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Can someone explain the online numbers on the opengames.asp?

By on October 31, 2009 11:25:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I can't figure out how, for example, right now, there are 2,405 players online in Demigod right now.  When I add up the figures on the opengames.asp page... ( here's what I get...


Open Games:

10 total players sitting in lobbies at the moment

Games In Progres:

109 total players in games.

That's a grand total of 119 players currently online either sitting in a lobby or playing a game.  I mean, that's how I spend about 99% of my time in Demigod...

How exactly are they coming to the number 2,405 players online in Demigod, when there are 119 active.  Are they fudging the numbers?  Are there really that many people sitting afk in game?  Is there login/logout count buggy?  What do you think?

+1 Karma | 35 Replies
November 4, 2009 7:54:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i think online play in this game offers WAY more than it has to with single player. They are exactly the same thing only online u dont vs stupid AI.

of course, if the game is being bought then i guess its a job well done but, id like to think the game would continue to be played just because it is a fun game. only i just dont see this with the current figures. lets just hope the new demis bring back all the players that have left.

November 4, 2009 9:05:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Considering the type of people who initially purchased Demigod, namely the ADD Red cordial drinking DotA Crowd, I'm not surprised to see such a decline in the numbers of people online.

November 5, 2009 12:00:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting gkrit,
i think online play in this game offers WAY more than it has to with single player. They are exactly the same thing only online u dont vs stupid AI.

You must not play Pantheon. 

November 5, 2009 1:30:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting gkrit,
to me 1000+ memenbers isnt that high at all for online. yeh ppl may be playing single player in this game but theres only so much you can do in single player, thats y i turned to multiplayer.

rlly, is 1000+ members online something to be proud of? im not trying to be offensive here but i no if i made a game and its main purpose was online play and only 1000+ players are on at any one time, id think of it as a bit of a disappointment.


It's not 1000+ playing online at any one time, it's 100-200 playing online at any one time.  That's 5-10x the dissapointment lol.

November 5, 2009 1:32:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Frogboy,

And no offense, given your track record on buggy stats, connections, etc... I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that something is bugged with the players online count according to your description as well.
Then why did you ask and waste people's time if you had already decided you wouldn't accept the answer?



I just didn't buy your answer, I would've bought a more reasonable sounding one.  The answer about it counting people playing single player as well makes a bit more sense, but that answer would still be a bit boggling as to why there are 15x the amount of people playing single player over multiplayer in a game that was meant to be multiplayer.  I mean, single player is quite entertaining stomping AI, so this could be the answer.

November 5, 2009 7:06:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So you want him to explain to you the thinking of an entire group of people to whom he's not connected in any way, and any attempts to inform you that he simply doesn't know why people play the single player component in a multiplayer centric game more so than the multiplayer component is a lie or a piece of a larger corporate conspiracy? Please remove your head from your ass because your muffled nonsense is becoming annoying.

Looking at the factors involved, there are several likely reasons that explain this behavioural pattern; the most probable is they simply don't like playing online with other people but enjoy the game - and judging from some of the people I've seen playing this game and trolling these forums, it's hard to argue with them.

November 5, 2009 9:29:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ZehDon,
So you want him to explain to you the thinking of an entire group of people to whom he's not connected in any way, and any attempts to inform you that he simply doesn't know why people play the single player component in a multiplayer centric game more so than the multiplayer component is a lie or a piece of a larger corporate conspiracy? Please remove your head from your ass because your muffled nonsense is becoming annoying.

Looking at the factors involved, there are several likely reasons that explain this behavioural pattern; the most probable is they simply don't like playing online with other people but enjoy the game - and judging from some of the people I've seen playing this game and trolling these forums, it's hard to argue with them.


Not quiet what he was talking about - rather the fact that the # of people online rarely falls below 1000 yet there only a handful of game being played. Personally, I'm more incline to believe the person with the numbers in front of him and understanding to make sure thier right. It could just be the number of people taking an extra long shit while waiting in the lobby because thats about as good of a reason as we have.

November 6, 2009 12:38:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm amazed sometimes at people who think their perspective on gaming is the only valid one...

Yes, shocking I know, but most people play games singleplayer only.  Even in a game like DG, if it has a SP mode, it's going to see more use.  LAN play should also not be ruled out.  Quite a few gamers view DG as the ultimate lan game, it runs very smooth with 0 latency and it's quick to pick up the basics.

I also wonder how many others are like me, not playing much lately, waiting for the new DG's and 1.2 goodness before we jump back in.


November 6, 2009 1:46:44 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ZehDon,
So you want him to explain to you the thinking of an entire group of people to whom he's not connected in any way, and any attempts to inform you that he simply doesn't know why people play the single player component in a multiplayer centric game more so than the multiplayer component is a lie or a piece of a larger corporate conspiracy? Please remove your head from your ass because your muffled nonsense is becoming annoying.

Looking at the factors involved, there are several likely reasons that explain this behavioural pattern; the most probable is they simply don't like playing online with other people but enjoy the game - and judging from some of the people I've seen playing this game and trolling these forums, it's hard to argue with them.


douche factor 11.

November 6, 2009 2:50:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Purgespam,
douche factor 11.

Excellent rebuttle.

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