghts: Highly Adaptable, Large variety of effects

Weakness: Stats limited to active mode, Lacks abilities

Play Style:  Using his 4 diffrent elemental forms, Kajiin is a no easily felled foe. Everytime he switches forms, he will initiate an instant effect, and then a passive bonus. Using these diffrent forms in the correct combos can easily shred through a foolish oppenet, but if you decide to only stay with one form you like, you will surely die. Remember to always adapt to your envirment, changing to counter it and use it!


Lighting Form: Instant CT, 1 sec CD, On change, instantly, all nearby enemies will be stunned for .1/.3/.5 seconds. Kajiin's attack speed will be increases by 25/50/75%. These passive effects will begin to fade after 10 seconds. Kajiin's has 50% less health in this form.

Earthen Form: Instant CT,  1 sec CD, On change, you will be healed for 15/25/35% of your maximum health. Kajiin's Health will be increased by 500/1000/1500. These passive effects will begin to fade after 10 seconds. Kajiin will move 50% slower in this form.

Ashen Form: Same CT, CD, On change, Kajiin will erupt with ashes, dealing 350/560/700 damage to all nearby enemies in a 360 degree arc, and Kajiin's attack damage will be increased by 60/120/180. These passive effects will fade after 10 seconds, and Kajiin attacks 50% slower in this form.

Watery Form: Same CT, CD, on change, Kajiin will be able to absorb up to 300/500/800 damage unharmed, and his Ms is increased by 25/50/75%. These passive effects will fade after 10 seconds. Kajiin deals 50% less damage in this form.

Passives: Here they are!

Elemental Mastery: lvl 15 skill, Kajiin's passive effects will carry on for 5 seconds after changing.

Electric Charge: Once changed to lightning form, nearby enemies will be sunned for an addtional .1/.3 seconds. Each attack will increase his attack speed by 5%.

Rock Hard Skin: On change to this form, Kajiin will gain 500/1000 bonus armor. Each attack he is hit with will heal him for 5% of the damage done.

Volcanic Claws: On change to this form, Kajiin's next 1/3 attacks will deal splash. Everytime Kajiin attacks, his base damage will increase by 5%.

Watery Hide: On change, Kajiin's sheild will absorb up to 300/500 more damage. Each attack done on Kajiiin will increase his MS by 5%.

So there Kajiin is! Tell me what you guys think. He does seem kind op, but his modes will give him debuffs, and the passives only last for 10 seconds, so, although he could just spam heal, he would never escape, because he can be taken down easily. It only takes some coordination. He will be a slug in this mode, and his base health sucks horribly. Even if he changes to Lightning and stuns you, the stun is pathetic, and he can be one shotted, because his hp is cut in half. With elemental mastery, he may stand a better chance, but to play him effectivley, you must change stretegically, or you are fucked.

The Unholy

 So here is my next demigod idea, who is very special. Again, like Kajiin, he is very hard to use. You really must know what you are doing to play him correctly, but he will devastate other Demigods, regardless of who they are. He has a unique aspect making him very original! Check him out (he is a reworked Demigod idea i had previously, the Possesser)

Description: A demigod who is so Tainted and Unholy, the Ancients couldn't even afford to give him a body, for he would corrupt everything, anywhere. Instead, he uses his horrific influnces to take over your mind and your body, and use it against you. Yes, he possesses units, but not Demigods, for the Ancients are sheilding them from his influences, because he could make sure none of them even had a chance, and besides, it would be OP. No, he possesses Creeps and Minions. While he does have a physical Manifestation, it does not last long, for he can be one shotted by 5 basic creeps. He must constantly change form and jump around, and kill shit. If you make a mistake on choosing your next possible possession target or make a mistake in your judgment, you die very easily, so be careful with him!

Health: 300

Mana: 1200

MS: 3.3

AS: 5.6 ( i know, i know)



Play Style: Possibly the most OP and UP Demigod ever! Have you seen his stats yet? Pathetic right? Well yes, so what makes him OP? Well, he posses minions and creeps, making him very effective. He takes them over, and gains special effects from having their body, then jumps out, exploding it, and debilitating enemy Demigods, and crushing them underfoot (does he have a real foot?) But, be careful, for if you make one mistake, you dead! Make careful judgments and stay on the move.

Strenghts: Highly effective against Demigods, Unpredictable

Weaknesses: Highly fragile, difficult to use.


Possess: T.U. possess target minion or creep, giving gold and exp equal to killing the unit, and giving complete control. Units under his influence will have 30% more HP/DMG/MS/ASwhile the Unholy is present within the body. If the body is killed, T.U will be forced out, and enemies will not receive exp or gold for the kill. T.U. starts with this ability.

Obliterating Greed: 150/300/600 mana, .3 CT, 8 sec CD, T.U. explodes his currently possesed body, and moves to target minion or creep, in a straight purple line, dealing 250/500/800 damage to all enemies he crosses over. He will posses the creep. Demigods will take 30/45/60% more damage from this ability, and will move 15/25/30% slower for 5 seconds.

Violate Emotions: 250/500/900 mana, .5 CT, 12 sec CD, T.U will deal 50/100/150 damage in a 360 arc around his current body. This ability will deal an additional 50/80/120 damage to all Demigods for each nearby minion or creep. His possessed body will explode after this skill. Demigods affected by this will move 5% slower and have 50 reduced armor for each minion or creep nearby.

Evil Influence: 50/100 mana, instant CT, 6 CD, T.U. will let his evil influence fall under target Demigod, making him creep into their body. Although he may not be able to posses them, he will cause them to take 250/500 damage each second, but this ability will cost 50/100 mana each second he is present. If his mana runs out before he leaves the body, then the Posseser will be forced out, stunning him for 3 seconds, and reducing his HP by 50%.

Painful Feelings: 400/560 mana, .3 CT, 5 sec CD, T.U. will let some of his dark energies flood through his possessed bodies weapon for 10/12 seconds, forcing his attacks to deal 30/50% more damage, and will deal splash. Nearby Demigods will take 120/145% of the damage each minion or creep takes. His body will take 50/25% of the damage dealt also. Demigods will move 5/10% slower for each hit from this skill.


Corrupting Aura: Nearby Demigods will lose 15/30 HPS while they are near T.U while he is in possessed form. His attacks will reduce their armor by 150/350 per attack for 6 seconds.

Vengeful Hate: Demigods will take an addtional 5/10% damage from all of T.U damage.

So there he is! Tell me what you think. And i already know what your intial response is going to be. Hes OP in your opinion, but if he is forced out of his body in a battle, he dies.  I mean look at Evil Influence, what if you forget to leave before your out of mana, your so fucked. Or with Painful Feelings, his current body will take up to 50% of the damage he deals. That means he is only going to get about 2-3 hits off before he is out. He is no way OP. While he can drop any Demigod like a fly, they can do the same with basic tactics.

The Titan King

  Description: Tired of having to constantly go back and purchase potions? Don't you just wish you could fight forever, avoid running away? I know i would love to never have to buy potions! WEll this is the anwser. The titan king uses his fighting skills to never stop fightin. His own attacks heal him, and he has plenty of armor. Although he is massive and sluggish, he can fight for a long ass time.

2100 Hp

350 Mana

3.5 MS

3.2 AS

100-250 damage

500 Armor

Play Stlye: Using his emense strenght and durability, the Titan can last forever. He may be sluggish, but you can hold up a lane and keep enemies off of your allies' backs. You can pummel enemies into the ground if you realy know what you are doing, but if you stop fighting, you lose power, so make sure that when you leave, you don't run, you teleport. His sloweness makes him an easy target, and he is so very massive, so everything will attack him. Be careful with him, because while he can take a beating, make sure you try and dish it out too.

Strenghts: Highly Durable, Powerful Regeneration Capabilities

Weaknesses: Huge Target, Extremely Slow


Titanic Smash: 100/350/550 mana, .8 CT, 5 CD The Titan Smashes the ground around him in a massive area, deailng 150/300/550 damage, and restoring 500/1000/1500 Health to the Titan. This ability will stun enemies for 3./.5/.8 seconds.

Might Drain: 100/250/400/550 mana, For 5 seconds, the Titan will be immobile and cannot attack. He will drain 50/100/350/500 Health per second in a large area. The CD is 15 seconds. 

 Regenarative Temper: 150/250/350 mana, instant CT, 8 CD, The Titans' attacks will now restore Hp/Mp equal to 35/50/75% damage dealt for 10 seconds.

 Legendary Anger:  500/750/1000 mana, .8 CT, 12 CD, The titan temporarily only receives 50% damage from all attakcs and his MS/AS/DMG is increased by 35/55/80%, this effect lasts 8 seconds. 


Barbaric Temper: The Titan's attacks will restore 250/500 Health to nearby allies, this includes him. 

Beserker Anger: Legendary Anger will now also grant him 500/1000 bonus armor and Splash damage.

Energenic Smash: Titanic Smash will now restore 350/500/800 mana over 5 seconds.

The Unkillable: Might Drain will now reduce MS of all nearby enemies by 25/50% as long as they remain in range.


 So there the Titan is! I thought he was an original idea. I mean wouldn't you just love to stay in a battle... forever?! He may seem OP, but take into account how slow he is and the fact that he is bigger than Rook, he makes up for it. His CD sucks, and he does not have great damage. His purpose is to last a long ass time. He can hold up a lane solo or go and ninja flags. He can be killed, but it is damn hard. Erebus and UB should take this bastard down. He and Oak would make a badass team, huh? Oak can buff him, while he rapes the cit! Anyways hope you guys liked him.

              The Architect (I know its mispelled)

Description: So, we already have two seige people, or even three! We have defense rapers, but no defense savoirs. Also all of these Demigods are in the past, but what about someone from the future? Well that would be the Archetect. He can repair towers, buff them, and build defenses almost anywhere. But, he is very squishy, so be careful!

800 Health

750 Mana

5.5 MS

1.35 AS

350 Armor

100-150 damage

Play Style: Tired of having enemies mow down your defenses? Well here is your answer. The Architect will repair them and buff them. He can also completely devastate enemy defenses. But be warned, because he is extremely squishy! You must be quick and decisive, building new defenses, buffing them, and running, or however you wish to use him!

Strenghts: Repairs defenses, powerful seige capabilities

Weaknesses: Fragile, weak against Demigods

Abilities: (active)

Repair: 350/550/850 mana, .5  CT, 8 CD, T.A. repairs target structure, healing 500/1000/1500/2500 Health over 5 seconds. He may repair it, then leave, as the repairs are done over time. If a structure is healed over its maximum health, it will keep this new health total for 60 seconds.

De-Establish: 450/600/850 mana, .8 CT, 10 CD, T.A. Puts a nanomite solution on target building, Dealing 1500/2500/5000 damage over 20 seconds.

Ultra Turret: 600/800/1000/1200 mana, 1.5 CT, 15 CD, T.A. raises a massive gun turret, armed with Basic Gatling guns. Each rank will add a new weapon, and upgrade all current stats on the turret. Here are the weapons added 2. A tri-barrel Cannon 3. 2 Missle Launchers 4. A Tesla coil.

Retrofited Weaponry: 350/500/650 mana, .5 CT, 5 CD, T.A. amplifies target structures destructive capabilities, Increasing Dmg/AS by 35/50/65% for 15 seconds.


Uranium Aura: Structures near T.A will have + 15/30/45 HPS and 150/300/450 bonus armor.

Metla Weaponry: Retrofited Weaponry will now grant the structure 350/500 bonus damage, and splash damage. The bonus damage will be done over 5 seconds.

Manipulative Master: Enemy structures will deal 35/50% less damage to T.A, and he will deal 35/50% more damage to them.

Improved Repairs: Repair will now grant 300/650 bonus armor to structures, and will heal 500/1000 health instantly.

 So here the Architect is! He is very unique, and would be a nice change. He can maintain your defenses, and devastate the enemies'. He is not OP because he is very weak against Demigods, and is made to take down or maintain defenses. I would love to play as him. He is my last Demigod idea, and i am now going to start my Citadel Upgrades section.






+11 Karma | 11 Replies
November 13, 2009 1:41:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I like where your idea's are going, but ummm, Gale forces, take 880 mana at level 3, and is an Instant cast with No cooldown, now, I am not the sharpest tool in the crayon box (Right?) but that seems like damage limited only by your mana, which is pretty OP, i mean, instant teleport to enemy taking your flag, and pop a BotS and instant kill them...Or did noone else catch this, lol


EDIT: Oh, and to cover my bases with the knockback of the ability, hit them into a wall, and just rape them...they don't stand a chance, unless they can kill me as fast as i can click you, OH, and if i see yoru almost killing me, i use my shield, and now when you get that down enough, your stunned for .8 seconds, and waiting for more rape, OH, and seeing as my teleport is now off cooldown again, and your STILL not dead, i will tele away, and my friend erebus, reg, anyone really, will finish you off...^^

November 13, 2009 2:01:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting DaBRUM,

EDIT: Oh, and to cover my bases with the knockback of the ability, hit them into a wall, and just rape them...they don't stand a chance, unless they can kill me as fast as i can click you, OH, and if i see yoru almost killing me, i use my shield, and now when you get that down enough, your stunned for .8 seconds, and waiting for more rape, OH, and seeing as my teleport is now off cooldown again, and your STILL not dead, i will tele away, and my friend erebus, reg, anyone really, will finish you off...^^

Because you cant catch me because my movement speed is ridiciously high but if I get ambushed Im screwed because my Hp and Armour is laughable

November 13, 2009 8:38:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yeah thanks alot guys! No really im not joking, thanks for feedback, helps alot! So i realize he is op, so i will really debuff G.F. But the point of that spell is to keep enemies at bay, but you are correct, as i could just spam it and knock enemies into my towers early game, and boom instakill! I'll give it a respectable CD and CT and really debuff its damage and increase mana cost. Also i'll make the sheild only knock enemies back, dealing no damage, an can't be cast on the A.M. Also ill make Short cut much more reasonable, making it super expensive, and super short range. But thanks guys, and i mean it! Karma for you!

November 13, 2009 10:01:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

things that are edited

things that are added/replaced


Air Master Nimbus

Description: Tired of always dieing? Tired of Mobility issues? This dude is your answer. Using the vast powers of the Ariel Elements, this Demigod presents a force to be reckoned with. He is highly mobile, and a super Oak, with insane protection abilities. While lacking defenses himself, and damage, don't set him aside as just a weakling. He could easily spell your doom. But if you don't use this figure correctly, you could spell your own doom too.

Appearence: Ok, imagine a cloud, medium sized, in between rook and UB, grey with a tint of blue, and some white. Now imagine and old man's face on the cloud, he has a beard. How you would pick Zeus, but with a rounder face, his body, the cloud, has a bit out a humane figure, not very reconsiable though. no feet, hands that dissipate as he walks (glides really)




AS:.56 seconds

Damage:70-100 Melee


Play Style: Using his amazing mobilities and protection powers, you can have possibly the most effective advantage in any game: Control. You can keep your allies sheiled and knock enemies back all the while, or even ninja flags. You may not be a direct threat, but you are still very deadly on the battlefeild. He does, however, lack in many areas, and that is not damage. Although on the outside, his damage numbers are small, he dishes them out very fast and in large qauntities. No, he can be very offensive, his weakness is the fact that he is so easily killed. He is even a tick compared to Reg, and he drains mana fast, meaning, he can't stay long.

Strenghts: Highly Mobile, Many Defensive abilities

Weaknesses: Fragile, Mana Dependant

Abilities (Active)

World of Air Cumulus Formation: 350/550/750 mana, .3 sec CT, 6 sec CD, The Air master Nimbus Manipulates the forces of air around himself, creating a sheild of air and applying to target ally (can even be buildings). This sheild can absorb up to 100/350/580 damage, and lasts 5/10/15 seconds. Once it is destroyed or runs out, all nearby eneimies in a 360 degree arc will take up to 150/350/600 damage, and be stunned for .3/.5/.8 seconds. The radius of effect grows with each level.

Gale Forces Whirlwind: 250/550/880 mana, .3/.1/instant CT, 5/3/no cooldown, Short range, Deals 150/350/600 damage to target enemy, knocking them back 1/3/5 feet. Smaller units will take half damage and be thrown back farther.

Ariel Transport Airborne: 450/600/900 mana, instant CT, 8 sec CD, The Air Master Nimbus teleports to a nearby area, dealing 100/250/400 damage in a 360 arc to all nearby enemies, and knocking them back 5 feet.

Deadly Forces Gale of Skies: 100/350/650 mana, .5/.3/.1 CT, 3 sec CD, The Air Master Nimbus invokes the wrath of the air spirits on target enemy, causing 350/450/550 damage over 15/10/5 seconds, and slowing their move speed by 5/10/25% for 5 seconds.


Universe of Air Cumulus Foundation: Now W.o.A. Cumulus Formation sheild will increase allies' MS/AS by 15/30%.

Epic Impact Cyclone: Gale Forces Whirldwind will now deal a small/meduim/large aoe and will reduce armor by 100/250/330.

Short Cut Aird Drafts: If a flag is present at target location, you may teleport there instantly, despite the distance, but it will cost you 300/500 extra mana. Adds an extra effect to Airborne. You are able to travel/teleport to an

Super Deadly Forces Monsoon: D.F will deal an additional 350/500 damage and will reduce MS by an addtitional 1% per 100/50 points of damage taken.



*****There you go buddy! All I changed was the names and such, hope you like it, if not, it's understandable! I can come up with a story too, if you'd like  

I know you may have messed up on the numbers, but I also know that you can fix the quite easily! so no worries! I LOVED IT!!! As soon as you fix the numbers, let me know, and I will get my rubic out and score you!!!

November 14, 2009 1:43:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol, thanks nova! And i really like your names for the abilities, but i pictured him much diffrently in apperance. And, if you don't know, im the story master 'round here, im just going to do it a little later. I'll have my thoughts on his appearance soon, and it may be a few more days of waiten before you need that grade on me

November 14, 2009 6:34:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The Air Master does need some tweaking by the looks of things

And after reading the start of Kajiin seems like the fact he can spam a heal and other attacks isnt looking good for you

November 14, 2009 12:43:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, i was reall tired last night when i started Kajiin. He does need a lot of tweaking, but i have pretty easy solutions to that. I'll finish up Kajiin, and i reworked Nimbus alot. Now, he has almost no real direct damage skills, like oak! But yes, Kajiin really needs to be reworked, as you could just spam healz.

November 15, 2009 2:05:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Here the Titan is! And now i have the Architect, soon i will start my Citadel upgrades section, so get ready!

November 18, 2009 4:34:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have a feeling that Architect will be added to the game, no matter the lenght of time. you should smooth his edges! put more detail in him!

November 18, 2009 5:15:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not sure for the Architect, I don't think there supposed to be missile turrets.nanomites etc in this game, believability no more. How about something more closer to the theme?


I much prefer the Unholy, possessing bodies and all. But would that mean he have to take over a powerful minion (the giants), before who could face ANY other demigods?.......

December 2, 2009 8:18:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting DrRabbito1,
Not sure for the Architect, I don't think there supposed to be missile turrets.nanomites etc in this game, believability no more. How about something more closer to the theme?


I much prefer the Unholy, possessing bodies and all. But would that mean he have to take over a powerful minion (the giants), before who could face ANY other demigods?.......

The architect needs to go back to the middle ages, sure, but UB has been the first one to bring forth the idea of a demi that focuses on structures primarily! Worth something...

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