I'll put it simply. As much as I like the game, I can understand why people would rage over the multiplayer connection issues and other assorted problems when they are paying 40-50$ for the experience..
It seems pretty noticeable that many people take up the game whenever there is a sale, even if they only hang around for a bit.Yet if they pay 20$ for it, they are much less likely to post a "quitting Demigod/joining HON/likethegamebutfrustrated" post.
It also seems pretty obvious that if people have left DG for something similar, they have normally moved onto a variant of either HON or LOL which is easy to do, due to the whole "free" beta concept.
Demigod should be capitalizing on the impulse whims of gamers, that will buy something to check it out, if the price is low enough.
Suggestion. (hopefully discussion promoting)
Dota allstars was/is quite popular for game that only had 1 map. People are quite willing to take up/try out a game if free or very cheap. Demigod needs more players, so when pared with a hopefully one day fixed stats tracking system, a ladder and auto matching will work properly. Demigod is ultimately visually stunning and quite fun to play. These idea all of course apply to the downloadable game.
- Allow the demo users to play with others online, but rename the demo to something like demigod lite, trial version etc. If i remember correctly, they have 4 dg's and just cataract yes? Allows for a boost in population, for what is probably the most popular game scenario.
- Post replays of games, advertise madly over impulse, set up a official cash tournament hosted on Stardockservers/viewable live, market/get the word out etc Hopefully after 1.2 comes out and fixes a few things and/or the new DGs come out.
- Charge 10$ for these users to upgrade to all the DGs and maps and singleplayer/pantheon/laddders/matchmaking etc
- Charge 10$ extra for premium content upgrades that grants the new demigods/content to be released.
It costs the same as someone with a 20$ coupon to get the whole game, but allows for people to get in on the game for free to try it out/want more.