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The Great Demigod Debate! (so who really is the best Demigod?)

Who is you fav?

By on November 10, 2009 12:08:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums External Link


Join Date 07/2009

So i was thinking, who is the best Demigod? I realize that they all have their own strategies and advantages, but who is your fave, and why? Let out some strategies and suggestions for the game. Post you demigod ideas here if you want me check them out even! I'll have all sorts of issues brought up, and all you have to do is... DEBATE DAMNIT! simple as that. 

Day 1 Debate: Who is your fave DG, and why? List some strategies! Here are my top 3

1. Oak (Insane Damage potential)

2.Rook(Seige badass)

3.Erebus(Really? Must i tell you? He's got damn ninja potential!)

Get to postin!

Day 2 Debate: What else could Demigod use? Give item, upgrades and ect. ideas plz.

Here are min for items

We should have a new section in the shop for weapons, and gloves should give attack speed only or primarily. Here are some glove ideas i have, and some great weapons too!

Blood-Curse Devastators: 1600 gold, Gloves, Grants 25% attack speed and Chance to reduce target's armor by 600 on hit (20%)

Reptile Skin Grapplers: 800 gold, gives 5% attack speed and 150 armor.

Dreadlord's Gloves: 4800 gold, gives 305 attack speed, +3% damage and your attacks will destroy 50 armor for 5 seconds.

King's Axe: 1,200 gold, Weapon, Gives + 50 damage, 15% to preform a cleaving attack.

Butcher's Cleavers: 600 gold, gives + 35 damage, +3% attack speed and 1% life steal.

Druid-Shaman Bow: 400 gold, +5 attack range, +50 damage, 5% life steal, +5 HPS

So there are my equp ideas! I also think we should have favor idols, and more cit upgrades. Remember to post your ideas here! 

Day 3 Subject: What Demigods would you guys like to see most in game? Of course, me being he creative yet boring sort, i would elect these three

Kajiin: Hes my Demigod idea Hes also really fuckin awsome

LoF(Lord of Fungus) : Hes mine once again, but he rocks!

3rd one is pending






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November 10, 2009 12:21:23 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Unless you want to divide this up specific situations, im fairly shure it will begin and end with erebus on who is the best demigod.

UB (in UB/Oak teams) could also be considered the best.

And you cant really debate people's fave DG, because i dont think people will come out saying "even though you said it was i dont think thats your fave DG".

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November 10, 2009 12:36:23 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Some people really need to do their homework on the op Queen of Thorns build floating around.  but you didn't hear it from me.

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November 10, 2009 12:45:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol ty

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November 10, 2009 4:27:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

All Demigods are awesome if you use them right. For me my faves in order and strategies used: 

1. Queen of Thorns - takes a fair amount of skill and micromanagement to play. Doesn't have disrupt or stun abilities which makes for the player making up for it by using her skills right. Works extremely well as an all out minion attacker plus defensive (specially higher levels) or as a full offensive, ignoring minions completely, because of the levelling advantage you'll have over enemy players, though may be outmatched when other demigods catch up level wise. As an all out minion simply max out shamblers, entourage, thorns shield, compost, attribute points and buy strongest idols + get tribute the minute its available (yes surprisingly I do not use mulch which will make some people scratch their heads =P ). Oh and don't open the flower. You won't have abilities that need it to be open. This works surprisingly well; you'll level up quite quickly and are capable of mulching (ignore the pun) enemies even when next to their health crystal (trust me maxed out shamblers make giants look tame =P ). As full offensive you won't quite be as powerful but you will have excellent siege capability, some nifty damage effects and lay waste to large clusters of creeps (and hence level up faster). Max out ground spikes, spike wave, thorns shield, compost, and uproot (violent siege and goddess of thorns the minute their available). You will be quite devestating in the early goings and, while you will eventually be underpowered in the high levels unless you get good items, you will still give enemy demigods a run for their money. Not to mention the fact that you can clear lanes and bring down towers quickly. She has potential and people don't give her enough credit (or are too lazy to play her properly)

2. Torch Bearer - Lots of fun, stay on the move, works excellently when teamed with a melee and makes up for lower hit points with high damage. Full fire if your going all out offensive, full ice if you want to pick apart enemies at leisure, and mix em up if you are feeling lucky =P Fireball is excellent if enemies allow themselves to drop to the exact amount of damage the fire ball does, which instantly means one hit kill. Fire nova and ring are good for speeding up process. With ice, simply nova, rain it down and then hit deep freeze before picking them off at your leisure. If you do want to mix it, max out Fire ball and deep freeze to get the ultimate passive, max out fire aura and then finish up with rain of ice. If choosing to go single discipline, get attributes once all abilities of ice or fire are maxed.  

 3. Sedna - My third and final fave. The other demigods I'm neutral to or just plain dislike =S Sedna surprisingly enough works very well as an all out minion user (Yeti's, strongest Idols, passive abilities and attribute points) but it can be a slow build and has to be a high level for best effect (Yeti's maxed out CRUSH everything, second only to maxed out shamblers) but her best, in my opinion, is a full offensive, plus healer. Ignore the yetis and max out pounce (to periodically eat enemies and put the 'DENIED' on people who try running or teleporting', all her passives and all her healing, leaving at least 1 skill point (if level twenty) to use on yeti's or silence. Works especially well if enemy players allow themselves to drop to the exact hp of your pounce attack which means instant kill. And with the maxed out passives and healing, you will always outlast opponent unless gangked or they have good items.   


Please note: Not saying these strategies are infallible. I've only played on lan and have had my fair share of asswhoopings. Its just these strategies have always helped me win 90% of the time =P Also, forgive me if I went WAY TOO OVER THE TOP on detail but I was merely responding to Unclean Beast's question of whose your fav and why and so I delivered =P (plus I'm horribly bored). If you want I'll also say why I dislike, or don't really mind, but don't use the other demigods but that'll only be if you want me to. Cause I talk way too much =P 

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November 10, 2009 7:07:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

u would never guess my no.1 fav demi.......

1. Erebus - he was my very last demigod to play in the and has turned out to be my favourite. I love to play as an offensive support to fully fledged offense character like UB and even Oak, and thats why i choose erebus. His snaring capabilities and health gain on hit through bite make him a tougher character to beat allowing you to assist an ally for that lil longer. He excels in nearly every tactical aspect of the game (removal of debuffs, stun locking, snaring, fleeing/party flee, quick assault etc). Even though he fits so many purposes i do not find him OP watsoever. MANY ppl argue this, but im strongly against "erebus is OP".

He has these fantastic abilities, but he lacks dps. Meaning he needs an assistant to make up for his lack of power.

His skills are very mana heavy and require a lot of money to buy equips to counter this mass mana loss.  That being said, he is very skill dependant. minimal skill usage makes him a very weak and unthreatening opponent (which i see a lot in ereb minion builds). Dont get me wrong, theres a lot of dps in minion builds BUT they are VERY avoidable and so easy to counter.

2. Oak - as i said, i love a support character. And what great support oak is. Allows for fast ally pushing, adequate dps, and dmg enhancing (dont forget the nice snare in penitence also). I find 'cloak of the night' favor item is very powerful tool when it comes to oaks capabilities.
Having a little trouble fleeing? Surge of faith and cloak out of there. oh wait! shield it up and port!!!
Falling behind a fleeing enemy? penitence, cloak and universal gadget. gotta love the burst 800 dmg and enhanced dmg for uni gadget.
You and an ally falling behind an fleeing enemy? cloak in front, surge, and pen target. (positioning and timing is required though but its not hard to achieve. you just gotta cater for the ccast time of surge.)

what im trying to get at is that cloak gives oak a lot of versatility. It just works ^^

3. UB - only coz every once in a while i feel the need to punish. Hybrid build ftw, enough said.



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November 10, 2009 11:55:44 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting nzac,
Unless you want to divide this up specific situations, im fairly shure it will begin and end with erebus on who is the best demigod.

UB (in UB/Oak teams) could also be considered the best.

And you cant really debate people's fave DG, because i dont think people will come out saying "even though you said it was i dont think thats your fave DG".
what happen to sedna/ub team being the best?

Two words and one article Queen of Thorns

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November 10, 2009 12:44:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I played Erebus for the first time yesterday. I went 3-1 against pros having no clue how to play him. He's super friggin easy and powerful.

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November 10, 2009 2:25:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I like assassin Oak, I love to spam penitence at people until they run away, or get caught slowed and then SoF to finish the job. I also like penitence at a last hit killer move, hiding behind my UB partner and waiting for the moment. My Oak Build relies heavily on Mana items, only 2 armor and hp items (+ BotF).

Also, shield 3 is just abuse when it comes to portal locking, nothing can stop you for 6 sec. The best skill in game imo if properly used.

Erebus is also one of my fav, like Epiphenomenon said, hard to go wrong with that guy. Love to use mist to dodge pretty much all burst skill damage, debuffs and mess up with the targeting.

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November 10, 2009 9:21:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Alright kool, thanks for postin peeps! As you can see oak and ere are the faves of many people. Oak for me, and why hes my absolute fave, is simple. Like izuz said, he is a badass assassin if used correctly. Although his damage output may seem insignifigant (only 200 dmg for 1st pentinance?) you must take into account all of his possabilities. His defensive can be used offensivelly. For my build, i get spirits first, and plant a ton of wards. This'll give me my 3 spirits fast, then i generally get his spirit weapon skill (gives him bonus damage depending on how many spirits he has). At the first spirit weapon, each spirit gives around 6 bonus damage. With 3 spirits, plus the first gloves (+25 dmg) that right there is already 43 bonus damage. Thats in the 200's for base damage already, and oak has a fast attack speed. By third level i get penitnance, and the ownage begins....

For Rook, i have several fun builds i like to use. For my primary, i would get ST (transferance) and get boots of speed + mve speed favor item. Thats 25% bonus to his move speed at beggining, so he is no longer slow, making his largest weakness go away The i beggin to work them damn towers. Once i lvl, i get pwer of twer, and build some around towers, and drain them. In around 10 min i'll break through def and rape their cit.

Erebus, i just like to use minion builds. I just like the simplicity of it all. You can get tons of bonus dps fast, and it really helps with working towers.

Thanks all for postin

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November 11, 2009 6:31:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I`m not a good player but my fav demigod by far is The Rook . Its a shame i get so easily killed when i play hammer slam build .

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November 11, 2009 2:17:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I love rook, and i can show you how to play well with his hammer slam build. Just get the move speed favor item, and boots of speed at begging of game, then get HS. You'll be able to easily catch up to enemies, and just lure them to you. Once you get boulder roll, you got the game:)

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November 11, 2009 3:01:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Since everyone is going 100% I guess I will to, and without a doubt if you don’t know by now my favorite and who I think is best is queen of thorns. My most concentrated skills are bramble shield and thorns and in the hands of a true QoT user your tam will become your opponent’s worst nightmare. I take advantage of being considered “The weakest link” and never go aggressive unless I know I can kill the opponent or set them up to be killed. My main concern is a balance between my teammate’s survival rate and my building destruction rate. I am at my best when I am in a team that actually communicates and we set out a game plan on how we going to do this. I even get kills without even noticing, half my kills I be thinking are assist unless I was actually going for a kill.

I usually have between 0 – 2 deaths in most my games, and with QoT I usually jump between 2 favor items blood of the fallen and swift anklets.


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